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"China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS"

I do believe that the kinds of ISIS might cause problems with China in the future, however its still meaningless for China to get involved so far from the home regions while US & Co. keep stirring up trouble. It is like there is a fire burning the houses China wants to extinguish it with water while US & Co. are bringing in the oils, not to mention US is faster with oils than anyone with water and is taking up the leading position in this mission. Sympathy for those burning in the houses but the fire wont be put down as long as the US isnt stopped first, and currently noone is capable of doing that.
China shouldn't enter this war. China should provide weapons to Countries Fighting against ISIS. :coffee:
China shouldn't enter this war. China should provide weapons to Countries Fighting against ISIS. :coffee:

weapons = oil in the fire

First of all a cross region coorperation must be ensured, start with the middle east. Not like what the world leaders are doing right now, maintain division with syria and iran is one of the most stupid things to do.
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Then let US fight against ISIS.For 20 years Asia is in conflict.When will this end. :hitwall:

Not much hope at this point, US is the leader in this mess, unless somebody else could take this position away (assuming that they even want this role) and change the way of how to handle things, stop causing resentment and envy, include everybody in coorperation (not only the western alliance and those who want to kiss western ***), support the progressive thinking in islamic teaching and union. Only if the conditions are met, only then the middle east could become something else other than the breeding ground for extremism and terrorism
Not much hope at this point, US is the leader in this mess, unless somebody else could take this position away (assuming that they even want this role) and change the way of how to handle things, stop causing resentment and envy, include everybody in coorperation (not only the western alliance and those who want to kiss western ***), support the progressive thinking in islamic teaching and union. Only if the conditions are met, only then the middle east could become something else other than the breeding ground for extremism and terrorism
How about putting sanctions against those who are supplying Terrorists with weapons.And Asian countries should stand against them not Western because they only create more problems for us.
How about putting sanctions against those who are supplying Terrorists with weapons.And Asian countries should stand against them not Western because they only create more problems for us.
To be honest I doubt sanctions would be any use at all, and for this problem we need cooperation between asian and western nations, together as one team. Most urgent task is to reduce the living space of extremism, since they are set on guerilla warfare it would be unlikely for an invading coalition force or more bombs to "extinguish the fire". Right now we need Arabia and Iran to work together and use their influence against ISIS in coordination and the international coalition might consolidate all surrounding nations and internal struggle within ISIS, sort out the differences between regional rivals(within and around iraq), and then get in step by step with local coordination, sadly it is not happening anytime soon.
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To be honest I doubt sanctions would be any use at all, and for this problem we need cooperation between asian and western nations, together as one team. Most urgent task is to reduce the living space of extremism, since they are set on guerilla warfare it would be unlikely for an invading coalition force or more bombs to "extinguish the fire". Right now we need Arabia and Iran to work together and use their influence against ISIS in coordination and the international coalition might consolidate all surrounding nations and internal struggle within ISIS, sort out the differences between regional rivals(within and around iraq), and then get in step by step with local coordination, sadly it is not happening anytime soon.
I totally agree with you,but if US Didn't attack Afghanistan and Iraq.Asia would have been very peaceful.No one has ever won a war in Afghanistan i.e look at Genghis Khan,Ottoman,Alexandria the Great they all failed to capture Afghanistan.Look at Soviet Union defeat in Afghanistan which destroyed them in 1987. America should have thought before attacking Afghanistan,10 years of occupation led to nothing.But more violence and destruction of Asian Peace. :hitwall:
As a chinese,I against.
first,if the USA can't,why we chinese can?
second,china have no abillity to fight so far away from our country.All chinese weapon are just designed for country defend,we don't have weapons designed for desirt,same thing as the troops.simple example is BDS,can't us in middle east.
third,chinese will nerver be threatened by outer,we should win in our native country first.this depend on our running movement, The last killo meter.We should try for this, the terrost in other country,nothing to do with china.
PS: We need peace,no war.If you defeat ISIS with bomb,where can the terrorst go? more defficaut to find them.I have a opion,when the terrorst jump out,the thing is better than before
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As a chinese,I against.
first,if the USA can't,why we chinese can?
second,china have no abillity to fight so far away from our country.All chinese weapon are just designed for country defend,we don't have weapons designed for desirt,same thing as the troops.simple example is BDS,can't us in middle east.
third,chinese will nerver be threated by outer,we should win in our native country first.this depend on our running movement, The last killo meter.We should try for this, the terrost in other country,nothing to do with china.
I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you,but if US Didn't attack Afghanistan and Iraq.Asia would have been very peaceful.No one has ever won a war in Afghanistan i.e look at Genghis Khan,Ottoman,Alexandria the Great they all failed to capture Afghanistan.Look at Soviet Union defeat in Afghanistan which destroyed them in 1987. America should have thought before attacking Afghanistan,10 years of occupation led to nothing.But more violence and destruction of Asian Peace. :hitwall:

It is in american(and maybe european) interest to stirr up trouble in asia (both east and west), they do not want peace and prosperity for islamic nations, central asians, russia, china and all other asian nation outside US alliance, not while western nations are slowing down in development and economic progress. The problems is the spreading terrorism as result of their forceful methodes will put everybody at risk, not only the asians as potential compatitors of the west but also the west themselves, in fact the terrorists have more hatred for the west with US as leader than anybody else. While this fire is causing violence and destruction across asia, it will also attack american interests at any oppertunity
It is in american(and maybe european) interest to stirr up trouble in asia (both east and west), they do not want peace and prosperity for islamic nations, central asians, russia, china and all other asian nation outside US alliance, not while western nations are slowing down in development and economic progress. The problems is the spreading terrorism as result of their forceful methodes will put everybody at risk, not only the asians as potential compatitors of the west but also the west themselves, in fact the terrorists have more hatred for the west with US as leader than anybody else. While this fire is causing violence and destruction across asia, it will also attack american interests at any oppertunity
We have lost 50,000 people and soldiers in this so called war on terror.We have lost billion of dollars.It has damage our Infrastructure badly.But still our corrupted politician see West as Friend. :hitwall:
We have lost 50,000 people and soldiers in this so called war on terror.We have lost billion of dollars.It has damage our Infrastructure badly.But still our corrupted politician see West as Friend. :hitwall:

While the war on terror was started by the west, surrounding nations will suffer consequences which can not be avoided, seeing the west as "friend" and get supported might be a way to get at least something in return,

and I would imagine that it was not friendship by choice(they are the leading faction in the world as of today), many nations while not directly included in the US alliance have also choosen to coorperate with the west in their own regional politics, while it might be less admirable nonetheless it would be a wise choice to get support and security guaranteed by reigning super power, it is understandable as pragmatic behaviour and it might even allow you to achieve goals in relative safety and outside of the spotlight. On the other hand as long time compatitor to the west countries like Russia or China are different and must walk on more difficult path.
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While the war on terror were started by the west, surrounding nations will suffer consequences which can not be avoided, seeing the west as "friend" and get supported might be a way to get at least something in return,

and I would imagine that it was not friendship by choice(they are the leading faction in the world as of today), many nations while not directly included in the US alliance have also choosen to coorperate with the west in their own regional politics, while it might be less admirable it nonetheless a wise choice ro get support and security guaranteed by reigning super power, it is understandable as pragmatic behaviour and it might even allow you to achieve goals in relative safety and outside of the spotlight. On the other hand as long time compatitor to the west countries like Russia or China are different and must walk on more difficult path.
When China going to become Super Power.:china:
ISIS has openly stated that China is a threat to them and if their influence grows, it is likely to attack Xinjiang and even other parts of China - Dingding Chen, University of Macau
China never send PLA into Iraq to fight ISIS, there is not our war.

Whatever U.S beg China to go to WAR, it‘s not the time yet. Only China can do is to export weapons to fighter who against ISIS. Save billions of $ to develop China stronger !

U.S cowboys will take care of these Iraq oilfields, except Iraq China also has Iran oil and Russia oil & gas.

It‘s a big trap,ISIS in Iraq ! China knew it.
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