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BTW what really happened in 1850, would you please clarify?

you can read it here.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because a person or group of persons call themselves Christians doesn't in fact make them one. If they are not living their life according to how Jesus taught they were to live. Then they can expect to be judged accordingly. Jesus said that many will stand before him on that day and talk about the wonderful things they had done in his name. And he will reply he never knew them. Depart from me you who practice lawlessness. They will then be cast into hell.
Its weird when debates comes to Islam every one rushes to bash it, but when christianity comes in someone would pop-in to whine.

Well the true essence and the innocence will fade away with christianity takes over China being thrust upon forcibly by missionaries in disguise tourists to China.

Take the example of Africa and the forcible conversions in the name of food and clothing and what not. I know a guy from Vancouver doing all this missionary thing for the past 30 years in Africa by his own mouth he regrets done things.
Well that is what they get for joining an underground organization.

It is not that difficult to find a proper Church.

The problem is that a 'proper' Church means a Govt regulated Church, where the padre is selected by the Govt, the sermon is vetted by the Govt before being given and the members monitored.

A Big Brother is Watching You situation.

Hence, underground Churches.
Its weird when debates comes to Islam every one rushes to bash it, but when christianity comes in someone would pop-in to whine.

Well the true essence and the innocence will fade away with christianity takes over China being thrust upon forcibly by missionaries in disguise tourists to China.

Take the example of Africa and the forcible conversions in the name of food and clothing and what not. I know a guy from Vancouver doing all this missionary thing for the past 30 years in Africa by his own mouth he regrets done things.

That is correct that there is a rush to Islam bash.

That is possibly because the Islamic warrior bash the world and themselves too!

And so the reaction.

Christianity, excepting for the missionary zeal of some, is almost dead in aggressive intent. Who bothers about an issue that is more or less moribund?

China can never become Christian. First, the idea of religion and the fervour that accompanies it, has been practically wiped out. Second, the Chinese indigenous religion is quite benign and more attuned to the Chinese psyche than the imported varieties of religion.
This is disturbing at best. "Christianity" has less to do with Christ and more to do with Europe, it's "homeland". Most often, new converts are fundamentalists and completely at odd with their own native culture and people. South Korea is perfect example. It's one "western" thing that should be thoroughly rejected.
you can read it here.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because a person or group of persons call themselves Christians doesn't in fact make them one. If they are not living their life according to how Jesus taught they were to live. Then they can expect to be judged accordingly. Jesus said that many will stand before him on that day and talk about the wonderful things they had done in his name. And he will reply he never knew them. Depart from me you who practice lawlessness. They will then be cast into hell.

If so just because Bin Laden calls himself an Islamist doesn't make him so. But many in the west are ready to attack Islam because what people like Laden are doing.
Who gave Thomas the right to reject someone else as Christian, and take away their religion? Thats a violation of freedom of religion. This is the cheap trick of Christians, everyone good they call is a "christian" but if a Christian does something bad, they claim they're not really Christians! So who gave them the right to represent those people and take away their religion?!
East or west Islam is the best

I am guessing you think world is flat! Every point on that latitude or it's twin on otherside of equator satisfies the criteria of "Golden Point". Earth is almost a sphere and technically there are infinite "Golden Points" on earth. But I have to give it you, it does rally up the faithful;)
Who gave Thomas the right to reject someone else as Christian, and take away their religion? Thats a violation of freedom of religion. This is the cheap trick of Christians, everyone good they call is a "christian" but if a Christian does something bad, they claim they're not really Christians! So who gave them the right to represent those people and take away their religion?!

Actually it's against the teaching of Christianity!
People must be sane enough to know what is their native culture and they should be proud of that, which unfortunately is not the case in many countries.
People must be sane enough to know what is their native culture and they should be proud of that, which unfortunately is not the case in many countries.

Just because Hinduism is "native" to India doesn't mean a native should be following it. Those who follow a faith follow it because they believe it to be the truth. I am proud of my culture and ethnicity, it does not mean i should be proud of the religions that spawns as a culture progresses. I am not addressing you specifically but the saffron parties in general. They have no right to demand those of different faiths to "return" to hinduism just because it is what our "ancestors" followed. I don't understand this argument.

Anyway, my own ancestors as far as my family tree goes, (we have a written record from 18- something) have all been Christians. Even if they weren't, i couldn't care any less.
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