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China wants military base in Pakistan

first americans now chinese :) , these so called allies of pakistan are determined to increase sovereignty of pakistan , gud luck with your gwadar, .
within a decade ,common pakistani people wont be allowed even to enter in such places, pakistan is reaching a point where it will be used by china the way it is doing in africa ,
once the chinese enter ,they start grabbing ur resources,at their own terms and conditions and very low prices,
check out what they are doing in africa, how the africans want to get rid of them,they are worse than brits,. it will be better for pakistan not to indulge too much with them
gas reserves in pakistan may be their next target.

There is nation first lick Russan's @ss and then turn to US, and now he is licking both Russan and US....

check out what they are doing in africa, how the africans want to get rid of them,they are worse than brits,. it will be better for pakistan not to indulge too much with them
gas reserves in pakistan may be their next target.

You should check what your US master and white people did in Africa.
do you not think that if the chinese presence in pakistan led to gwadar coming into fruition it could immensely benefit both nations and increase their standing in the world?

Gwadar will be one of many Pak's business cards whether we are there or not. :azn:
LOL...calm down people. It always seems to come down to trading insults sooner rather than later. None of us here have much control over policy decisions - so why engage in chest thumping nationalism? Much is wrong with all our countries. The least we can do is be civil to one another.
I think this is propaganda from Indian side to 'preempt' any such move by China.
I think this is propaganda from Indian side to 'preempt' any such move by China.
Why it takes you sooooo long to find out the black hand?

Seriously there is no possibility for China to run a naval base in Gwadar before the coming out of our real Air Crafts Carriers——but that won't take too long.
Well, the real target is China-Pak military & defense relationship. They want to disturb these ties to further isolate Pak & China.
so we feel proud to be chines.:partay: but what abut you then your whole border with china.:lol: tera kya ho ga kalya.:P

wow great u r realy great pakistani [ i think wo jo aapke watan par shaheed hue hai wo aap par fakra karegen]

btw kaliya ka to jo hoga wo hoga pahle aap ka kya hoga my dear proud chines .. to be!:chilli:
Oh here we go...........the pathetic Indian rant again ...trying to play the British "divide and rule" policy here on this forum.

taimikhan has also deleted a couple of my threads, which I am not too pleased with, but hey, he is the mod doing his bit here, and coming to think of it his decision was right to delete my threads also, hence respect to Taimikhan for talking some action here otherwise things would be out of hand

China wants a military base in Pakistan...but does Pakistan want a Chinese military base? Perhaps GoP thinks not yet, but Pakistan also includes the people, and to be truthfully honest with you...a rabid world power crazed Communist would look like a guardian angel to a Pakistani especially at this time.

China thinks wisely.

If this Times of India article is to be taken seriously. It could be true, their intelligence dedicates more time on China than Pakistan since the two are mostly tied in military relations.
don't you guys recognize a times of India troll when you see one? if this was a real story it would have been picked up by other major news organizations. That said I think it is a great idea for Pakistan to get real chummy with China. It would save the U.S. a lot of money. if the news story isn't true maybe Pakistan should openly approach China to make it happen. :usflag:
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my first post in this forum.

China is set to gain a lot if this is true as the best possible way to project its power is by setting up a few bases. But will this help Pakistan is the big question ...

Short term, this will rattle the Indian establishment and India will start spending even more money on 'Star war' technology. This will divert a large amount of funds that could be used for programs such as primary education, rural employment schemes, etc. It will generate revenue for Israel, Russia and US. India may also get advanced technology as the US would like to contain China's growing influence.

In +ve terms, South Asia will become stable as communication channels between China and India will always remain open unlike India and Pakistan ensuring that a limited conflict does not escalate in to a nuclear flash point. This could also bring an infusion of security in Pakistan as containing the internal extremism is important.

Longer term, India will move even closer to US and gain a foothold in Washington. This may result in Pakistan losing favour and may lose an important trade partner. It is important here to note that China cannot play the role of US economically.
China is an export oriented economy and its internal apatite to consume Pakistan produce is limited. Pakistan economy is dependent on US irrespective of WoT.

Therefore, such a development is a mixed bag and what may eventually happen depends on a lot of factors that are hard to predict. India is bound to get worked up about the whole thing but longer term, this should be viewed as a game changer that will break several existing alliances and forge several new ones.
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