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China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

japan, india, vietnam, phillippines and taiwan.

all these nations need to be taught a lesson once in for all.

china really needs a right wing leader that has zero tolerance for foreign bullying and china needs to dramatically increase military spending close to $400 billion.
china needs a global blue water navy, a world class airforce, an offensive and defensive cyber force, space weapons, global reach missile force and all power projection equipment and integrate all of them so china can deliver a devastating response to any aggressor towards china.
a fearsome military will send these mickey mouse asian nations running like scolded dogs.
they wont dare to take bad about china let alone try to take on china in a military confrontation.

ofcourse china can crush any global economy through economic might, sanctions on these small asian nations will crush their economies. denying access to china's consumer market, stop FDI into those nations, dumping their bonds, etc will destroy their economy for many decades.

china needs to play hardball with these nations, if they are not going to respect china, then beat some respect into them through a combination of economic, military and political power.

:guns: :yahoo:
japan, india, vietnam, phillippines and taiwan.

all these nations need to be taught a lesson once in for all.

china really needs a right wing leader that has zero tolerance for foreign bullying and china needs to dramatically increase military spending close to $400 billion.
china needs a global blue water navy, a world class airforce, an offensive and defensive cyber force team, space weapons, global reach missile force and all power projection capabilities and integrate all of them so china can deliver a devastating response to any aggressor towards china.

a fearsome military will send these mickey mouse asian nations running like scolded dogs back into their caves.
they wont dare to talk bad about china let alone try to take on china in a military confrontation.

ofcourse china can crush any economy through economic might, sanctions on these small asian nations will crush their economies. denying access to china's consumer market, stop FDI into those nations, dumping their bonds, etc will destroy their economy for many decades. remember china is the world's largest creditor nation, 3rd largest consumer market, 2nd largest manufacturing nation, 2nd biggest ODI investor in the world. all these things mean economic might.

china needs to play hardball with these nations, if they are not going to respect china, then beat some respect into them through a combination of economic, military and political might.

There is no such nation as Taiwan.
Then do something and get rid of it.

in time.

once china is strong enough to destroy the US navy and airforce, then china can reclaim taiwan.

until then, china needs to concentrate on vietnam phillippines, india.

japan and taiwan will get military support from the US if china went to war with these 2 aggressors.
in time.

once china is strong enough to destroy the US navy and airforce, then china can reclaim taiwan.

until then, china needs to concentrate on vietnam phillippines, india.

japan and taiwan will get military support from the US if china went to war with these 2 aggressors.

China can claim Taiwan at this very moment by force, it's not equal game any more, and when one of the member of UNSC go savage, the rest watch, it's the rule.

However, it wasn't that simple. I don't want to elaborate cause it's a mess.

My view is let Taiwan go independence, and Chinese takes care of their defence.
That is a big joke. Even the DPP in taiwan has no guts to declare independence. DPP's chen shuibian was in power from 2000 to 2008. Howeover, even then, there were none that dare to declare independence.

China can claim Taiwan at this very moment by force, it's not equal game any more, and when one of the member of UNSC go savage, the rest watch, it's the rule.

However, it wasn't that simple. I don't want to elaborate cause it's a mess.

My view is let Taiwan go independence, and Chinese takes care of their defence.
That is a big joke. Even the DPP in taiwan has no guts to declare independence. DPP's chen shuibian was in power from 2000 to 2008. Howeover, even then, there were none that dare to declare independence.

Obviously without Chinese nodding their heads, Taiwan can never declare independence.
However, you have to think about would a "independent" Taiwan under strict Chinese military control really against Chinese interests?
also, the added benefits of a little political ally who can help Chinese in international voting scams.
The Chinese doesn't really lose anything in this arrangement.
All the current "hurdles" between them will be resolved.

It's a no-lose no brainer.
I am not sure what is wrong with your brain or whether you have one.

Will China ever allow Taiwan to get independence???

Even if U.S. is willing to let California to get independent, China will NOT let TW to get independent.

Obviously without Chinese nodding their heads, Taiwan can never declare independence.
However, you have to think about would a "independent" Taiwan under strict Chinese military control really against Chinese interests?
also, the added benefits of a little political ally who can help Chinese in international voting scams.
The Chinese doesn't really lose anything in this arrangement.
All the current "hurdles" between them will be resolved.

It's a no-lose no brainer.

British Falkland Islands' exclusive economic zone is many hundreds of kilometers across. Similarly, Chinese South China Sea islands' exclusive economic zone comprises the Chinese South China Sea map.


Chinese South China Sea map merely resembles multiple Falkland Islands' exclusive economic zones.

The international community supported Britain's war against Argentina over the Falkland Islands due to Britain's claim of first historical discovery. While the Falkland Islands are halfway around the world and next to Argentina's coastline, the world recognizes it as British because Britain discovered it first.

Similarly, China discovered the Paracel Islands 1,400 years ago. The Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, and other South China Sea islands have been indisputably Chinese for over a thousand years.

1. Britain is stronger than Argentina whle CHina is Not stronger than Vn's army .

2.CHina may be discovered the Paracel Islands 1,400 years ago, and discovered Africa, America fews yeaqrs after that. but China Did Not claim those sovereignty and send troop to defend. so, they're not belong to China.

3. international community supported Britain's war against Argentina , but No one pro your Red line.^^
1. Britain is stronger than Argentina whle CHina is Not stronger than Vn's army .

2.CHina may be discovered the Paracel Islands 1,400 years ago, and discovered Africa, America fews yeaqrs after that. but China Did Not claim those sovereignty and send troop to defend. so, they're not belong to China.

3. international community supported Britain's war against Argentina , but No one pro your Red line.^^

china is not stronger than vietnam's military? does vietnam even have a military?

if vietnam is so confident of beating china, why dont u send a couple of bombs to beijing and see what happens to vietnam.
i guarantee u, vietnam can kiss goodbye to their civilization forever.

china is just waiting for an attack by an aggressor so china can justify a ruthless response that will bomb the aggressors military, infrastructure, government back into the stone age.

vietnam is writing checks it cant cash.

vietnam's entire communication and power grids will be immediately shut down by chinese cyber and space forces.
then vietnam is a sitting duck.
china is not stronger than vietnam's military? does vietnam even have a military?

if vietnam is so confident of beating china, why dont u send a couple of bombs to beijing and see what happens to vietnam.
i guarantee u, vietnam can kiss goodbye to their civilization forever.

china is just waiting for an attack by an aggressor so china can justify a ruthless response that will bomb the aggressors military, infrastructure, government back into the stone age.

vietnam is writing checks it cant cash.

vietnam's entire communication and power grids will be immediately shut down by chinese cyber and space forces.
then vietnam is a sitting duck.

We strong enogh to protect our sovereignty. So, just sit and wait ....till we drill all of oil in East sea.^^.

Btw: Japan invaded China before 1945, what can China do now to Japan ??Still sit and watch only ^^
We strong enogh to protect our sovereignty. So, just sit and wait ....till we drill all of oil in East sea.^^.

Btw: Japan invaded China before 1945, what can China do now to Japan ??Still sit and watch only ^^

china can beat the japanese military, but if china went to war with japan, south korea or taiwan, then china will have to fight the US military as they are backed by the US.

china will have to wait until china has a stronger military than the US in the next 20 years.
china can beat the japanese military, but if china went to war with japan, south korea or taiwan, then china will have to fight the US military as they are backed by the US.

china will have to wait until china has a stronger military than the US in the next 20 years.
So, let fight with USA like VN did, can you ??

If you fight with USA Continuously in 20 years, sure they will retreat, coz USA will see no more benefit there any more, that why, VietNam don't want to be USA'ally.^^
I know, such posts probably give the happy meal makers an additional cent. Must allow them to afford the most delicious part of the dog. :cheers:

And may be improve their chances of making it past the next big leap forward!

Provided only if the dog was not being rape by some taxi driver in a third world hole with 2 million expandable souls on a yearly basis.
Provided only if the dog was not being rape by some taxi driver in a third world hole with 2 million expandable souls on a yearly basis.

Some fourth world hellholes expend with more than 50 millions in just one go. They don't really bother with the annual thingy.

And slaughter hundreds of millions others before the birth itself by the forcible one child policy.

And kill millions of others with forced abortions. The remaining ones have their organs traded by the state from the prisons.

But they do manage the delicious part of the dog, a saving grace.

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