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China to invest $3 bn in Tibet; raises India's strategic worries

well, China's investing 3 billion USD on TIbet's industry projects is absolutely better than investing 3 billion USD on military projects,such as drilling tunnels on bounday like India,isn't it?
shut up you stupid loser. there was no recognized unified country named as "India" in history. your nation was created in 1947. you simple don't have such history.

keep this in your mind: the history of India trace back to 1947 only.

are you mad or something .Telling what is our history etc .Remain within your limits .

note :Guys Please talk regarding the topic only and sorry guys I had to again use harsh language .:(
very true .Both India and China has progressed rapidly .Its time for Pakistan to do the same .

India progressed? Millions don't even have access to toilet! Stop fooling yourself! China is millions of light years ahead of India. Comparing India to China is like comparing Africa to Europe.
India progressed? Millions don't even have access to toilet! Stop fooling yourself! China is millions of light years ahead of India. Comparing India to China is like comparing Africa to Europe.

I have not compared India to China .I only said both countries have progressed and remember India is still a developing economy not a developed one .

First see your country financial heath .I have visited my grand parents villge and I have seen that I have progressed many folds I'm not fooling your are yourself fooling .
I know what my countries ground reality. I have seen how it has progressed .We are developing and will develop further .:)

and from your profile you are living in Holland and not in Pakistan .So you are not at all facing the hardship people facing in your home land or what I'm facing and

somebody commented here that Pak will progess if China does .Wrong

If you guys think China's progress will help Pakistan ,Somewhat ,but your countrymen are fully responsible for your own country .Don't forget China also has many problems which are not reported ,may be because its under socialist regime .No doubt they can help you guys ,but you can't be depended .
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yea........well, we can go on saying these things about each other.........
therefore we shouldnt have said anything like that in the first place......

tibet is an important issue for china as well as india.........
just as kashmir is an important issue for india and pakistan..........

Tibet is china's territory and India should butt out and the thing about India taking Tibet from china is imposable because India barely keeps up with Pakistan:pakistan::china: always
These Indian experts worry about wrong thing. :lol:

They should worry about TYC homed in India more. They should worry about the separatist activities more...

Indian want to worry about Tibet,so let they worry about Tibet.
and we will worry about maoist in north-east india.
India's problem is not China nor Pakistan, India's future also there is only one problem

Population. .
After I browsed many posts under this topic, I have to say something to my dear India friends here...

If you think you are so right about Tibet and you really think Tibet does not belong to China, why don't you go ahead to overthrow your government first, because, you know what? the government that represents you do recognize that Tibet is part of China.

There are more bad news to you, not only your government, all of the countries that have formal relations with China recognize that Tibet is part of China. I know, I know, you guys must feel disappointed about this.

Some people said that a place that historically belongs to a country does not mean it has to be that way forever. I agree with that. Are you happy now? See we have agreeed one thing. However, I have to remind you that this is also apply to you, to the land you're standing, to the land you're occupying, to the land that you currently called it home right now.

Good Luck!:wave:
... just to add a bit more, please remember Indians are only getting international investment because western lobby is seriously getting afraid of emerging china as new super power, thats why they sitting in Afghanistan, crushing Sudan and now trying their best to weaken Pakistan.
because our Pakistan and Afghanistan’s location is of strategic importance for China and central asian countries to get trade link to middle east and europe. and that is why russia invaded afghanistan and US helped afghan not to let then achieve that goal, well Indian at that time and even today doing the same, helped russia now US in Afghanistan because she simply hasnot accepted the existence of Pakistan since 1947 and did every best to do but we, as nation are not sleeping but unlucky to have sponsored politician ruling us since very long.
And also we know who has faith on us and who helped us in past and will stand together in future. mind you, Govt of Pakistan may do everything what US is dictating but people of Pakistan have trust and good friends of Chinese people and spit on US-Indo-Israel nexus and thats what fear them most.
and one more thing to clear here, this evil nexus is trying their best to break our friendship and funding some groups to kill especially Chinese people working in Pakistan, buy wonder why Pak Govt never expose them or play the drama like Indian playing since Mumbai event.

live long Pak-China friendship and trust among them
To my Pakistan friends,

I want to use this post to thank you and your government for the quick and full-out rescue aid last year when China had the big earthquake. This is what we called the true friendship.

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