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Mao was ignorant, and didn't know his own ignorance and thought he was an expert, so of course, severe mistakes were made. Deng was actively destroying our economy. While overall GDP remained low, Shanghai and Taiwan are comparable, all the way up to 1979. However, afterwards, under Deng's suicidal devaluation regime and suicidal import regime, our indigenous industry was almost totally destroyed.

Why was there Tiananmen Square? Why did it not happen in 1999, or 1969, or 1979, but in 1989? Because Deng's policies were so bad, people revolted. It was a product of his time, and it will never be repeated, but for that to happen, we should understand and objectively view Deng.

Once Deng was removed, even an ignorant and corrupt politician like Jiang could do things well. China did not begin to actually develop until 1992. In 1980's, we remained the exact same as India. Note how NO ONE in the West called Deng a dictator at the time, but some now are calling Hu, a dictator, despite Hu having far less power than Deng ever did. That should give you an idea of his actual loyalties.

BTW, Hua Guofeng opened up China, not Deng. Pro Deng propaganda is everywhere though so not many know that.

How can you label Deng a traitor just from those alone??? Don;t you think it's ironic that a person who is responsible for millions of death being worshiped like god while this guy who actually lay the basic foundation for China to move forward suddenly become a traitor by your definition.
As for Tiananmen square........those students are just being unreasonable and naive, you can't expect eveything to be perfect during transition, they made their point but refused to move on, what do they expect?? let the self proclaimed 20+ year old leader lead the country into oblivion???
As for the west didn't label Deng a dictator, that is totally false it's just that his negative legacy is pale in comparison to Mao. Finally in regard with indigenous industry, do you really believe China can build something ground breaking while the majority of the country basically consist of farmland? This is just my view thou.
Buddhism came to China in a book carried by a monk.

Islam came to China on a mule with gold.

Jesus Christ flew into China on an artillery shell.

Take Taiwan for example, Taoism is pro-unification, Buddhism is pro-unification, even Islam is also pro-unification.

Only Christianity is 100% pro-separatism. :tdown:

Can we really trust the Christianity?
If someone wants to get out of the oppressive caste system in Hinduism, even by conversion to another religion, why do you want to bind him/her to the oppressive system? So that you can continue to keep oppressing & exploiting him with impunity?

This is an idiotic argument.

Tribals and Buddhists (which are the target of the missionaries) are not part of the caste system

Look at this map, now see ratios. In South India it's constant for 100s of years(despite "opressive caste system"). However in North East (which is tribals +Buddhists) it's insane.

Do you know that the demand of one of the insurgent groups in North East is separate Christian country?

This is an idiotic argument.

Tribals and Buddhists (which are the target of the missionaries) are not part of the caste system

Look at this map, now see ratios. In South India it's constant for 100s of years(despite "opressive caste system"). However in North East (which is tribals +Buddhists) it's insane.

Do you know that the demand of one of the insurgent groups in North East is separate Christian country?


Man, i can't believe there is an Indian member here who is Anti-Hinduism.
How can you label Deng a traitor just from those alone??? Don;t you think it's ironic that a person who is responsible for millions of death being worshiped like god while this guy who actually lay the basic foundation for China to move forward suddenly become a traitor by your definition.
As for Tiananmen square........those students are just being unreasonable and naive, you can't expect eveything to be perfect during transition, they made their point but refused to move on, what do they expect?? let the self proclaimed 20+ year old leader lead the country into oblivion???
As for the west didn't label Deng a dictator, that is totally false it's just that his negative legacy is pale in comparison to Mao. Finally in regard with indigenous industry, do you really believe China can build something ground breaking while the majority of the country basically consist of farmland? This is just my view thou.

Mao has his faults, but its undeniable what his accomplisments were. Besides, our death rates at their highest was still lower than comparable countries of the time. In the 1950's, we were as poor as Africa and India, but death rates were half, all the way until 1959 when they doubled, to the level of India and Africa.
I hope you're not referring to me because my post was against missionary activity

I mean shuntmaster, it really shocks me that he has claimed the Hindu caste system is oppressive.

Even i just got convinced by some Indian members that the racism in the Hindu caste system is greatly exaggerated.
I regarded Mao as having started off with saving china in mind and having experienced the hardship of ordinary chinese citizens back then. But he later became corrupted through internal power struggle and refusing to admit his own mistakes because of overconfidence and the fact that he has been correct during his early revolutionary days.

Mao was a sound strategist but also a very stubborn person with bad tempers
Will there ever be a Chinese Pope? True Christianity maybe originated in the East but it is the Anglo-Saxons mostly use it to for geopolitical gains and subjugated ourselves to think Asians are inferior to the west...(sigh) you need to get out more and see world for what it is.

Anglo-Saxon is not Europe! US is Anglo-Saxon (on paper), not Christianity
Dangerous in what respect??
Unlike Catholic church, protestant churches don't have hierarchy i.e. there is no one central authority in protestant church. Each church is autonomous and don't take orders from outside. The Chinese protestant churches have Chinese pastors and congregations.
About Deng Xiaoping, whether he was a traitor or a patriot, its an internal Chinese matter. Did he do better for China than Mao is for the Chinese to decide. From my personal experience, most Chinese attribute the present Chinas development to Deng and detest Mao.

Ah evangelists! Catholics are saint compared to this lot. US is perfect example of protestant madness and same lot of are blowing billions to bring ""good news" to heathens.
And how do you propose to do it?
Religion is a persons personal choice and human right. Why should anyone interfere in what one wants to believe in?
If someone wants to get out of the oppressive caste system in Hinduism, even by conversion to another religion, why do you want to bind him/her to the oppressive system? So that you can continue to keep oppressing & exploiting him with impunity?

Ahem, there is CASTE in Indian Christian society much to everyone's chagrin. On top of that, same "escaped" people ask for reservation given only to "hindoo lower castes"! Something is not right in Vatican:) Do you think they are exploited no more just because they are called Thomas Periyappa now?
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