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China warns India against oil exploration in South China Sea.

My childish instinct takes over when I see a child defaming the nation which fed me for years. I am contributing where I can and I am enjoying where I must. You take me for granted, I am in no way different from you all... Just a farmer as I am now.

As a person who has served my country militarily u (an army man) have the respect of whole nation, so i feel that u of all should not be answering to such childish persons. Sorry if i crossed the line.
We need time, cause our opponent is USA.

we have to face pressure from all over the world, especially from the west. They want to destroy our economy through waging trade war, no way! Althouhg we are lonely giant in the world, but who cares.
China economy is in big trouble now, your oil price just rose up 7%, so if China dare to wage a war in SCS(east sea), your oil price will rocket to 100 % and it will make China's economy totaly collapse :wave:
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China’s fuel price rise biggest for almost three years

China will raise retail gasoline and diesel prices by 6-7 per cent from Tuesday, marking the biggest increase in 33 months – a decision that will help refiners to reduce heavy losses but one that is unlikely to affect demand in a big way.

Retail ceiling prices will rise 600 yuan ($95) per tonne, oil company officials who received official notice of the change said. After the increase, benchmark diesel will be about $1.22 per litre and 90-octane gasoline $1.17.

Though the timing of the increase, the second in slightly more than five weeks, was anticipated due to a rise in global crude prices, the range of the rise was bigger than expected.

. . .

@china's warning.

Google Images


They will like this better. They trade in the China humiliation stuff and make money. Many sleep with these under the pillow.

China economy is in big trouble now, your oil price just rose up 7%, so if China dare to wage a war in SCS(east sea), your oil price will rocket to 100 % and it will make China's economy totaly collapse :wave:
Yawn..... why would our oil price skyrocket? China has oil fields. We have strategic oil reserves. We can drill in South China Sea after clearing enemies. The oil in the South China Sea can power our nation for decades.

Hanoi, unfortunately, will be rubble within the first few days of the war from 300 km range PLA rocket artillery launched from within our own borders.

Rocket barrage on Hanoi

This how Vietnam - India responded back to China after her issued out a lot of "warns"

Deputy PM receives Indian ambassador - Politics & Laws - VietNam News
LOL Vietnam said you were going to start drilling in January. It's already March and nothing is done except China opening fire on Vietnam ships and taking 21 Vietnamese hostage.

They will like this better. They trade in the China humiliation stuff and make money. Many sleep with these under the pillow.
LOL I've never seen those in real life, probably fake. But Pakistan has Ghauri missiles!

Ghauri (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One writer notes that "Mohammad Ghori needed a large number of slaves for his campaigns in India and for administration in and outside India. During his time, Lahore and Delhi rose to be prime centres of slave trade and the Sultan used to purchase slaves in bulk."

Soon they'll have Timur and Hindu Kush missiles too :P
Yawn..... why would our oil price skyrocket? China has oil fields. We have strategic oil reserves. We can drill in South China Sea after clearing enemies. The oil in the South China Sea can power our nation for decades.

Hanoi, unfortunately, will be rubble within the first few days of the war from 300 km range PLA rocket artillery launched from within our own borders.

Rocket barrage on Hanoi

LOL Vietnam said you were going to start drilling in January. It's already March and nothing is done except China opening fire on Vietnam ships and taking 21 Vietnamese hostage.

LOL I've never seen those in real life, probably fake. But Pakistan has Ghauri missiles!

Ghauri (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One writer notes that "Mohammad Ghori needed a large number of slaves for his campaigns in India and for administration in and outside India. During his time, Lahore and Delhi rose to be prime centres of slave trade and the Sultan used to purchase slaves in bulk."

Soon they'll have Timur and Hindu Kush missiles too :P

Same re-attack shall be done on enemy's provocations. We will drill oil on EZZ of Vietnam as recognized by UNCLOS.:smokin:


Same re-attack shall be done on enemy's provocations. We will drill oil on EZZ of Vietnam as recognized by UNCLOS.:smokin:
LOL your Soviet-era missiles are going to save you from China? China already recon'ed all your offshore platforms and declared them illegal. Taiwan surrendered last week and soon we'll be deploying PLAAF on Taiping Island! http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/167795-battle-offshore-platforms-coming.html


People's Daily Issues Most Severe Warning to Vietnam

分析称越南在南海触碰中国底线 系转嫁国内危机








越南是中国的邻邦,与中国同属社会主义国家。两国应继续坚持“长期稳定、面向未来、睦邻友好、全面合作”的方针和“好邻居、好朋友、好同志、好伙伴”的精神,推动中越全面战略合作伙伴关系长期健康稳定发展。希望越南能重新审时度势,不要再玩火了。(任彦 作者系人民日报国际部亚太组组长)

Yawn..... why would our oil price skyrocket? China has oil fields. We have strategic oil reserves. We can drill in South China Sea after clearing enemies. The oil in the South China Sea can power our nation for decades.

Hanoi, unfortunately, will be rubble within the first few days of the war from 300 km range PLA rocket artillery launched from within our own borders.
Bcz we will sink all of your oil-ship passing by SCS(east sea), then China won't get any oil from Middle east, so , China's economy will collapse badly :p

And unfortunately, Ha Noi is built by China's money. so just destroy it, we will count to your loan, and of course all of China province within 1,000 km(Guang dong, Hai nan, Hong Kong, Macau etc) will be completely destroyed by our Scud-d misssile, but we won pay you a single cent for your damage :P
Bcz we will sink all of your oil-ship passing by SCS(east sea), then China won't get any oil from Middle east, so , China's economy will collapse badly :p

And unfortunately, Ha Noi is built by China's money. so just destroy it, we will count to your loan, and of course all of China province within 1,000 km(Guang dong, Hai nan, Hong Kong, Macau etc) will be completely destroyed by our Scud-d misssile, but we won pay you a single cent for your damage :P
LOL at Soviet era Scud missiles. Let's just put it this way: even if you get incredibly lucky, for every blade of grass you harm in China, we will extract as compensation one pretty Vietnamese girl for marriage. :azn:
LOL at Soviet era Scud missiles. Let's just put it this way: even if you get incredibly lucky, for every blade of grass you harm in China, we will extract as compensation one pretty Vietnamese girl for marriage. :azn:

lol that made me laugh - china indeed has some horny men
Whats going on? China is on a warning spree, warning the Aliens, basically warning everyone, you know what they say "Empty vessels make the most noise". :blah:
Whats going on? China is on a warning spree, warning the Aliens, basically warning everyone, you know what they say "Empty vessels make the most noise". :blah:

LOL Empty vessel doesn't make noise at all. It is the half empty one make boozuka noise.

Alright guys, make it civil, no personal attacks. We all brothers.
LOL at Soviet era Scud missiles. Let's just put it this way: even if you get incredibly lucky, for every blade of grass you harm in China, we will extract as compensation one pretty Vietnamese girl for marriage. :azn:

People's Daily Issues Most Severe Warning to Vietnam

分析称越南在南海触碰中国底线 系转嫁国内危机

中国外交部发言人3月22日在例行记者会上表示,中方有关部门本月4日依法查处进入西沙群岛内水非法作业的 21名越南渔民。中方要求越方采取有效措施,加强对本国渔民的教育和管理,停止非法侵渔活动。

越南不仅不听劝阻,还筹划采取进一步行动。越南外交部发言人21日晚要求中方立刻无条件释放被扣押的越南渔 民,并表示不会支付中方所要求的7万元人民币罚款。22日,越南农业部长还提议,越南应该组建一支“渔业监 测部队”,监管南海和其他海域的渔船。

中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。然而一段时间以来,越南不断侵占我南海领土,并进行掠夺性 资源开发。据统计,越南一共侵占了中国南海29个岛屿和珊瑚礁。出于维护亚洲安定团结的考虑,中国希望越南 也能从大局出发,及时收手,适可而止。但中国的善意并没有换得越南对侵占行为的约束,反而是在错误的道路上 越走越远。此次中国依法查处进入西沙群岛内水非法作业的21名越南渔民,实是正当执法行为。

那么,是什么让越南如此肆无忌惮,多次触碰中国的底线呢?原因之一是源于其一贯的扩张政策。如今的越南崛起 于红河三角洲的核心地带,之后不断向南扩张,史称“南进运动”。历史不可复制,却被不断重新演绎。越南在南 海步步推进,扩张性应该是其动力源泉之一。

原因之二是机会主义思想作祟。越南认为,在美国高调介入南海争端之后,力量的对比对越方有利,不管越方在南 海问题上走多远,中国都不会真正还手。同时在南海问题上争当急先锋,挑起事端激化矛盾,也可以博得美国的好 感,获得美国的经济和技术援助,为未来与中国叫板铺平道路。

原因之三是转嫁国内危机。2012年越南经济危机四伏,其中最严重者当属居高不下的通货膨胀。在南海问题上 采取攻势可以激发民族主义情绪,从而转移民众对政府的不满。

一国的边界都是由历史和法理决定的,面积大的国家不能因为其大而吞并面积小的国家,面积小的国家也不能因为 其小而僭越面积大的国家。中国的快速发展虽然遭到一些传统大国的遏制和围堵,但历史必将证明,对形势的错判 会让一国沦为大国博弈中的“蝙蝠”,最终陷入左右不是的尴尬境地。

越南是中国的邻邦,与中国同属社会主义国家。两国应继续坚持“长期稳定、面向未来、睦邻友好、全面合作”的 方针和“好邻居、好朋友、好同志、好伙伴”的精神,推动中越全面战略合作伙伴关系长期健康稳定发展。希望越 南能重新审时度势,不要再玩火了。(任彦 作者系人民日报国际部亚太组组长)

low educated, don't has any more aggressive threat or bullying.:smokin:
In case of an Indo-Chinese or Vietnam-Chinese war, all that need to be done is a couple of Indian Navy Ships and Submarines in the Strait of Malacca to choke China of Oil and an Indian CBG in the Andamans just in case a chinese ship decides to sneak in. You will see the chinese run back with their tail between their legs the next morning.

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