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China vows to safeguard Pakistan’s interests, drive economic prosperity

There isn't a country in the world that took Chinese assistance and did well.
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No alliance is stronger than facing a common enemy.

India and China are not enemies maybe competitors and rivals

Pakistan and India maybe enemies today. tomorrow might be different

Look at Britain-France and France-Germany in history
They could write off their debt or, atleast give a 5 year break on interest payments. Instead they make Pakistan apply for rolling over loans and that process is very costly.
Pakistan is currently worse than China in 1978?
My observation of the Chinese people is that they are a unit. Despite all hardships they have faced, they overcame them and rose from the ashes.

For example the Boxer Rebellion against the european imperialists was a display of the people being a unit, united against adversaries. The region that makes up Pakistan and well the whole indian subcontinent. Is not known for people being be a unit.

An island nation from northern europe ruled this part of the world and IF people had shown a little bit of spine then no foreign nation on the other side of the world could have ruled over them.

What the future holds for Pakistan we don't know but China became the powerhouse it is because of a true and sincere leadership focused on its people and nation.

In Pakistan such is not the case. It breaks my heart to say it, I have always been a well wisher of Pakistan but until something drastic happens which is akin to a polar shit. Pakistan is in the doldrums for sometimes.
China should support Pakistan the country and the people, not criminals like Shahbaz Sharif and the treacherous generals. These people are the enemies of Pakistan and will stab China in the back to protect their dollars in Western banks.

China should tell the generals and the criminal politicians to stop their oppression of the Pakistani people and allow a lawful government to be elected as the constitution says.

This man, Shahbaz Sharif, is an unlawful ruler imposed by the generals. If China supports these criminals then the people of Pakistan will start hating China.

It's time for China to start paying an active role.
China should support Pakistan the country and the people, not criminals like Shahbaz Sharif and the treacherous generals. These people are the enemies of Pakistan and will stab China in the back to protect their dollars in Western banks.

China should tell the generals and the criminal politicians to stop their oppression of the Pakistani people and allow a lawful government to be elected as the constitution says.

This man, Shahbaz Sharif, is an unlawful ruler imposed by the generals. If China supports these criminals then the people of Pakistan will start hating China.

It's time for China to start paying an active role.

China is interested in China, Chinese investments, Chinese development.
They provide loans to Pakistan for interest.
They provide project management for profits.
They own Pakistani infra enterprises for on going returns.

They also make 'helpful' press statements for PR and keep Pakistani people from looking too deep into the contracts.

They prefer autocratic govts which can better secure their (Chinese) investments. In Pakistan that govt is the military establishment. The only way China will stop supporting Pakistani milestabshment is if they are prepared to write off their CPEC investments.
Chinese have been trying for the past 50 years at least and failing, next 50 years with the GHQ sepoy imbeciles won't be any different.

Not sure why Chinese keep engaging in this madness, colonial sepoys are incapable of and unwilling to help their own nation, leave alone the Chinese.
PM Shehbaz meets Chinese Premier Li Qiang at Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Friday met Chinese Premier Li Qiang here wherein the two sides agreed to celebrate the Decade of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) this year to showcase its success.

The meeting was held here on the sidelines of the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact.

Expressing satisfaction at the steady development of CPEC projects in Pakistan, the two sides agreed on CPEC’s centrality for Pakistan’s socio-economic development and expressed their firm commitment to continue working together for realizing its shared objectives for the two countries.

The conversation was marked by traditional warmth and cordiality that has been the hallmark of the Pakistan-China All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership.

During the meeting, the two leaders held an in-depth discussion on the entire gamut of bilateral relationships, including CPEC as well as economic cooperation.

Reiterating support to China on its core issues, the prime minister appreciated China’s unflinching support for Pakistan’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and socioeconomic development.

He noted that China’s firm opposition to holding any G20 meeting in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir was a vivid reflection of China’s principled stance for upholding international law and the United Nations resolutions.

In his remarks, Premier Li said the Pakistan-China friendship was unique and had withstood the vicissitude of time due to deep fraternal ties between the peoples of the two nations.

He added that as a close neighbour and iron-brother, Pakistan occupied a special position in China’s neighbourhood diplomacy and that China would continue its efforts for safeguarding Pakistan’s core interests and for the economic development and prosperity of its people.

Prime Minister Shehbaz and Premier Li Qiang agreed to continue the momentum of high level exchanges between Pakistan and China.

The prime minister invited the Chinese premier to undertake a visit to Pakistan at his earliest convenience which the latter accepted.
Please China our iron brother we are begging you to buy us out.. as we can’t run our own country.
So if China takes over they’ll be hanging Shabaz Shariff first 😂 for corruption.
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