There is no way we can specifically ascertain if there is truth to this story. However the more important question is this. Are the Uighur Muslim's being pushed by Chinese state that involves the Uighurs compromising there
religion or culture?
Yes, absolutely is my answer.
Also the broader question. London, New York, Dublin, Toronto are
far better for Muslim's to practice their faith then Beijiang or Kashgar. Everybody know's this and those who refuse to accept would also refuse to accept that night follows day.
The reality is China is authoritarian quasi-
communist state ran by CPC. Most Chinese now are
athiest and look at religion as anachronism in the modern world. To the Chinese their loyalty lies with the Chinese state. It is interesting that the Mosque has the Chinese flag inside as that is giving a message. Chinese state is
The Chinese might just put up with religion but when any religion becomes a vehicle for secessionist tendancies you can expect the wrath of the Chinese state. This is not peculaiar to China. Any strong state ( Chinsa, Turkey etc ) will react with iron fist. Only in weak ( Pakistan ) will challange of the state be met with miserable appeasment. Do not expect the Chinese muck up their country like we did in Pakistan. China is going to be numero uno and people least of all bunch of Muslims are going to come in their way.
China has 1,300 million people. When those 1,300 millin people get up the morning and they all think alike, talk alike, act alike, feel alike, walk alike, aspire alike, work alike we will see the
one huge mass of humanity working togather and like a fine tuned machine with all the thousands of parts working in perfect unision become the most productive nation is history.
Hyperpower China will have arrived.
It is the job of government, in this case CPC to regiment the country into one mass well oiled machine. Doing this to a huge country with 1,300 million people is not easy but CPC is well on the way of doing it. Proof of the pudding. Have a look at Chinese cities and just marvel at them and then think they have done this in 20 years.
To create this huge well oiled machine of 1,300 million people in a uniform regimentated society is no easy task. However it can be done, US did, UK did it, Germany did. Japan did it. South Korea did it. How far the Chinese state will go in demandind uniformity percolates into everything. I was looking at Chinese Police being trained in marching and was amazed at the degree they go to extract unformity. Look below at the almost robotic consistency of Chinese Police. How do this achieve this level of precision?
Look below. Notice the needle designed to make sure the Police man holds his head dead straight.
Again look at the amazing lengths Chinese go to create homogenouity.
The arms like robots.
The demand for consistency is relentless.
Chinese cops stick pins through collars to jab their necks for drill - Mirror Online
When we have a society like this that demands total obediance to the state and unceasing uniformity of thought and action you should not be surprised by the CPC reaction toward the Uighur Muslims who of course are not happy with being press ganged into this huge red mass of China Inc. CPC is
not enemy of Muslims but it is not about to let anybody come in it's path. If anybody does they get squashed into uniformity.
Now the question is are they justified. Well it is not our country. My opinion is who am to question them. In fact how dare I do that. CPC has lifted a country where in my lifetime I heard famine being equated with China. In less than 20 years we are talking about the next superpower that will tower over anything that has ever existed in human history.
Pakistan in a sense is quite opposite of China. This friendship of China and Pakistan is of two polar opposites. In Pakistan 100 peopole get up in the morning will be 100 differant thougghts, 100 differant ways of doing things which means
100 differant collisions all day long. By end of the day almost nothing will have been done because everybody will have got tired of pushing and shoving against each other.
Loyalty? In Pakistan could be with the family, tribe, bradheri, clan, Islam, sect, ethnic group and somewhere last the state of Pakistan. That is why we are in the mess we are in and a synonym for
failure China is the new buzzword for
success. So we, Pakistani's should not lecture anybody least of all China, not at least until we have
pulled up our trousers to cover our
exposaed posteriors.
Now a word or two about the Chinese character. Most Chinese are extremely polite in particular when in a guest-host situation and on PDF they act like guests. Politeness is central to this. On the other hand Chinese are extremely patriotic and combine these two qualities they will reserve their thinking on any controverstial issues like Uighurs.
To the Indian's stop acting like children. Yes, we support China. We support her because of self interst. Accident of geography and geopolitics has so created a situation that China/Pak are going to be strategic partners. Yes, China can do what it wants inside china we will support her. If you find inconsistancy in this tough. I also find inconsistency on your love of
Isreal and playing the obliging junior gay partner to
USA and then
cheating with Iranians. I mean
wtf is this threesome? How does Isreal/USA both antichrist to Iran end being your buddies? If you can
dangle your parts to all three well we can also shut
one eye on the Uighur issue and try to match the fine example
Machiavellian art being demonstrated in your
triple buddy act.