What's new

China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.


CZ-9 :)
It will take another decade before CZ-9 (100-130 ton LEO payload) can be deployed

More update news on China's development of existing or coming projects in another interview with 叶培建 Mr Ye Peijian, (post #53) and 张小虹 Ms Zhang Xiaohong:

天宮二號明年發射 航天人對“玉兔”故障表歉意_新聞_鉅亨網


The Chang'er 3 lunar lander and Yutu rover team of scientists and engineers express their regret over Yutu's glitches during the last "dormancy" and "wake-up" period. Yutu is experiencing some malfunctions but the team is still working hard to restore the rover to its prime conditions

1. Tiangong 2
Launch date: Before end of 2015
Key technologies / activities:
- TG2 is a bigger module than TG 1
- Refueling techniques (propellants)
- Performance of more manned docking and supplies replenishment exercises
- All the above enable a longer stay in space for our Taikongnauts
- Tiangong 2 will be China's largest skylab until the completion of our Space Station building on or before 2020 - the year when the ISS retires. By then China's Space Station will be the world's only station functioning in space.

2. CZ-5 and CZ-7 rockets
- debute launching of both rockets in Wenchang Satellite Launching Center in Hainan
- the rockets will be used for launching various capsules for our space station and the spacecraft for the 3rd phase of our Lunar project
- date of completion of testing of the rockets by end of 2014
- deployment in 2015

3. Success rate
As of end of 2013, China rockets have completed 188 missions with a success rate of over 95%

4. Other activities in 2014

a. debute launching of CZ-3C (modified Type 2 rocket) in the second half of 2014
b. the rockets will send (1) Chang'er 5 experimental module and (2) China's space shuttle into space separately in the year

Chang'er 5's experimental module will be used to test China spacecraft's return-to-earth capabilities

This news is covered by @cirr's posting earlier here:
Preparation for Chang'e-5 launch on schedule

China will launch a space shuttle this year. The vehicle will carry out multiple missions of
a. cleaning up spatial debris
b. perfecting the techniques of orbital transfer
c. preparation for future missions to Moon and Mars
d. various other testing on new material, spatial techniques and experiments

Coverage of this news also by @cirr earlier here:

China to launch first "space shuttle bus" this year
Yuan Zheng-1 Upper Stage Set for Launch in 2014

Looking forward to another exciting year of China's space explorations!
Good Luck! :china:
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Great goings if one also considers the scheduled launch of Beidou global positioning satellites beginning this year till 2020
China will launch a space shuttle this year. The vehicle will carry out multiple missions of
a. cleaning up spatial debris
b. perfecting the techniques of orbital transfer
c. preparation for future missions to Moon and Mars
d. various other testing on new material, spatial techniques and experiments

Coverage of this news also by @cirr earlier here:

China to launch first "space shuttle bus" this year
Yuan Zheng-1 Upper Stage Set for Launch in 2014

Looking forward to another exciting year of China's space explorations!
Good Luck! :china:

远征 1 号 Yuan Zheng 1


Credit: hsw.cn


credit: guancha.com

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Yutu wakes up by herself for the 4th working period after the 3rd dormancy!






Jade Rabbit Latest news :The moon rover Yutu "Jade Rabbit" brings good news again today . State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) announced today @ 6:42 am that Yutu "Jade Rabbit" rover's telemetry signals are in normal , successful self- awakened. conditions. However , unusual problem persists in some of the rover's body control system but other parts function normally. The rotor's panoramic cameras, radar and other surveying equipment for scientific exploration are carrying out according to plan .

On March 12 @15:21 o'clock, Chang'e 3 lander has achieved self- awakened function on. the fourth lunar work-day. After rebooting their respective systems, he lander and rover carry out effective works according to plan.

During the daytime working period in the previous three months, Chang'e 3 lander functions properly. Mounted on the lander's payload are the moon-based telescopes, cameras, and the EUV lunar dust load meter - all of them are installed for the exploration mission. The equipment have collected a lot of scientific and engineering data . After entering the fresh lunar daytime working period , these loaded equipment will still be effective to carry out missions for gathering more scientific data and detection results. At present, the lander is in a "sustainable management" mode.

Since soft landing on the lunar surface on last December 14, "Jade Rabbit " Yutu rover has experienced three lunar low night-time temperature tests. Now she welcomes the fourth lunar daytime . Accordance to the work plan and related procedures, the rover will be switched to the "sustainable control" mode but the unusual problems which the lunar rover previously experienced still persist. The earth's control center still continues with their troubleshooting works . Four equipment on the rover such as the panoramic camera , lunar surveying radars etc function properly . During the coming lunar work-days , the equipment on the rover are going to carry out follow-up exploration works according to the command and control of the Earth's center..

During past three months, Chang'e 3 landing and "JadeRabbit" Yutu rover successful completed all of the engineering tasks. They have collected a lot of engineering and scientific data for future lunar exploration and scientific research. Because of these, the mission has laid a solid foundation.

net assisted translation'
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China launched successfully this morning the 6th ballistic missile early warning satellite, SJ-11-06.



Henri K.
China's Lunar Roving Vehicle revealed (max taikonaut capacity = 2):
April 10, 2014


Credit: Xinhua and Chongqing morning news

Free sauna coming :cheesy:

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天宫 2号 2015前后发射
Tiangong 2 - launching date: around 2015

Some graphics

Tiangong 2


Credit: kepu.net.cn


Credit: guancha

Graphical presentation of a completed space station - China (converging on the center connector from 4 directions)- around 2020
Completion of core cabin around 2018
Launching of Tiangong 2 - around 2015


Descriptive boxes from left to right:
Cargo vehicle - Space Lab II - Core cabin - Astronauts' vehicle - Spae Lab I

Credit : Xinhuanet


Credit: yn.xinhuanet.com
From a rotated angle of the structure ( converging on the the center connector from 6 directions)
Descriptive boxes from top to bottom, left to right:
Core cabin - Space lab I
Cargo vehicle (top) - Astronauts' vehicle ( bottom)
Space lab II
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As electrical blockage is found Chinese scramble to salvage Yutu lunar rover

The South China Morning Post reported on Friday that Chinese engineers believe that they have found the fault that has prevented the Yutu lunar rover from operating since shortly after it landed on the moon as part of the Chang’e 3 expedition. The fault appears to be in a blacked circuit that has prevented its driving mechanism from operating. As a result the Yutu has been parked on the lunar surface unable to proceed further.

The problem became apparent when the lunar rover was unable to “button up” to protect it from the intense cold of the lunar night. The Yutu landed on December 14, 2013, making China the third country to land something on the lunar surface. It suffered its breakdown on January 25, 2014 and, even though its instruments have continued to work, it has been unable to move its wheels or solar panels.

Chinese engineers are working on ways to bypass the blocked circuit and to determine what had caused the problem to start with. If they can work out a way to get the Yutu rolling again, the Chinese might be able to salvage more of its mission. Otherwise Yutu, named after the rabbit that the lunar goddess Chang’e is said to have kept as a pet, is likely done after having only moved 20 meters.

The problem will likely have an impact on China’s lunar program going further. The Chinese plan to land a second lunar rover as part of the Chang’e 5 mission in 2015. A lunar sample return mission is planned for 2017. Going further, China has ambitions to land astronauts on the lunar surface, a feat which was last accomplished by the United States in 1972 with the Apollo 17 mission. A number of other countries private companies have lunar ambitions as well. Ironically, pursuant to President Obama’s directive, NASA has foresworn any aspiration to return to the moon.

As electrical blockage is found Chinese scramble to salvage Yutu lunar rover - Houston Space news | Examiner.com
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