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China Steps Up Naval Presence Near China's Huangyan (Scarborough) Shoal

Yeah, call your mama. Anyway, it is clear from the article that I posted a link to that China itself is (also) drawing red lines. So, pot v. kettle. End of your story.

US have been drawing lines in Syria, Crimea, SCS but China crosses the line every time. What is US to do? The line get shorter and shorter. China took over Huangyan Island in 2012 what did US do?


You showed him the mirror :lol:

The so-called 'superpower' can't do a damn thing over their 'red lines'.
Yeah, call your mama. Anyway, it is clear from the article that I posted a link to that China itself is (also) drawing red lines. So, pot v. kettle. End of your story.

That the best you can do? insulting my family? becoming a PDF think tank is not too hard.

@waz why is this mod allow to use his privelege to insult other people?

What will the US do when Huangyan Island development actually begins (currently active increase in the law enforcement in the HI vicinity is undergoing).

Practically, the US is helpless.

I read that there were more to be built than originally contracted.

US is helpless. China not even in attack mode and they are scared
For what?:crazy:

That the best you can do? insulting my family? becoming a PDF think tank is not too hard.

@waz why is this mod allow to use his privelege to insult other people?

US is helpless. China not even in attack mode and they are scared
I was referring to the other member you were attempting to call into the discussion with the @ sign.
Besides, why would I waste my precious holiday time with more words when less suffice?
US is helpless. China not even in attack mode and they are scared

Especially under Obama, US foreign policy became less exciting.

Or, Obama is the effect, not the cause itself. Probably that's the case.

The last (half-cooked) glory they had was when they stormed into Baghdad and a US soldier covered Saddam's statue's face with a US flag.

Since then, it is has been a one-man's race to the bottom.

China knows this and plays well with the conditions.
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You guys will soon see this beast of a drag-suction dredger in action in the SCS:



You guys will soon see this beast of a drag-suction dredger in action in the SCS:




Huangyan can't wait to see this coming ashore.

I think, once the work starts, it won't take long before Huangyan is capable of accommodating certain security and relief structures.
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