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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

China's second orbiting space lab Tiangong-2, delivered to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.


Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft would also shortly be delivered to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

China launches space tracking ship Yuanwang-7
Source: Xinhua 2016-07-12 12:02:46

NANJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- China's new generation of space tracking ship, the Yuanwang-7, which will perform maritime tracking of manned spaceflight Shenzhou-11 and other space missions later this year, was formally launched on Tuesday after a 60-day trial period.

The vessel, designed by China, marks a new high for China's space tracking technology, said a statement.

The construction of the ship started on Oct. 10, 2014 in Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd. The 220 meter-long, 40 meter-high ship has a displacement of 25,000 tons. Capable of resisting strong typhoons, the ship can carry supplies to last for 100 days, the statement said.

China boasts a fleet of seven Yuanwang space tracking ships, which have carried out some 70 expeditions and traveled more than 1.5 million nautical miles in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Shenzhou-11 will carry two astronauts to dock with Tiangong-2, China's second orbiting space lab to be launched in the fall. The docking is expected to allow two astronauts to live in space for up to 30 days.

The Yuanwang-1 and Yuanwang-2 ships, China's first-generation space tracking vessels, were launched in 1979, making China the fourth country to master space tracking technology after the United States, Russia and France.




China now able to recognize high voltage transmission line of 2.7cm in diameter from satellite remote sensing images with a resolution of 0.31 meters





China developing water cycle observation satellite
Xinhua, July 12, 2016


China will launch a Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM) satellite around 2020, to help in forecasting hydrological events including flood and drought.

As the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRSS) 2016 kicked off in Beijing Monday, China announced its plans for the WCOM satellite, the first geoscientific satellite to provide integrated observation of key elements of the global water cycle.

The WCOM was initiated jointly by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth and the National Space Science Center with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The CAS has completed key research and tests of the satellite's payload in anticipation of further development.

"This year's floods in southern China are an example of how changes in water cycle have a direct impact on our lives," said Shi Jiancheng, chief WCOM scientist.

Understanding the distribution characteristics and changing patterns of the water cycle and forecasting them are frontier scientific issues for us, Shi added.

The WCOM will provide unprecedented, accurate observations through simultaneous monitoring of key water cycle elements, such as soil humidity, snow/water equivalents, surface ice and sea water salinity, Shi said.

It will play an important role in flood prevention, drought relief, agriculture, water resource management as well as food and environmental security, he said.

The CAS will cooperate with U.S. and European research teams to initiate a satellite constellation based on the WCOM, aiming to form a worldwide water cycle observation network.

Also at the IGRSS meeting, progress was made in major collaborative research projects, including the China-France Oceanography Satellite (CFOSAT) and the Dragon Program.

The CFOSAT, the first joint satellite development between China and France, scheduled for launch in 2018, is dedicated to ocean wind and wave observation. A prototype model is complete and the actual CFOSAT prototype is being developed.

The CFOSAT will carry two payloads: a wave spectrometer from France and a wind scatterometer by China. It will be the first time for both devices to be used for remote-sensing purpose on satellite.

China is responsible for the satellite design, manufacture and launch.

The Dragon Program is a cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Space Agency. The first phase of the project commenced in 2004 and was completed in 2008.

Scheduled to be completed in 2020, the fourth phase of the Dragon Program consists of 27 projects covering eight fields including agriculture, carbon dioxide monitoring and disaster mitigation.

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combined cycle rocket engine


2016-07-13 航天科技一院 中国运载火箭技术研究院




   “目前,各国开展载人航天活动,使用的都是单一的火箭动力。火箭‘力气’大,加速快,技术相对成熟。但也正是因为加速太快,航天员的身体要承受超过体重 数倍的过载。因此,航天员大多选自身体素质极高的歼击机飞行员。不但如此,他们还要再进行复杂而漫长的训练,才能胜任航天飞行任务。”杨旸说:“而‘组合 动力飞行器’由于集成了多种发动机,可以在起飞时使用飞机常用的涡轮发动机或小推力的火箭发动机,当飞行器达到一定速度后再使用需要初始速度的冲压发动 机,最后在大气稀薄的地方点燃火箭发动机,实现入轨。这样就变火箭发动机‘单手搏击’为多种动力‘组团太极’,从而实现缓慢加速,使过载降低到普通人也能 承受的范围。”

  杨旸介绍:“‘组合动力飞行器’在大气层内使用涡轮发动机、冲压发动机,这样就可以使用大气层中的氧气进行燃烧。而各国 现役载人火箭在大气层中还要携带沉重的氧化剂,两者相比,效率高下立判。同时,‘组合动力飞行器’可以像飞机一样,在普通机场水平起降,既能使航天发射不 再‘挑剔’发射场的条件,又为飞行器的可重复使用奠定了基础,使航天活动的成本大大降低。更重要的是,‘小火慢炖’的‘组合动力飞行器’告别了传统载人火 箭‘开弓没有回头箭’的悲壮,即便加速中出现问题也能稳稳地飞回来,使载人航天活动的安全性得到质的提升。”

  杨旸说:“能载人航天,肯 定也能发射卫星。不过,由于‘组合动力飞行器’的集成度高,技术难度极大,所以实现实用飞行尚需时日。此前,美、欧等国已开展了大量的研究、试验工作,我 国以火箭院为代表的科研机构、高校也正在这一领域发力。或许在不久的将来,我们这些未受过严苛训练的普通人也能乘坐中国的‘组合动力航班’飞向太空。”

2016 西工大新闻网7月8日电 7月5日和6日,我校党委书记张炜携科学技术管理部和航天学院等相关单位一行十余人,先后赴航天科工二院和航天科技一院调研,就学校与科研院所在科研合 作和人才培养等方面事宜进行沟通交流。学校副校长宋保维、科学技术管理部部长岳珠峰和航天学院院长唐硕等相关领导陪同。

在航天科工二院,院党委书记马杰对张炜一行的到访表示热烈欢迎。马杰首先简要介绍了二院的发展现状与取得的成果,同时详细介绍了未来“十三五”的发展规 划。马杰表示,在人才培养方面,西北工业大学这些年来一直支持航天科工事业的发展,为二院培养输送了近500余名优秀的校友,其中10多位已经成长为副总 师以上领导,为二院的发展作出了重要贡献。在科研方面,学校“十二五”期间与二院签订了50多项科研合同,为二院在基础研究、关键技术攻关和型号研制等方 面,提供了大力的技术支持。此外,二院科技管理部门针对与学校下一步的合作,梳理出明确的技术需求和合作意向,对下一步双方科研的深度合作充满期望。张炜 首先对二院的热情接待表示感谢,高度肯定了双方长久以来形成的良好伙伴关系,并对学校下一步继续加大与二院的人才培养与科研合作提出明确要求。在人才培养 方面,张炜要求在高层次人才,尤其在博士及博士后培养方面,学校要加大与二院联合培养的工作力度。在科研方面,张炜认为双方还有很大的合作空间,要求学校 科研管理部门下一步要加强与二院的科研沟通和交流,发挥学校基础和前沿研究的优势,开展有组织、持续性的科学研究工作,争取“十三五”取得更大的成果。

在航天科技一院,副院长王国庆代表院方对张炜一行的到访表示热烈欢迎,同时参会的还有航天六院代表。王国庆首先系统介绍了一院“十二五”的发展情况,随后 回顾了与我校在人才及科研方面的交流与合作。我校为一院输送了近400多名校友,其中30多人已经成为院本部和下属厂所的高层领导或总师。科研合作280 多个项目,是一院与高校合作最深入的单位。我校航天学院针对一院的情况,有针对性的提出了未来合作的若干领域,尤其在火箭组合发动机研制方面,预计未来 “十三五”大有作为。最后,在一院、学校和六院领导的见证下,唐硕代表航天学院与一院研发中心和航天六院11所,联合签署组合动力飞行器技术攻关合作协 议,实质性地推动我校与一院和六院的科研进一步深度合作。


sabre engine
China Readies Next Space Lab for September Launch
By Space.com, staff | July 15, 2016 07:00am ET



China’s Tiangong-2 space lab undergoing checkouts ahead of a planned September liftoff.
Credit: CCTV via China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.
It's an important year for China's burgeoning human spaceflight program.

Chinese news agencies report that the country's second orbiting space lab — Tiangong-2 — was delivered over the weekend by rail from Beijing to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) away in the Gobi Desert.

According to a statement from China's manned space engineering office, the vessel will undergo assembling and testing processes at the center in preparation for its mid-September launch.

Tiangong-2 will be China's second orbiting space lab, and it will eventually be visited by two astronauts onboard the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft. (China's first space lab, Tiangong-1, launched in September 2011 and hosted crewed dockings in June 2012 and June 2013. Tiangong-1's operational life is now over, and the space lab is expected to fall back to Earth relatively soon.)

Check out these two videos, which show how technicians and engineers are getting Tiangong-2 and its Long March 2 F rocket ready for the upcoming launch:



Early next year, a Long March 7 rocket will loft a Tianzhou supply ship to the Tiangong-2 space lab.

Also on tap this year is the maiden blastoff of China's Long March 5 rocket. This booster is eventually scheduled to launch space station modules into Earth orbit, help get moon samples to Earth and blast a rover toward Mars in 2020, Chinese officials have said.

Test capsule
Late last month, the first Long March 7 launched from the country's new Kennedy Space Center-like Wenchang coastal spaceport.

The Long March 7 carried mini-satellites, as well as a sub-scale test capsule for future piloted space missions in low Earth orbit and deep space. That 2.87-ton (2.6 metric tons) re-entry module parachuted to a landing in Badain Jaran Desert in north China.

Prior to the capsule's landing, the re-entry module spent about 20 hours in orbit.

Leonard David is the author of "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet," to be published by National Geographic this October. The book is a companion to the National Geographic Channel six-part series coming in November. A longtime writer for Space.com, David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook orGoogle+. Published on Space.com.



China’s sun simulator sheds new light on the ravages of space travel
Scientists and engineers overcome challenges of simulating light from the sun with artificial to test how electronics and materials can cope with the extremes in temperatures and radiation of space

China’s sun simulator sheds new light on the ravages of space travel | South China Morning Post



Recently, the KM8 space environment simulation device has completed testing. This would means that the setup installation of the Tianjin AIT center is now fully completed.

Tianjin AIT center is where China's future large spacecraft undergo assembly, integration and test (AIT). The center construction project chief engineer Yan Rongxin said: "Tianjin AIT could be likened to be China's new generation large spacecraft 'delivery room'. Where the space station and other large spacecraft will be 'born' here."

It would become the world's largest spacecraft AIT Center.

Moreover, the center also boast many test equipment with impressive scale.

The just completed KM8 with its 17 meters in diameter and 35 meters height is to become Asia's largest and world's third space environment simulator, a world strongest vibration test system; 4000 cubic meters of noise test apparatus, its 156 db sound pressure level is the world's second.
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Q&A: China lunar chief plots voyage to far side of moon
By Dennis Normile, Jul. 21, 2016 , 2:00 PM

As chief designer for the China National Space Administration's (CNSA’s) Chang'e lunar exploration program, Wu Weiren oversaw the Chang’e-3 mission that in late 2013 landed and released a rover on the moon's surface—the first soft touchdown on Earth’s satellite since a Soviet mission in 1976.

Two even more ambitious missions are on the way as China continues its rapid ascent in space science. Next year, Chang'e-5 will land, scrape up surface soil and rocks, drill down 2 meters for samples, and return the haul to Earth, all within 2 weeks or so. In 2018, CNSA, which runs the lunar program, will attempt the first ever landing on the far side of the moon. Remote observations of the far side’s geology have convinced some planetary scientists that it is the most accessible location in the solar system to study planetary accretion, crust formation, and the effects of impacts. An engineer, Wu concedes that engineering has priority in China’s lunar program: Without solid engineering, he says, scientific objectives cannot be realized.

The interview, conducted at CNSA headquarters in Beijing, was edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: Is Chang'e-3 still making observations?

A: It is. It has been functioning for more than 30 months. It has already fulfilled completely its scientific and engineering missions and is currently working overtime, conducting scientific observations, and testing [spacecraft components] for endurance.

Q: What is the schedule for Chang'e-5? Is the landing site on the moon's Ocean of Storms?

A: Chang'e-5 will be launched next year. We can't be too specific because of various factors but let's say the second half of next year. The Ocean of Storms is a big [region]. We don't want to duplicate [the Russian and U.S.] landing locations. So we're choosing in this [region] but with some consideration for an unprecedented landing site. From the launch until the samples return to Earth would be about a couple dozen days.

Q: Regarding Chang'e-4, is it correct that there will be a communications relay satellite launched in June 2018, and then the Chang'e-4 spacecraft itself with its rover launched before the end of 2018?

A: It is roughly correct. It depends very much on various factors when to launch this mission. But we are pretty sure it will be conducted by the year 2018. The mission includes a relay satellite, a lander, as well as a rover.

Q: Chang'e-4 was developed as a backup to Chang'e-3, with a lander and rover. Will the scientific instruments be similar?

A: We do not want to duplicate [the Chang'e-3] effort. So Chang'e-4 will have new instruments and upgraded instruments. In terms of categories, the first would be topography, to see the overall landscape of the moon. The second category would be geology, to further explore the geologic characteristics of the [moon]. The third category would be astronomy, observing the universe, and also solar activity, from the far side of the moon. [That will be] unprecedented.

Q: Will there be a Chang'e-6?

A: It is the Chinese practice to make redundant missions. Chang'e-6 is a backup for Chang'e-5. Once Chang'e-5 achieves complete success, the mission of Chang'e-6 will be redefined. [Launch] won't happen for a few years after Chang'e-5.

Q: Which has been more important: advancing your technological capabilities or the scientific objectives?

A: Engineering objectives have always been given priority in our lunar missions. We have to guarantee that we can access space, access a lunar orbit, and the lunar surface to realize the scientific objectives. We look carefully at our engineering objectives and the competences that we have and then based on that we design our scientific objectives.

Q&A: China lunar chief plots voyage to far side of moon | Science | AAAS
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The Link between Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Forum successfully held at ISSI-BJ
Update time: 2016-07-20

On July 6-7, 2016, ISSI-BJ forum on “The Link between Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere” was successfully held. About 30 leading scientists from 5 countries participated in this forum, which convened by Chi Wang (NSSC, CAS), Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (UCL, UK), Benoit Lavraud (CNRS, France), Tony Lui (APL, USA) and Maurizio Falanga (ISSI-BJ, China).

The Forum’s main aims divide the meeting into 4 sessions: overview to the Solar Wind Magnetosphere and Ionosphere Coupling; key science of the Solar wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Coupling; Instruments and capability required; Synergies Complementary missions and International Collaborations. In this context , the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) selected a joint small mission (SMILE to be launched in 2021) to trace these processes from beginning (the Sun) to end (the Earth's aurora) and investigate how the solar wind interacts with the Earth's magnetic environment in a way unmatched so far.

The Forum started with an overview and goals of SMILE(Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) mission. The participants discussed the interaction between Earth's protective shield – the magnetosphere – and the supersonic solar wind. SMILE is expected to give an important contribution to our understanding of space weather and, in particular, the physical processes taking place during the continuous interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere.

An issue of Taikong, the ISSI-BJ magazine will be devoted to the content of this Forum for distribution to the science communities and space science institutions.

The Link between Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Forum successfully held at ISSI-BJ----Center for Space Science and Applied Research ,Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Beidou System targets global service around 2020
CRI, July 24, 2016

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), which is independently developed and operated by China, is well positioned to provide services worldwide. It will service countries along the Belt and Road Initiative by 2018 and expand its reach globally by 2020.

China launches the 23rd BeiDou Navigation Satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province, June 12, 2016. [Photo: weibo.com]

Zhang Chunling, Chief Engineer of China's Satellite Navigation System management office, made the remarks on Saturday while attending a technical seminar in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province.

Zhang said that the BDS has provided regional services for three years, with stronger performances in Beijing and Nanjing as well as low latitudes areas.

The BeiDou project was formally launched in 1994. On June 12 this year, China successfully launched the 23rd BeiDou navigation satellite that was said to be well prepared for extensive civil use and providing global services.

According to Zhang, the new homegrown BeiDou chip modules and some other core infrastructure products have been gradually made available to meet the demand of smart phones, tablet computers, wearable devices and so on.

The technology has lifted China's dependency on imported high-accuracy satellite navigation products, said Zhang.

The Chinese government released a white paper in June this year, elaborating on the development of the BDS.

According to the document, China has formulated a three-step strategy for developing the BDS and aims to complete the development of the 35 satellite constellation around 2020 to provide all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning, navigation and timing services to users globally.

The services cover the area between 55 degrees north latitude and 55 degrees south latitude and between 55 and 180 degrees east longitude, with a positioning accuracy of less than 10 meters, a velocity measurement accuracy of less than 0.2 meters per second and a timing accuracy of less than 50 nanoseconds.
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China unveils construction plan for first high-capacity broadband satellite system
(People's Daily Online) 17:51, July 25, 2016



China is scheduled to launch its first high-capacity broadband satellite by the end of 2018, and to begin satellite communications services by 2019, according to the satellite system's blueprint.

The blueprint was revealed as part of a contract signed between the Shenzhen government and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) on July 23, according to CASC's official WeChat platform. A new company, APT Mobile SatCom Limited (APSTAR), co-founded by the two bodies, was also unveiled.

APSTAR will shoulder the responsibility for construction of the high-capacity broadband satellite system, the costs for which are estimated at 10 billion yuan.

Cheng Guangren, president of APSTAR and also an expert on communications satellites, said the company will launch two more high-capacity broadband satellites to serve in the Americas, Europe and Africa, creating a global broadband satellite communications system by 2020.

According to CASC, the system will have three to four satellites, each with a capacity dozens of times that of normal broadband satellites.

“With the help of high-capacity broadband satellites, we can now offer better service in remote areas, in the air and on the sea where there used to be no communications services,” Cheng was quoted as saying.

When it is complete, China's global communications system will offer a continuous, reliable and autonomous service that supports the Belt and Road Initiative as well as other overseas development projects, the CASC post explained.
China unveils construction plan for first high-capacity broadband satellite system
(People's Daily Online) 17:51, July 25, 2016



China is scheduled to launch its first high-capacity broadband satellite by the end of 2018, and to begin satellite communications services by 2019, according to the satellite system's blueprint.

The blueprint was revealed as part of a contract signed between the Shenzhen government and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) on July 23, according to CASC's official WeChat platform. A new company, APT Mobile SatCom Limited (APSTAR), co-founded by the two bodies, was also unveiled.

APSTAR will shoulder the responsibility for construction of the high-capacity broadband satellite system, the costs for which are estimated at 10 billion yuan.

Cheng Guangren, president of APSTAR and also an expert on communications satellites, said the company will launch two more high-capacity broadband satellites to serve in the Americas, Europe and Africa, creating a global broadband satellite communications system by 2020.

According to CASC, the system will have three to four satellites, each with a capacity dozens of times that of normal broadband satellites.

“With the help of high-capacity broadband satellites, we can now offer better service in remote areas, in the air and on the sea where there used to be no communications services,” Cheng was quoted as saying.

When it is complete, China's global communications system will offer a continuous, reliable and autonomous service that supports the Belt and Road Initiative as well as other overseas development projects, the CASC post explained.
Hope they make it free worldwide. That will be really called "spreading influence". :enjoy:

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