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China Sends More Students Abroad Than Any Other Country


Nov 18, 2010
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Of every seven students who study abroad, one of them is from China. The country is now the number one supplier of international students, says a recent report by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

In 2011, the numbers of Chinese students studying abroad reached 339,700, a number almost 17 times that a decade ago.

Almost half of them are in the United States. In 2010, China overtook India and became the country with largest number of students studying in U.S, said a report by the UN’s education agency, UNESCO. Currently, about 22 percent of all international students in the United States are from China.

Since the late 1970s over two million Chinese students have studied outside of their home country, said Wang Boqing, founder and chief expert of the MyCOS, China’s education consulting company, citing statistics from China’s Ministry of Education.

As of 2011, more than 92 percent of these students have their studies funded privately, according to CGG’s report.

Wang Huiyao, Director of CCG, told state-run Chinese media that the trend of studying abroad will continue to grow .

A lack of confidence in their own education and entrance examination systems are the main reasons for the Chinese to send their children abroad, said Mr. Xiong Bingqi, Deputy Director of Shanghai Jiaotong University News Center.

Xiong pointed out that the western education style focuses more on personality development and respects students’ opinions, and these characteristics stand as contrast to the education system in China.

“Education in China forces you to squeeze onto same path as the elite. Education in other countries offers a wide selection of models to let kids find out ‘who I am,’ pursue their dreams, and become an independent person,” said Xiong.

“[Parents worry] that the schools only want to make money and will makes their kids incompetent,” said an opinion piece published on Voice of China after the release of the report.

China Sends More Students Abroad Than Any Other Country | Society | China | Epoch Times
I am happy the Chinese are getting educated around the world. They, and us Desis, can help to make the world a better place.
as opposed to state run media and the sheep that follow it? ...

obvious the news is a BullSh*t. it is just a CCP‘s propaganda。china is a infamous Totalitarianism,anyone who want to leave the country will be shoot to death,and their family will be excute too , so no one can get away from the tyranny, let alone students。
you indians who living in the democracy paradise dont know how poor we chinese are,please, send your powerful army to save us from hell!
obvious the news is a BullSh*t. it is just a CCP‘s propaganda。china is a infamous Totalitarianism,anyone who want to leave the country will be shoot to death,and their family will be excute too , so no one can get away from the tyranny, let alone students。
you indians who living in the democracy paradise dont know how poor we chinese are,please, send your powerful army to save us from hell!

if you had read the article the Indians are right behind you in numbers sent to the US. they used to be no1. The fact that more Chinese are coming to our country, only means that more will go back with a taste of democracy. That can only mean good vs. you sensitivity to the article, which is perhaps a product of your state sponsored education.
obvious the news is a BullSh*t. it is just a CCP‘s propaganda。china is a infamous Totalitarianism,anyone who want to leave the country will be shoot to death,and their family will be excute too , so no one can get away from the tyranny, let alone students。
you indians who living in the democracy paradise dont know how poor we chinese are,please, send your powerful army to save us from hell!

just ignor his post bro , korean is in pink so jayalt has to come out

Man hit that nail on the head :laugh:

study abroad is better than working as maids no?:rofl:
if you had read the article the Indians are right behind you in numbers sent to the US. they used to be no1. The fact that more Chinese are coming to our country, only means that more will go back with a taste of democracy. That can only mean good vs. you sensitivity to the article, which is perhaps a product of your state sponsored education.

You sure you want a democratic China? Having democracy loving Chinese returning to China at best will turn China into a populist nation controlled by nationalists. Think Chiang Kai-shek but worse.

That's an infinitely bigger threat to India than the PRC.
You sure you want a democratic China? Having democracy loving Chinese returning to China at best will turn China into a populist nation controlled by nationalists. Think Chiang Kai-shek but worse.

That's an infinitely bigger threat to India than the PRC.

if I look at history and mere stats. Democracies as a overwhelmingly evidence shows- do not pose a threat to its neighbors.
Just like the Jews Chinese cultures are education oriented and with such a large population it comes to no surprise they have the most foreign students everywhere. The negative insinuations of Epoch Times shouldn't taken seriously by fair minded readers.
Just like the Jews Chinese cultures are education oriented and with such a large population it comes to no surprise they have the most foreign students everywhere. The negative insinuations of Epoch Times shouldn't taken seriously by fair minded readers.

your sensitivity to epoch notwithstanding. The point being made to me is - that China and I include India in it too, need to beef up it's post high school education institutions to be at par to that of European and american standards. There have been strides made in this direction- but it's only a few notches.
if I look at history and mere stats. Democracies as a overwhelmingly evidence shows- do not pose a threat to its neighbors.
That's why Pakistan and india never went to war!

LOL at the irony -- an uneducated indian starting an education thread :rofl:
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