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China to build the world's largest underground system

That shows your mismanagement doing things at fast pace without any financial consideration, also I never heard China railways any report which says what is the real cause of loss. And please accept the fact instead of bullying back, I accepted accident things and we do criticize our government for that.

British left mainly metre gauge tracks in 1947, we converted most of them into Indian Broad Gauge and electrifying 50% of all tracks.They left many single line in 1947 and about 75% of them were made double or triple line.

It shows that your government is short-sighted and only seek for the short-term returns.China invest much in railway constructions and makes losses,but it doesn't mean that Chinese railways are still making a huge losses in the future.

also I never heard China railways any report which says what is the real cause of loss.
that's your problem.:wave:
It shows that your government is short-sighted and only seek for the short-term returns.China invest much in railway constructions and makes losses,but it doesn't mean that Chinese railways are still making a huge losses in the future.

that's your problem.:wave:

Well I won't lie you are better but we only 10 years behind China in reforms and we will also get all those things in coming 10 years. Metro rail monorail bullet train all of them, if you want to laugh, that your own wish.... :hitwall:
Well I won't lie you are better but we only 10 years behind China in reforms and we will also get all those things in coming 10 years. Metro rail monorail bullet train all of them, if you want to laugh, that your own wish.... :hitwall:
you are funny.Have i ever laughed at the indian railway?:sick:
Chinese railway and transportation industry belongs to the government,and its purpose is to serve the public.so in China's system,they are supposed to be financial supported by the government,just like medicare and education,it's long accepted and institionalized.that's different from most western countries.in Beijing,most public parks and all the public bathrooms(Beijing has most public bathrooms in the world) are free to the public,all museum in Beijing are free(Beijing has world second number of museums only second to London).buses in Beijing for unlimited ride is 0.05$,and free for senior citizens.subway for unlimited ride is 0.35$.they are all heavily susidized by the government,and that's alway the right way it is in China.The government has tons of money,it is just so natural for the government to subsidize public services and facilities.
Chinese railways make huge losses due to the huge investments in railway constructions,especially in high speed rail.
And you say that Indian railway have a good financially management,so why not spend some money on improving your old and backward railway systems which left by the UK ?
where's the money going?:no:

When Bristishers left there were only Steam engines very few Diesel Now most of the Engines running are Electric and rest are Diesel this is just one small example. If u want the list of changes I can provide u the same.
Chinese railway and transportation industry belongs to the government,and its purpose is to serve the public.so in China's system,they are supposed to be financial supported by the government,just like medicare and education,it's long accepted and institionalized.that's different from most western countries.in Beijing,most public parks and all the public bathrooms(Beijing has most public bathrooms in the world) are free to the public,all museum in Beijing are free(Beijing has world second number of museums only second to London).buses in Beijing for unlimited ride is 0.05$,and free for senior citizens.subway for unlimited ride is 0.35$.they are all heavily susidized by the government,and that's alway the right way it is in China.The government has tons of money,it is just so natural for the government to subsidize public services and facilities.

It is OK for the government to subsidize basic services like education, water supply, health care, roads and communications up to a point, particularly for those who cannot afford it. These are basic human requirements and enabling the citizens with these will certainly result in higher productivity.

But if you go beyond that, you run the risk of mis-allocating capital. Which means that you would be making wrong choices, wasting tax-payers money and impeding economic growth.
It is OK for the government to subsidize basic services like education, water supply, health care, roads and communications up to a point, particularly for those who cannot afford it. These are basic human requirements and enabling the citizens with these will certainly result in higher productivity.

But if you go beyond that, you run the risk of mis-allocating capital. Which means that you would be making wrong choices, wasting tax-payers money and impeding economic growth.

tax-payers money should go to support tax payers,I m all for financial support for public transportation.besides China now is not really pressed for money .this money is well spent and dosent at all put stress on the nation's budget.
Indian railway is still miles ahead of China railway in managing railways. Recently China railways asked government for 1 Trillion Yuan bailout and China railways tried to keep this as secret. Asking 1 trillion Yuan bailout shows the pathetic management of China railway.

ur kidding right?. the amount of delusion and arrogance among the indian posters make me amaze really.

Struggling railways ministry seeks RMB800bn bailout

ur kidding right?. the amount of delusion and arrogance among the indian posters make me amaze really.
ur kidding right?. the amount of delusion and arrogance among the indian posters make me amaze really.

Even Indian railways make some losses,accidents, have you ever heard Indian railways asking for $150 billion bailout. They haven't even asked for $2-3 billion bailout.
Even Indian railways make some losses,accidents, have you ever heard Indian railways asking for $150 billion bailout. They haven't even asked for $2-3 billion bailout.

Public service factors in China are tightly controlled by the government.if the government fails to provide this,it may face the risk of losing its legitimacy to rule,so those factors are very important.that's quite different from other countries.
China to build subway system the world's largest
Shanghai : China | Nov 03, 2011 at 10:19 PM PDT

After completing thousands of kilometers of high-speed rail, China embarked on projects to build the largest subway station in the world.

More than 1 trillion yuan, equivalent to 160 billion dollars, will be China investment to build the metro network connecting 28 cities.

Under the current project, the end of this decade, China will complete the 250 subway. The Chinese subway system is operating in 12 cities. In particular, the system in Shanghai has expanded and grown over the subway system known in London in just over 15 years.

According to the Telegraph, the construction of the subway is increasingly seen as a symbol of progress and modernity in the small city of China.

"For local authorities, subways actually prosper the city's image and demonstrate achievement of the political authorities, although all of the existing rail consumes a lot of money," he Zhao Jian, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University said.

Mr. Zhao said many local governments are willing to invest money to build the railway station, even accepting bank debt. More than 90 new railway was Reform Commission and China's development approval. Many smaller cities are also submitted plans awaiting approval.

Experts said that although the subway system is expanded, but traffic is still the major problem in China for many years. Even smaller cities also have headaches with chaotic traffic situation.

"Railways are the best measures to address the traffic situation," said Xie Weida, professor of Tongji University said. He believes that local governments do not build the subway just to polish image, but to solve traffic problems.
check the link below and see large photos

Beijing aiming for world's longest subway system - SkyscraperCity


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