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China to take naval forces to another level over next decade

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China to take naval forces to another level over next decade

An assessment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Navy) – PLA(N) – inadvertently released by the US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) suggests that China will build over the next 10-15 years a naval force increasingly equipped for maritime security missions and humanitarian relief operations well beyond its traditional operating areas around Taiwan and the South China Sea.

At the same time, ONI assesses that the PLA(N) will continue to modernise its warfighting capabilities to shape a balanced maritime force commensurate with a shift from a strategy of coastal defence to a more forward-leaning naval strategy of offshore defence.

The report, entitled 'A Modern Navy with Chinese Characteristics' and dated August 2009, was briefly placed on an open source website by the ONI in November 2009 before being withdrawn from public view. However, in that time a copy of the document was downloaded by the Federation of American Scientists and remains accessible on its website.

According to the ONI, the development of the PLA(N) over the past decade goes well beyond the introduction of new equipment. Its report states: "Recognising that it takes more than technology to create a capable navy, China has also actively pursued the modernisation of its doctrine, organisation, and training with the ultimate goal of developing a professional force. While much work remains, trends in recent years indicate the PLA(N) is beginning to 'operationalise' its modern force, taking on new and more challenging missions."

China to take naval forces to another level over next decade
China is eyeing for an overseas naval base in Qatar...
Jane's Changxing Island shipyard , said China will build aircraft carriers , 4-6 ÐÂÀËÊ×Ò³ At 11:41 on September 22, 2010 LONDON

Imagine the map of Chinese aircraft carrier

Data Figure : Overseas posted on the website of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Changxing Shipbuilding Base exhibited reduced scale models which will be a dock for the construction of aircraft carriers revealed . Jane's said there were reports that China 's shipbuilding industry Jiangnan Changxing Shipbuilding shipyard in the construction of 4-6 aircraft carrier .
LONDON Sept. 21 news: the latest issue of Jane's Defense Weekly ( September 15, 2010 publication ) published in the journal in the Asia-Pacific defense industry reporter Jon - Gelaiweite (Jon Grevatt) comprehensive analysis , this Up to 6 -page report details China's defense industry in all aspects of progress . The report mentions that China's defense industry in the aviation and shipbuilding progress made in the most prominent . The article added that most defense analysts believe that at least 10 years , the Chinese defense will rise as a " world-class defense industrial base . "

Paper first , as China prepared in January 2011 announced the development of the 12th Five-Year Plan outline , the National Defense Service industry has reached a critical period of development potential from the last century, large-scale since the early 90's successful restructuring , have been For the ( defense industry ) to lay a solid foundation for growth , but the country is to achieve the military objectives of the next decade or so , still need a big progress in leaps and bounds .

Jane's said , through the defense budget and other economic incentives by way of direct capital investment to promote the defense industry modernization project , a move intended to raise the level of industrialization and independence , but because of the continuing Western sanctions and other reasons , the Chinese defense Industrial development has been limited. China's large military-industrial companies , 10 major state-owned group , they have hundreds of subsidiaries , employs a total of at least 200 million workers . In 2009, the state-owned defense enterprises paid taxes estimated at close to 800 billion yuan ( 118 billion U.S. dollars ) and profits of about 60 billion yuan , China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) accounted for the largest share of the profit amounted to 10 billion , Profits of 191 billion yuan . Jane's comment that China has made progress this ambition can be Chinese Defense Minister Liang in October 2009 the 60th anniversary of the National Day celebration , then to sum up , in 2006-2008 he was quoted as saying China's defense white paper , China's military modernization In accordance with the " three-step " plan to , that is, " lay a solid foundation by 2010 , 2020, the basic construction of mechanization and make significant progress in information technology , to achieve the middle of the 21st century national defense and military modernization . "

Jane's article then referred to the reform of China's defense industrial enterprises , the article said, the first 90 years of reform started from the last century , from the Soviet model of central planning system, strategic and change management process R & D institutions and aspects of the re- integration, enhance military and civilian The integration between technologies . University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Senior Fellow Zhangtai Ming (Tai Ming Cheung) commented that the reform of pre- primary is out of the previous difficulties , which laid the foundation for future development . Since then, China's defense industry has also been re- optimized , Jane's specifically mentioned in the aircraft industry , said the group 's investment and divestiture of assets have taken positive measures in 2009 to sell several vehicle manufacturers , has achieved the Group's first overseas mergers and acquisitions, the future of advanced composite materials Austria AG (FACC). The article also cited a number of defense companies in China to strengthen development in the stock market to raise funds and transformation of examples.

Article highlighted China's defense industry made several " critical capacity. " The article says , China Aviation Industry Corporation 's approximately 400,000 employees and their achievements in advancing the most significant R & D and production of a series of military aircraft platforms are only the United States and Russia could exceed the company's products . In recent years, the aircraft flew into a multi-function produced the F -10 fighter , FC-1/JF-17 light aircraft, flying out of production of the Shen Jian -11A and F -11B fighter , other aircraft including a large early warning aircraft, air marshals -2000 And a series of unmanned aircraft . J -10 is considered to meet the needs of the PLA Air Force 's main combat aircraft , so far , has delivered about 150 J -10 units , gradually replacing the aging F- -7 fighter , the final number will be the deployment of more than 300 Frame , and this fifth-generation Chinese J-XX fighter R & D progress .

Jane also mentioned that China's aviation industry is facing some problems . Article cited a few examples , in March of this year , the French decided not to allow its companies fire control radar and other sophisticated electronic equipment supplies to Pakistan JF-17 fighters ; in July , Russia's suspension of the signing of Russian-made RD-93 100 JF- type 17 fighter engines contract.

Jane's also a brief assessment of China shipbuilding industry . China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) have respectively 100,000 and 250,000 employees , has 60 subsidiary companies , in recent years modular shipbuilding technology , will build a large number of modern ships , including the next Generation of submarines, 022 Hou -class stealth missile boats and aircraft carriers north . Wu Shengli , commander of the Chinese Navy in April 2009 stressed that China will develop a new generation of weapons, including large surface combat ships , supersonic cruise aircraft , long-endurance submarines . Jane Yue , Wu General 's speech did not mention aircraft carriers , although the People's Liberation Army of the critic , said the ships will form a key part of the People's Liberation Army navy modernization . There were also reports that China 's Jiangnan Shipbuilding Shipbuilding in Changxing Island Shipyard 4-6 aircraft carrier .

Jane's also said that Russian technology and design affect the majority of the Chinese Navy platforms, including aircraft carriers , and a new 094 "Jin " class strategic nuclear submarines , 094 nuclear submarines are owned by the China Shipbuilding Industry Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industrial Construction . China from South Korea, Japan and some European countries, business partners access to a number of technologies for the Chinese naval propulsion systems progress.

Then Jane's analysis of China 's exports of military products , said the supply of exports is second only to the second priority after the PLA strategy , not only can make a profit , but also can expand their influence. Jane's said that China's advance in Asia, Africa and the Middle East export of military products in developing countries , reflecting a more general sense, foreign policy - to strengthen relations with countries producing oil and gas , these countries are considered strategic for Land , while China's defense industry in this policy at the center , as they not only provide military systems and can Yiwei infrastructure in developing countries to provide commercial technical support, also provide preferential credit . For example, the relationship between China and Pakistan , China Aviation Industry , China North Industries Corporation and the shipbuilding industry have established contacts with Islamabad , Pakistan by China to support the design of the system and to help Pakistan raise the level of modernization of state-owned defense industries , involving specific weapons systems , including JF-17 fighter , " Khalid " tanks the main station and the " sword "class missile frigate F-22P . In recent years, China and Thailand and Indonesia also focus on the partnership between , and discounted prices to the export of missile technology in these two countries . Jane's analysis also said the defense export agreement with China, African countries, mostly rich in oil and gas and coal reserves . China's export strategy attractive to developing countries , especially in the next few years as China's military technologies continue to improve , with a rising superpower and the benefits of establishing close relationships become more obvious.

Jane's article mentioned , CATIC Vice President Yang Ying in 2008 on Jane's said: " When we first envisioned JF-17 , we want to export to the world , especially in Africa and Asia , we Know that many of our customers will see F-16 or Sukhoi aircraft , but we also fully aware of the JF-17 has a unique advantage , that is cheaper than other aircraft , we believe it is the cost of the three F-16 One . "

Jane also mentioned that in some military technology, China still need to catch up with Western countries. Jane's analysis , said China 's efforts to acquire and develop technologies face four overlapping strategies : the permission of rotorcraft engineering production and imitation ; of the existing rotor technology upgrading and modernization , and development of autonomous systems; to advanced commercial Technology into existing military platforms ; by high levels of investment incentives , to improve independent R & D mechanism . In the short term , Moscow will remain an important partner , China and Russia are discussing a number of cooperation projects , worth noting are based on meter -26 heavy helicopter platform development, but Russia against possible "reverse engineering "has The concerns . Russia's reluctance to provide China with RD-93 aircraft engines because similar. Nanyang Technological University, International Institute of Asian military experts Bi Sheng Ge (Bitzinger) said that China has put Russia's " dry " , and the past 20 years , Russia has not really into the R & D funding , so they can get more and nothing You anything .

Jane went on to say that China in-depth access to technology as well as business contacts and independent research and development are two routes to date , commercial links are circumvent Western arms embargo long-term experience more successful way , Britain and France for a number of technology Military reconnaissance systems, aircraft engines , navigation systems, air defense missiles, and helicopter development. Zhang Taiming researcher commented that the technology through commercial channels , the Chinese may be able to get on this basis 70-80 % of the military platform, but 20-30 % of the special key military components (such as engines and avionics systems) will be difficult to rely on this access . Then Jane's analysis said that under the above restrictions , independent research and development has become more crucial.

Jane's said at the end , most analysts believe that the pace of existing development , as China gradually upgrade and expand existing foreign and domestic equipment systems , at least 10 years , China 's defense enterprises will rise to a " world-class defense industrial base
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