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China takes rights activists into custody

Howe does a free media help china?

1. lets see they would been able to warn the world and other Chinese quicker about the spread of SARS- avoiding innocent deaths of those who had no idea that an epidemic was brewing and what symptoms to look for
2. they would be able to unearth the reason the Chinese military goes rogue and does tests that the political leadership said it was not aware of
3. they would avoid having their sons and daughters being mysteriously kidnapped over what the govt thought was " bad words or speech"
4. They would be able to catch more corruption that is swindling billions from its citizens but being swept under a rug. I mean who in their right mind thinks - that a country that is having such great growth, cash flow has no major corruption taking place? Ever wonder how they never report on any major scandals with all these billions and billions flowing through hands?
5. They would know that thousands who die in mines every year is because they have bribed officials
6. They would know that millions die of starvation because of huge income inequality
7. They would know that prison like labor camps are being run in china where poor villagers who come into industrialized zones to work are housed in rat infested and just horrible shanty's
8. They would know that china has the highest suicide rate among workers in the industrialized world

and I can go on and on and on... the idea that a free press is bad in total- is asinine and only a brainwashed mind , much like a drug addicts would think so.

how does a free country can help india
1. So the people will know there were around 150million starving Indians in 50s but after 50 years the number went up to 350 millions
2. So the people will know life time slavery is widely practiced in india, and those people’s working condition is worse than animals
3. So the people will know begging is the devotion to the ‘God’
4. So the people will know india has the worst gender equality amongst any major countries
5. So people will know india has the biggest child labour force in the human history
6. So the people will know they have the highest HIV population and forced prostitution in the world
7. So the people will know very day hundreds helpless mentally handicapped kids are tied up and starve to death
8. So the people will know how many people got ‘disappeared’ just because they said or criticised something to the ruling regime
9. So the people will know how indian police treat minorities and Muslims
10. So the indian people will start questioning those corrupted politicians who have trillion of money in swiss banks
11. So the indians can start considering to abolish the barbaric caste system
12. So the Indians can have rights to go to school

The true list will go on and on, until india can become a free society
you can't be serious w/ that dumb reply- are you representing the singapore govt in your replies.

Its sarcasm for your "it's almost scary reading your replies--- govt for you guys is god and your puppet master." I am a Singaporean duhh!
Your level of English comprehension is questionable. Are you really from the US??
how does a free country can help india

The true list will go on and on, until india can become a free society

Mate I think we should not bring India into this :) they can't justify their nonsense so they don't have a leg to stand on.
it's almost scary reading your replies--- govt for you guys is god and your puppet master. I could debate each of your replies but is astonishingly obvious that individual rights is meaningless in your culture and country... example ' who cares if few people get kidnapped by the govt' LOL

hv u ever revisit ur homeland slums? we moved some low end business to india because of the extreemly cheap labour (i dont knwo whether they using child labour or not) and curruptions... u think those indian workers will challenge their working conditions to the local authority? lol

people call u naive for a reason`` :D
hv u ever revisit ur homeland slums? we moved some low end business to india because of the extreemly cheap labour (i dont knwo whether they using child labour or not) and curruptions... u think those indian workers will challenge their working conditions to the local authority? lol

people call u naive for a reason`` :D

Well, talking of child labour, China tops it all!

Child labor is in demand in China. A recent report in People’s Daily Report concludes that child labour is particularly in demand because children have smaller hands and eyesight undamaged by years of labour, making them more desirable than adults for certain kinds of work. This makes it so much easier for children who need jobs to help pay the bills in the family to get them. Other causes of child slave labor is the poverty in agricultural China which is driving many people to urban areas in search of jobs that foreign companies are eager to offer. There are many complex root problems to the child slave labor industry. We see these root causes as being a growing economic disparity in China, a rapidly changing social structure, and a failure of the Chinese educational system to provide adequate and affordable education to all children. If none of these problems are taken control of, child slave labor in China will only keep on growing with no chance of an end.
IHS Child Slave Labor News :: “Made in China”

And should we open the Pandora's box on corruption in China?

In any democracy there will be ghettos and slums.

In a totalitarian regime like the Communists, there can be no slums, since they will be evicted without compensation and locked up in jail on a false charge and the key thrown away.

There being no Human Rights bodies, none will know where they have gone.
Well, talking of child labour, China tops it all!

And should we open the Pandora's box on corruption in China?

In any democracy there will be ghettos and slums.

In a totalitarian regime like the Communists, there can be no slums, since they will be evicted without compensation and locked up in jail on a false charge and the key thrown away.

There being no Human Rights bodies, none will know where they have gone.

Child labor in India is a human right issue for the whole world. It is a serious and extensive problem, with many children under the age of fourteen working in carpet making factories, glass blowing units and making fireworks with bare little hands. According to the statistics given by Indian government there are 20 million child laborers in the country, while other agencies claim that it is 50 million.

Corruption index on India is higher than China.
Corruption index on India is higher than China.

refugee boy_ the point is a free media will show it to be otherwise in chini land. the govt has been caught hidding SARS and earthquake stats and anything that affects its image- so in a state controlled media, how can you say that corruption index in china vs anyone is lower?

-- the house of chini's is built on lies, deception and propaganda. Don't believe me - ask your parents why they ran away from there to America ..
( The high IQ Chinese citizenry should be shielded from reading questions? )

To protect the fragile minded masses - China transcript omits mentions of detained artist :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BEIJING—China's Foreign Ministry removed all references to a detained artist from its official transcript of a news conference given by its spokesman, in an apparent sign it wants to stifle discussion of the case.

Ten of the 18 questions asked at the news conference Thursday concerned Ai Weiwei, a prominent artist and activist who was detained Sunday at Beijing's international airport along with an assistant, Wen Tao. All 10 questions were omitted from the transcript posted Friday on the Foreign Ministry's website.

The ministry did not immediately respond to requests for an explanation.

Ai is the most prominent target so far in China's massive crackdown on dozens of lawyers, writers and activists following online calls for protests similar to those in the Middle East and North Africa. No protests have occurred here.

Spokesman Hong Lei had told the regularly scheduled news conference that Ai was being investigated for economic crimes, but he gave no details. He said the case had nothing to do with freedom of expression, although Ai has often been a target of government harassment.

"China is a country under the rule of law, and relevant authorities will work according to law," Hong said.

Foreign governments and international rights groups have called for Ai's release, saying the authorities appeared to be punishing him for his activism.

Chinese authorities sometimes try to silence critics by accusing them of tax violations or other nonpolitical crimes. Beijing police have refused to comment on Ai's case.

Police have expanded their investigation in the days since Ai's detention, calling in friends, family members and associates for questioning. Officers returned to Ai's studio on Friday, demanding to see his accounting ledgers, according to assistants who were present at the time.

Ai is among China's best-known artists internationally and recently exhibited at the Tate Modern gallery in London. His activism has included leading a campaign for an independent investigation into the deaths of thousands of children whose badly built schools collapsed in the massive 2008 Sichuan earthquake, an issue the government has sought to hush-up.

China's media have been largely silent on Ai's case, although the outspoken Global Times newspaper published by the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily has run editorials on two consecutive days accusing the West of using his case to denigrate China's legal system.

In its editorial Friday, it appeared to suggest that the case against Ai wasn't entirely open and shut.

"Just because Ai Weiwei is being investigated by police on suspicion of committing economic crimes doesn't necessarily mean he will be convicted. However, guilty or not is for the court to say and foreign diplomatic and public opinion pressure will not be the determining factor," the newspaper said.
There are very few totalitarian regimes remaining on earth. Some of them include Sudan, the Congo, North Korea, India and the United States. Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by extreme militarism, worship of military force, a poorly educated populace, high income inequality and industrial decline.

North Korea is the exception here. It has a highly educated populace.
There are very few totalitarian regimes remaining on earth. Some of them include Sudan, the Congo, North Korea, India and the United States. Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by extreme militarism, worship of military force, a poorly educated populace, high income inequality and industrial decline.

North Korea is the exception here. It has a highly educated populace.

funny guy
refugee boy_ the point is a free media will show it to be otherwise in chini land. the govt has been caught hidding SARS and earthquake stats and anything that affects its image- so in a state controlled media, how can you say that corruption index in china vs anyone is lower?

-- the house of chini's is built on lies, deception and propaganda. Don't believe me - ask your parents why they ran away from there to America ..

Wannabe American who can't form a simple sentence. So lack of information on corruption is evidence for corruption? Your logic is Incredible. We know India is corrupt because of all the things the government says they do and then don't because of money being siphoned off or what not. Even if their is corruption in China they get things done and ahead of schedule.

The house of Hindis is build on delusions, corruption, and holes in the ground. Ask your parents why they ran away to America.
Pakistanis despite being killed by mercenaries still speak more freely than the shackled Chinese here. If anything, Chinese on this forum need to learn from some Pakistanis and their ministers who have stood up for civil liberties, and in the process have been assassinated - in some cases brutally. I have also read that several Indian activists who used the Right to Information to expose corruption/illegal activities have been killed in India by contract thugs. All these show how brave the Pakistani and Indian people are when it comes to taking on vested interests. Chinese - stand up and show some guts. No guts. No glory - like they say. If you want the world's respect, start reforming. This is your chance. The economic growth should translate to more civil liberties.

Getting respect from a hypocrite westerner and rednecks is not worth a penny borrowed from China! There isn't one final government system and solution for everyone, so get over it already!
Do you deny that?

If you want to control, you must first justify why you need said control. Or are you saying that the freedom of expression is naturally in need of control?

Good points about human natural expression. I believe each country can dictate laws and customs that fits their values and cultures and cultivate it their own way. If all natural human expression can be made legal then that means even racial and derogatory stereotypes are okay (figuratively speaking of course) What do you think?
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