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China takes rights activists into custody

What sorta artist is he? Seems bit of a bs artist to me. Good for nothing artsy farty people, who have a sulk about pretty much anything and everything. Go do something useful for your country.


This isn't art.
The funny thing about Ai Weiwei is, despite his international fame (which is almost entirely a result of his political activism), few people are willing to pay for his so-called 'art'.

Here's a list of 50 highest paid living artists in China and Mr.Ai is nowhere to be seen.

Hurun Report - Webpage for China's Business Leaders - 2009 Hurun Art List

Mr Ai can have the Western press hyping up his political activism. He can put his little 'experimental art' on every public square in Europe (with backing of the local governments). But when his so-call art comes to the market, private collectors just refuse to buy the hype with their own cash.

BTW, Zhang Xiaogang, the top Chinese artist on the Hurun list, just sold a painting for $10.1 million USD (Chinese contemporary oil painting breaks $10 million - Telegraph). Zhang Xiaogang perfected his art while Ai Weiwei perfected his politics, the result couldn't be clearer. As it's often said, the market is rational.
Chinese people are known to be lack on self confidence and fearful. Wonder their family member may have been dragged like this man and had a fiertly dreadful prison session.
Chinese people are known to be lack on self confidence and fearful. Wonder their family member may have been dragged like this man and had a fiertly dreadful prison session.

You Indians are hilarious. :lol:

When China was fighting against both the superpowers (USA and the Soviet Union)... India was getting beaten up, and ran away crying to the West for help.

India as a nation never had any self-confidence.
You Indians are hilarious. :lol:

When China was fighting against both the superpowers (USA and the Soviet Union)... India was getting beaten up, and ran away crying to the West for help.

India as a nation never had any self-confidence.

Lol yes yes. We might not have had "self-confidence" then, but hey, atleast we dont suffer perennially from, depending who the opponent is, inferiority/superiority complex issues! Unfortunately propaganda doesnt work for the Indians.
You Indians are hilarious. :lol:

When China was fighting against both the superpowers (USA and the Soviet Union)... India was getting beaten up, and ran away crying to the West for help.

India as a nation never had any self-confidence.

When did China fight the superpowers?

China sat on the Soviet's lap between 1949-1969 and then on the Lap of America till 1989.

Chinese have only changed laps:lol:

Talking about Self-Confidence, Most of the Chinese here are sitting in the West and fart mouthing. Maybe you are one of those lucky Han to be in HK. Why do mainlainders have to get permission to visit HK while the Government signs Visa free access with other countries. So much self confidence on its own citizen:whistle:

Regarding India, China could not gather the ball to attack India in 1971 even sitting on Nixon's Lap:lol: while its ally was teared apart into two. So much Chinese self confidence.:lol:
I am waiting when this courage will be gained by Pakistani government?

Well done China, good move. There must strict control over these anti-state organizations in mask of human rights or activists.
Arrest them all and keep them long as it possible,
Or send them all to US who defiantly needs their lessons.
You Indians are hilarious. :lol:

When China was fighting against both the superpowers (USA and the Soviet Union)... India was getting beaten up, and ran away crying to the West for help.

India as a nation never had any self-confidence.

Mate, it aint worth going head to head with a troll that just registered (coincides with JayAtl being banned). Lets not generalize India because of some loudmouths shall we.
When did China fight the superpowers?

LOL you fail at history. :lol:

In the 1950 Korean war, China fought against the USA and 16 of her allies combined, and pushed them out of North Korea.

We then fought the Soviet Union, during the Sino-Soviet split.

India on the other hand:

Lost half of Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947, and went crying to the UN for help.

Then India was crushed by China in 1962, and ran off crying to the USA for help.
LOL you fail at history. :lol:

In the 1950 Korean war, China fought against the USA and 16 of her allies combined, and pushed them out of North Korea.

We then fought the Soviet Union, during the Sino-Soviet split, in several border clashes.

India on the other hand:

Lost half of Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947, and went crying to the UN for help.

Then India was crushed by China in 1962, and ran off crying to the USA for help.

Look at the North Korea.

It was who China went crying to beg to the USA's feet in 1969 when Soviet said they will nuke China.:lol:

China got it's a*s smacked in Vietnam:lol:

China lost the border clashes with India.:lol:

Pakistani tribal terrorists were a*s kicked out of Kashmir. India has control of 2/3rd of Kashmir.

Update yourself with something out of CPC textbooks.
"Why do care about China?" :D

Hong Kong is a part of China.

Indians like to insult Chinese people, but they forget that people from Hong Kong and Taiwan are also ethnically Chinese.

I am talking about those who face the Burnz:azn: of CPC?
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