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China to help Pakistan launch satellite

1. When Pakistan will send a rocket like India for moon or other space mission.

2. Pakistan should develop far more in the field of technologies like Bio-technology, Chemical, Computer, Medical Science, Space program………….Arms power…….and everything.

I believe in working on all science fields but space mission must not be our concern. specially not for any country in south asia. india is a poor country they could expense all that money to reduce poverty but they always fight for domination. now pakistan has no other option but to send a space mission as well.... its like a race .. don't know who gonna win :hitwall:
If i'm not mistaken, Where does it say that China is building and all nine yards in this project? I would love to see couple of your post like this, full of flames and you will be out pretty soon:police:

OK.. So who is building the satellite then? The original report is conveniently silent on it. But the title of the report is framed in such a manner to give an impression to the reader that Pakistan is building it and China is only helping in putting it in orbit. But we all know that is not the complete truth.
If pointing out the real facts which are not suitable for your liking is flaming, then so be it. I don't care about the consequences. cheers...:cheers:
I believe in working on all science fields but space mission must not be our concern. specially not for any country in south asia. india is a poor country they could expense all that money to reduce poverty but they always fight for domination. now pakistan has no other option but to send a space mission as well.... its like a race .. don't know who gonna win :hitwall:

How is a space mission going to be fight for domination?:cheesy:
What makes believe that India's space mission has not befitted the common man? For every rupee invested in space technology, India has gained many times over.
What you imply is that Pakistan is only sending Paksat-1R only to compete with India and this satellite has no benefit to Pakistan in anyway??? wow.. your ignorance is really astounding.. :bounce:
Good new such progressive news is heartening and step in right direction.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and China signed an agreement on Friday to develop a new satellite, PAKSAT-1R, in about three years period, Pakistan's Economic Affairs Division (EAD) said in a press release.

According to the framework agreement signed by EAD Secretary Farrakh Qayyum and Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Luo Zhaohui, China will fund the satellite project with a soft loan of 1.35 billion RMB (about $200 million) carrying maturity period of 20 years.

The communication satellite will have 30 years transponders, 12 in C-Band and 18 in Ku-Band, each of 36 MHz Bandwidth. The program is in line with Pakistan's Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF 2005-10) objectives and may provide better satellite communications for Pakistan, said the press release.

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission (SUPARCO) and China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) will jointly develop the new satellite to replace the Pakistan Space Craft, which is likely to expire in 2011.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

* Satellite will support all conventional and modern service applications

By Sajid Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and China on Friday signed a $220 million financial agreement to launch a communication satellite, as Islamabad’s existing satellite, PAKSAT-1, will complete its operational life in November 2011.

Chinese Ambassador Luo Zhaohui and Economic Affairs Secretary Farrukh Qayyum signed the contract.

Qayyum said the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Organisation (SUPARCO) and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation had agreed to develop the new satellite PAKSAT-1R, which would replace PAKSAT-1 in September 2011.

“China has agreed to fund the project through a soft loan with low mark up for a period of 20 years,” he said.

The secretary thanked the ambassador for supporting Pakistan’s space programme. The satellite will support all conventional and modern fixed satellite service (FSS) applications. The satellite will have 30 transponders, 18 in the Ku-band and 12 in C-band.
I guess its a bit early so we haven't seen any Indian whining on the issue. Perhaps we can expect that somewhere close to 2011.

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