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China to launch Pakistani communications satellite on August 14, 2011

An achievement is an achievement. They say that even drops of water over time can wear down a mountain and fill the oceans. The key is to continually work for a more prosperous future.

We need to be more supportive of each others' (peaceful) progress. It shouldn't matter who it is. Let's just be happy for each other, even if only a brief moment.
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) is Pakistan’s national space agency and was established in 1961 as a committee and was granted the status of a Commission in 1981. SUPARCO is devoted to Research and Development work in Space Sciences and Space Technology and their applications for the peaceful uses of outer space. It works towards developing indigenous capabilities in space technology and to promote space applications for socio-economic uplift of the country.


Badr-1 (Badr-A) was Pakistan's first indigenously developed satellite and was launched from the Xichang Launch Center, China on July 16, 1990 aboard a Chinese Long March 2E rocket. Badr-1 weighed 150 pounds. Originally designed for a circular orbit at 250-300 miles altitude, Badr-1 actually was inserted by the Long March rocket into an elliptical orbit of 127-615 miles. The satellite successfully completed its designed life.

SUPARCO started building the small amateur radio satellite in late 1986 with support from the Pakistan Amateur Radio Society. The satellite was named Badr inspired from the Urdu language word for 'new moon'. Badr-1 was planned to be launched on the US Space Shuttle, but the 1986 Challenger explosion and consequent delay in American flights changed the plan.


Pakistan’s second satellite was BADR-B. It was an Earth Observation Satellite and was launched on 10 December 2001 on a Zenit 2 rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. It was designed by Space Innovations Limited from the UK.


Paksat 1 was Pakistan's first geostationary satellite. The satellite was originally known as Palapa C1 and was designed to serve Indonesia. After an electronics failure, it was renamed Anatolia 1 and then renamed again to Paksat 1 in 2002. It was originally manufactured by Boeing and used the HS 601 spacecraft design. It was launched on February 1, 1996.

Paksat-1R Satellite

Paksat-1R satellite will replace the existing Paksat-1 in 2010. Pakistan's national space agency signed a consulting deal with Telesat in March 2007 for advice on the purchase, manufacture and launch of the Paksat-1R satellite. Under the agreement Telesat will help the Pakistani agency find a manufacturer and provide technical and commercial advice during the negotiation process. Telesat will also help oversee the construction of the new satellite and monitor the launch and in-orbit testing services.

Did you know?

China launched Pakistan's first satellite to orbit in 1990 because Pakistan had no Spaceport. However, Pakistan does have a space program. In the future may they develop their own Spaceport and launch vehicle.
I little late and not good enough. I think we can learn a lot from India...

How much can we have... We use Chinese launcher, we use Chinese assistance (sat), and we use their loans to buy it. Pakistan sucks.
Yo Fake Pakistani. You are one piece of work man who try to be Pakistani when every single Pakistani know that you are not even Pakistani. You childish mind games don't work here so go to IDF or IDF not PDF. You are ways make a fool of yourself when you talk like this......
Yo Fake Pakistani. You are one piece of work man who try to be Pakistani when every single Pakistani know that you are not even Pakistani. You childish mind games don't work here so go to IDF or IDF not PDF. You are ways make a fool of yourself when you talk like this......

Well News clearly Stated that Sat is made by china and launch by china , so who is making fool herself? Thinking that buying from china is made by own is not goona help you.
Well News clearly Stated that Sat is made by china and launch by china , so who is making fool herself? Thinking that buying from china is made by own is not goona help you.

It talked about just abit "technical" assistance...secondly i wonder how India launched a probe to moon when it cant even build a reliable missile ;)
It talked about just abit "technical" assistance...secondly i wonder how India launched a probe to moon when it cant even build a reliable missile ;)

strange no?so either the moon mission did not happen..or that we DO make reliable missiles...
Something in between happened....u guys got help.

well....being as neutral as possible...maybe.why can't we get the same help in our missiles?the americans did not help us...i am certain..because ISRO was blacklisted till a year before the launch was to be made....so if it was the russians(no othercountry i believe would provide help)...they'd have straightened our missiles too,right?
so i guess you do underestimate the missile program of ours.
i.e if you think that we got help from outside.

the other more rational school of though would be tht we do have a good missile program and our cheap and efficient moon mission proved it...and so have our time tested GSLV and PSLV rockets.
Something in between happened....u guys got help.
as far as Rocket Sci is concerned , we got ne help from Americans as American Company Help China after their rocket failed many times. in fact US company fined for that.

As far as missile is concerned it different then space launch rockets, Missile need to fit certain criteria and every country has different criteria to make it fit. missile need stealth , decoy, precision etc various parameters.

If you have so much touted successful missile program, then why cany u put one rocket in space? even Iran did
Tell me, will this thing is only for commercial use, not for Military.
(Spying, Military imagery etc)
Tell me, will this thing is only for commercial use, not for Military.
(Spying, Military imagery etc)

It is a communication satellite to replace existing (leased) satellite for TV broadcast, Telephone & broadband services as per notes
as far as Rocket Sci is concerned , we got ne help from Americans as American Company Help China after their rocket failed many times. in fact US company fined for that.

As far as missile is concerned it different then space launch rockets, Missile need to fit certain criteria and every country has different criteria to make it fit. missile need stealth , decoy, precision etc various parameters.

If you have so much touted successful missile program, then why cany u put one rocket in space? even Iran did

WOW,i don't know there was a honeymoon between China and US.... we only remember Qian xueshen as china's NB and rocket father,he was a scientist who was working in US between 1934-1955,US even want to kill him in order to stop him back to China,we got some help from soviet back to the 50s though ,please don't change china's history with your imagination ,you are humiliating china's hero
China sells Comsats to Nigeria, Venezuela and Pakistan
Tuesday, 14 April 2009 10:59

China has sold three communications satellites to Nigeria, Venezuela and Pakistan that have military capabilities, a service life of 15 years and are equipped with C-band frequency and 18 channels of Ku-band frequency transmitters.

The performance characteristics of all three of these satellites were basically the same, and all of them were to be launched by CZ-3B carrier rockets. However, the communications satellite for Nigeria stopped functioning less than one year after it went into operation when its solar array drive assembly failed. This posed a major challenge to the credibility of China-made communications satellites. Two weeks ago, China announced it would replace the Nigerian satellite in 2011 at no charge.

The satellites were developed on the foundation of the domestic Dong Fang Hong IV communications satellite. Of course, all of them can be used for military communications as well as civilian purposes a matter of concern to the U.S. military. The United States had asked China not to assist Venezuela with its satellite project, but its request was ignored.

The United States is concerned about China exporting military-use satellites and providing launch services to "rogue nations." The People's Republic of China's indifference to this U.S. concern can be seen as a tactic to exert pressure on the United States to halt its sales of advanced arms to Taiwan.

China is now actively cultivating oil-producing nations as customers for its satellites and launch services. China's strategy has been effective so far, and its exports of military equipment have been boosted as a result. Nigeria and Venezuela are among the newest clients of Chinese-made military equipment.

Nigeria has purchased a number of J-7 air-superiority combat fighters from China. In November, shortly after its satellite launch, Venezuela announced that it would purchase 18 K-8 trainers from China. Iran is another customer that China is pursuing for its satellite sales and launch services. In 2006 China provided a VSAT communications-satellite program to Iran's TA Co. valued at more than $500,000. This satellite network provided voice communications, data and video transmission service to the Iranian oil company, which is believed to have paid for the system with crude oil.

Programs involving satellite technologies often involve huge sums of money, through which full-scale economic and trade relations can be expanded. Following its satellite launch for Nigeria, China won an $8.3 billion project to restructure Nigeria's railway network. However, after the communications satellite stopped functioning, Nigeria coldly declared it would suspend the contract with China.

In Angola, when the Angola state television station upgraded to DStv satellite channels, China Electronics Import and Export Corp. provided an entire satellite TV program production and transmission center. Angola is China's second-largest source of imported oil.

Link: China sells Comsats to Nigeria, Venezuela and Pakistan | White Drums India's First E-News on Citizen Reporting / Journalism.
Good Work pakistani scientist.:yahoo:

By the by what is a reliable missile..?:crazy:

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