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China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

Right, Truth and Time are on India's side.

India will wait but will never compromise.

What is the turth? Your country was created on lands part of British Raj, and before that it was Muslim empire. You really have no locus standi to dwell too much on finding the "truth". And in this day and age, "truth" comes from the barrel of the gun.

Only if Bollywood could give you the victory!

Which compromise you are talking about? You have already lost huge swath of territory that you claim is yours to PLA. Your army have been humiliated, YET none of your strong Hindu men in current Hindu terrorist regime had courage to come up and tell you lot as to what happened up north.
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In English, China is called China. In Hindi, it is called Cheen.
The river Brahmaputra is called Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet and has different local names in Assam as well.
China can name & rename & 'mandarinise' any place in Arunachal. In fact, it can do that for any place in India.
The cheerleaders can cheer too.
What is the turth? Your country was created on lands part of British Raj, and before that it was Muslim empire. You really have no locus standi to dwell too much on finding the "truth". And in this day and age, "truth" comes from the barrel of the gun.

Only if Bollywood could give you the victory!

Which compromise you are talking about? You have already lost huge swath of territory that you claim is yours to PLA. Your army have been humiliated, YET none of your strong Hindu men in current Hindu terrorist regime had courage to come up and tell you lot as to what happened up north.

Yes. We may have lost control of the lands physically but not legally.

We may be weak militarily but not mentally.

India will not give in to these Chinese coercion tactics.

They can try these with someone else.

It may take another 100 years but in the end India will prevail as Right, and Truth are on India's side.
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Does it even matter if they change names of our cities or not? Let them do whatever makes them happy. They even claim Taiwan as their own but even today its still sovereign.

PLA have already conquered huge swath of territory from your clutches, the land that you claim is yours, and I am talking about recent events. Even your military moan about China Salami slicing your claimed territory.

With Taiwan, they have to tread carefully not because of yanks or any other nations, but Taiwanese are basically Chinese people. With you, they have no issue in putting you down despite you being a nuclear power, which btw Taiwan is not. Even theoretically speaking, if the KMT lot comes to power in China replacing CCP, their position over these lands which were gifted to India by British Raj will be the same.

What I am trying to make you lot understand that having no internationally recognized border with a super power is a huge blunder by India. You cant go to UN, you cant take you case to any international courts, even your international sponsors like America cant raise your border issue on any platform.
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PLA have already conquered huge swath of territory from your clutches, the land that you claim is yours, and I am talking about recent events. Even your military moan about China Salami slicing your claimed territory.

With Taiwan, they have to tread carefully not because of yanks or any other nations, but Taiwanese are basically Chinese people. With you, they have no issue in putting you down despite you being a nuclear power, which btw Taiwan is not. Even theoretically speaking, if the KMT lot comes to power in China replacing CCP, their position over these lands which were gifted to India by British Raj will be the same.

What I am trying to make you lot understand that having no internationally recognized border with a super power is a huge blunder by India. You cant go to UN, you cant take you case to any international courts, even your international sponsors like America can raise your border issue on any platform.

If that makes you happy, keep writing. We will simply smile and continue our activities as planned mate. The reality does not change with changing names.
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Honestly do it and see the show...........

Why? We don't need to create extra drama for the Chinese here. They are the ones who want to name our lands differently in their language. We already call Tibet what it is, not the Mandarin name.

China calling anything in Chinese to any place is not our concern at all except for some folks who just want to post stuff here. Relax. Take it easy.
Honestly do it and see the show...........

China offered to convert Sino-Indian LAC as International border in 1959 and 60+ years later India has not yet accepted it.

India never had and will never accept International border with China.

India will have her border agreements with Tibet and East Turkestan only.
Yes. India needs to help Uyghurs and Tibetans regain their freedom.

What's with you flamebaiting Pakistani members here? Seriously.

This is a thread about China calling some cities in India by a different name. This is immature at best if not anything else. People expect more maturity from such an important and large country but it is not happening. That's their image issue.
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Yes. We may have lost control of the lands physically but not legally.

Legally? Dude, which legality you are talking about? Which part of "you do not have any internationally recognized border with China" you did not understand? Theoretically, China can draw its border all the way to the gates of Delhi! I am amazed that Indians think that having no border with China is some sort of masterstroke from India!

We may be weak militarily but not mentally.

India will not give in to these Chinese coercion tactics.

India is already giving in to Chinese, your leaders are observing pin drop silence over the lost of territory to PLA.

They can try these with someone else.

It may take another 100 years but in the end India will prevail as Right, and Truth are on India's side.

Maybe they can try with someone else but for time being, its working perfectly well with India. At this rate, you will not last 100 years.
If it was part of their territory, then why did Mao withdraw from the territory after capturing all of it in1962 war? Lol Any other country would have considered that treason and deposed such a leader. Lol
Except it wasn't their territory in the first place? 😁😆
1962 war was for aksai chin,the Chinese didn't withdraw from what they captured.Chinese leader warned the Indians against border encroachment beforehand ,just like they warned the Vietnamese for invading Cambodia,and the Americans before the US invaded the 38th parallel in Korea ,when the other side didn't heed Chinese warning we all know what happens later,.
Now ,Xi again ,though in a more subtle manner, warned US(Biden) against provocation in Taiwan strait,I sense China has ticked their box for onus of warning and will follow through with a war if provocation escalated in strait.
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