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China slams Turkey for offer to shelter Uighurs from Chinese state terror

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We should applaud the Turks for showing some balls from Islamic world, unlike the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world.

The Uyghurs are in very miserable situation.

And so they should resort to terrorist attacks? In that case, there is nothing different between the henchmen of Baghdadi and those supporting this kind of violence.
We should applaud the Turks for showing some balls from Islamic world, unlike the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world.

The Uyghurs are in very miserable situation.

Turks are being hypocrites, they commit similar and worse atrocities on their Kurdish minorities to keep the separatism in check, but they love pointing fingers when it comes to Kashmir and Xinjiang.
And so they should resort to terrorist attacks? In that case, there is nothing different between the henchmen of Baghdadi and those supporting this kind of violence.
When did i ever support Uighur terrorism or attacks on civilians?
Turks are being hypocrites, they commit similar and worse atrocities on their Kurdish minorities to keep the separatism in check, but they love pointing fingers when it comes to Kashmir and Xinjiang.
The BS you are releasing here, what you are talking happened in the past its true but not today anymore, Kurd have all their rights, dont stick your nose in issues you have no clue about pls.
The BS you are releasing here, what you are talking happened in the past its true but not today anymore, Kurd have all their rights, dont stick your nose in issues you have no clue about pls.

Yeah that's why there is an ongoing Kurdish insurgency in Turkey right? Clear sign of everything being fine and dandy.

As for not sticking your nose in issues which you have no clue about, thats exactly what China asked from Turkey.
Yeah that's why there is an ongoing Kurdish insurgency in Turkey right? Clear sign of everything being fine and dandy.

As for not sticking your nose in issues which you have no clue about, thats exactly what China asked from Turkey.
First of all, pkk is a terror organisation consisting of 5-6 thousand people it doesnt represent 14 million peacefully living Kurds in Turkey at all.
Secondly the turmoils in SE calmed down the last years except the trouble makers ''protesting'' for Kobane recently.

And about Uyghurs, Turkey wants to offer them asylum in Turkey just as Europe is offering political asylum for people around the world.
First of all, pkk is a terror organisation consisting of 5-6 thousand people it doesnt represent 14 million peacefully living Kurds in Turkey at all.
Secondly the turmoils in SE calmed down the last years except the trouble makers ''protesting'' for Kobane recently.

And about Uyghurs, Turkey wants to offer them asylum in Turkey just as Europe is offering political asylum for people around the world.

But according to China, those people trying to get out of China are terrorists of ETIM. How would Turkey react if China was planning to give asylum to PKK terrorists?
But according to China, those people trying get out of China are terrorists of ETIM. How would Turkey react if China was planning to give asylum to PKK terrorists?
Im not anti China or something but its known that China is punishing whole familys of terrorists so i dont believe all these people did terrorist attacks in China considering the amounts of women and children.

Europe for decades accepted pkk terrorists as polical refugees and tolerated their organs withing EU operating as drug selling and recruiting cells, even some European states hosted to founder of pkk for years, so what Turkey would do? Probably nothing since China is far away in contrary to Europe.
I've personally interacted with Uighur people and they are quite decent hard working folks.
And did i mention they make the worlds best sesame bread? :-)
An anti-China troll fest founded by jealous Turks and boring Indians.Nobody cares. So called"east turkistan" has been ruled by Mongols and Chinese for more than one thousand years,it's our land.give it up.
Perhaps you should be more familiar with the hypocrisy of terrorists; they will launch vicious attacks against innocent civilians and then cry out in anguish when authorities return the favor.
Oh really is that the reason why China vetoed against Jamat-ud-dawa of pakistan from being declared terrorist organization by UN?
if they attack India or any other country other than China then they are good terrorists/freedom fighters, but if they attack China then they are bad Terrorists.
See your hypocrisy.
False. Mongols are not classified under the "Han" race, not to mention that this "land claims" that you speak of never happened.
Read post #41 of your fellow chinese @northeast

" So called"east turkistan" has been ruled by Mongols and Chinese for more than one thousand years,it's our land.give it up."

he claims that Mongols and chinese ruled that land,when the fact is mongols ruled that land and why do you have inner mongolia and outer mongolia in china?
I been in mainland china and they consider mongu as part of Han race, that is why parts of Mongolia are in China.
So dont try to fake it.
Read post #41 of your fellow chinese @northeast

" So called"east turkistan" has been ruled by Mongols and Chinese for more than one thousand years,it's our land.give it up."

he claims that Mongols and chinese ruled that land,when the fact is mongols ruled that land and why do you have inner mongolia and outer mongolia in china?
I been in mainland china and they consider mongu as part of Han race, that is why parts of Mongolia are in China.
So dont try to fake it.
Mngols are not hans,you are talking none sense.but more than a half of mongols are chinese,is that so difficult to understand?
Turkey should mind its own business. It can foment civil wars in the sectarian hell hole of middle east and act like a regional super hero, but China is a whole different ball game.

Maybe you should mind your own business. This issue has nothing to do with India.
- When Israel strikes Palestinians, You will see lot's of Pakistani comments.
- When China oppress Turkic people, you will see no Pakistani comments.

This is the very reason why we will never have an Ummah.
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