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Research reveals new state of matter: a Cooper pair metal

In a finding that reveals an entirely new state of matter, research published in the journal Science shows that Cooper pairs, electron duos that enable superconductivity, can also conduct electricity like normal metals do.

Tiny holes punched into a high-temperature superconducting material revealed that Cooper pairs, electron duos that enable superconductivity, can also conduct electricity the way metals do.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — For years, physicists have assumed that Cooper pairs, the electron duos that enable superconductors to conduct electricity without resistance, were two-trick ponies. The pairs either glide freely, creating a superconducting state, or create an insulating state by jamming up within a material, unable to move at all.

But in a new paper published in Science, a team of researchers has shown that Cooper pairs can also conduct electricity with some amount of resistance, like regular metals do. The findings describe an entirely new state of matter, the researchers say, that will require a new theoretical explanation.

“There had been evidence that this metallic state would arise in thin film superconductors as they were cooled down toward their superconducting temperature, but whether or not that state involved Cooper pairs was an open question,” said Jim Valles, a professor of physics at Brown University and the study’s corresponding author. “We’ve developed a technique that enables us to test that question and we showed that, indeed, Cooper pairs are responsible for transporting charge in this metallic state. What’s interesting is that no one is quite sure at a fundamental level how they do that, so this finding will require some more theoretical and experimental work to understand exactly what’s happening.”

Cooper pairs are named for Leon Cooper, a physics professor at Brown who won the Nobel Prize in 1972 for describing their role in enabling superconductivity. Resistance is created when electrons rattle around in the atomic lattice of a material as they move. But when electrons join together to become Cooper pairs, they undergo a remarkable transformation. Electrons by themselves are fermions, particles that obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which means each electron tends to keep its own quantum state. Cooper pairs, however, act like bosons, which can happily share the same state. That bosonic behavior allows Cooper pairs to coordinate their movements with other sets of Cooper pairs in a way the reduces resistance to zero.

In 2007, Valles, working with Brown engineering and physics professor Jimmy Xu, showed that Cooper pairs could also produce insulating states as well as superconductivity. In very thin materials, rather than moving in concert, the pairs conspire to stay in place, stranded on tiny islands within a material and unable to jump to the next island.

For this new study, Valles, Xu and colleagues in China looked for Cooper pairs in the non-superconducting metallic state using a technique similar to the one that revealed Cooper pair insulators. The technique involves patterning a thin-film superconductor — in this case a high-temperature superconductor yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) — with arrays of tiny holes. When the material has a current running through it and is exposed to a magnetic field, charge carriers in the material will orbit the holes like water circling a drain.

“We can measure the frequency at which these charges circle,” Valles said. “In this case, we found that the frequency is consistent with there being two electrons going around at a time instead of just one. So we can conclude that the charge carriers in this state are Cooper pairs and not single electrons.”

The idea that boson-like Cooper pairs are responsible for this metallic state is something of a surprise, the researchers say, because there are elements of quantum theory that suggest this shouldn’t be possible. So understanding just what is happening in this state could lead to some exciting new physics, but more research will be required.

Luckily, the researchers say, the fact that this phenomenon was detected in a high-temperature superconductor will make future research more practical. YBCO starts superconducting at around -181 degrees Celsius, and the metallic phase starts at temperatures just above that. That’s pretty cold, but it’s much warmer than other superconductors, which are active at just above absolute zero. That higher temperature makes it easier to use spectroscopy and other techniques aimed at better understand what’s happening in this metallic phase.

Down the road, the researchers say, it might be possible to harness this bosonic metal state for new types of electronic devices.

“The thing about the bosons is that they tend to be in more of a wavelike state than electrons, so we talk about them having a phase and creating interference in much the same way light does,” Valles said. “So there might be new modalities for moving charge around in devices by playing with interference between bosons.”

But for now, the researchers are happy to have discovered a new state of matter.

“Science is built on discoveries,” Xu said, “and it’s great to have discovered something completely new.”

Research reveals new state of matter: a Cooper pair metal | Brown University

Chao Yang, Yi Liu, Yang Wang, Liu Feng, Qianmei He, Jian Sun, Yue Tang, Chunchun Wu, Jie Xiong, Wanli Zhang, Xi Lin, Hong Yao, Haiwen Liu, Gustavo Fernandes, Jimmy Xu, James M. Valles Jr., Jian Wang, Yanrong Li. Intermediate bosonic metallic state in the superconductor-insulator transition. Science (2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aax5798
Genes borrowed from bacteria allowed plants to move to land
New study shows that gene transfer from bacteria to algae allowed early life to move from water to land

By Katie Willis on November 14, 2019

A new species of algae called Spirogloea muscicola was also discovered in the course of conducting this research. Image courtesy of Barbara and Michael Melkonian.

Natural genetic engineering allowed plants to move from water to land, according to a new study by an international group of scientists from Canada, China, France, Germany, and Russia.

“This is one of the most important events in the evolution of life on this planet—without which we as a species would not exist,” said Gane Ka-Shu Wong, co-investigator and professor in the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. “The movement of life from water to land—called terrestrialization—began with plants and was followed by animals and then, of course, humans. This study establishes how that first step took place.”

The movement of plants from water to land was made possible when genes from soil bacteria were transferred to algae through a process called horizontal gene transfer. Unlike vertical gene transfer, such as the transfer of DNA from parent to child, horizontal gene transfer occurs between different species.

Life on land
“For hundreds of millions of years, green algae lived in freshwater environments that periodically fell dry, such as small puddles, river beds, and trickling rocks,” explained Michael Melkonian, professor in the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. “These algae mingled with and received key genes from soil bacteria that helped them and their descendants to cope with the harsh terrestrial environment and eventually evolve into the land plant flora that we see today.”

The study is part of an international project focused on sequencing the genomes of more than 10,000 plant species. The discovery was made in the process of sequencing two particular algae, one of them a new species (Spirogloea muscicola) being introduced to the community through this publication.

“The approach that we used, phylogenomics, is a powerful method to pinpoint the underlying molecular mechanism of evolutionary novelty,” said Shifeng Cheng, first author and principal investigator from Agricultural Genome Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The paper, “Genomes of subaerial Zygnematophyceae provide insights into land plant evolution,” was published in Cell (doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.019.).

Genes borrowed from bacteria allowed plants to move to land | Faculty of Science | University of Alberta

Shifeng Cheng, Wenfei Xian, Yuan Fu, Birger Marin, Jean Keller, Tian Wu, Wenjing Sun, Xiuli Li, Yan Xu, Yu Zhang, Sebastian Wittek, Tanja Reder, Gerd Günther, Andrey Gontcharov, Sibo Wang, Linzhou Li, Xin Liu, Jian Wang, Huanming Yang, Xun Xu, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Barbara Melkonian, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Michael Melkonian. Genomes of Subaerial Zygnematophyceae Provide Insights into Land Plant Evolution. Cell (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.019
China builds vertical climate observation system in Tibet
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-18 16:56:11|Editor: Yurou

LHASA, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have built a vertical climate observation system in a remote region in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, according to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Located in Medog County of Tibet, the system is capable of recording climate data with a total altitude span of about 3,400 meters (from about 800 to 4,300 meters above sea level) and an average altitude interval of about 300 meters.

The observation system is made up of 17 automated weather stations, which include nine comprehensive stations, four weather stations and four others for observing microclimate in forests.

Zhang Lin, deputy director of the Medog Center of the CAS, said the establishment of the system will lay a solid foundation for understanding the processes and mechanisms of climate, ecology, hydrology, glacier and geological hazards in the eastern Himalayas under the influence of the Indian monsoon.

Medog and its surrounding areas boast the most complete vertical natural zonation spectrum in China. They are also the main channel for water vapor incurred by the Indian monsoon to enter the plateau.

However, due to frequent occurrences of geological disasters, there has been a lack of a complete vertical climatic observation system in the region, which hinders in-depth studies on major frontier scientific issues such as atmosphere, hydrology, biodiversity and glacier changes.
Light trapping gets a boost
The ability of structures called optical resonators to trap light is often limited by scattering of light off fabrication defects. A physical mechanism that suppresses this scattering has been reported that could lead to improved optical devices.

Kirill Koshelev & Yuri Kivshar

Devices called optical resonators confine light, but for only a limited time because of unavoidable light emission. Writing in Nature, Jin et al.1 report that such emission can be greatly reduced by using the interference of light waves known as bound states in the continuum. Such waves are akin to exotic electron waves that were introduced in the theory of quantum mechanics almost a century ago2. The authors’ finding could have many technological implications for nanophotonics, quantum optics and nonlinear optics — the study of how intense light interacts with matter.


Light trapping gets a boost | Nature

Jicheng Jin, Xuefan Yin, Liangfu Ni, Marin Soljačić, Bo Zhen, Chao Peng. Topologically enabled ultrahigh-Q guided resonances robust to out-of-plane scattering. Nature (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1664-7
Preliminary design of CHIEF approved
2019-07-05 Global Communications

Recently, the preliminary design of Centrifugal Hyper-gravity and Interdisciplinary Experiment Facility (CHIEF) obtained the approval of the Ministry of Education and Zhejiang Provincial Government.

Architectural rendering of CHIEF

Zhejiang University is responsible for the construction of CHIEF, the first national key sci-tech infrastructure in Zhejiang Province. Its proposal and its feasibility report received the seal of approval from the National Development and Reform Commission on Jan. 15 and Nov. 27 of 2018 respectively.

With a total investment of more than two billion yuan, CHIEF will be located in Hangzhou Future Sci-tech City, and its construction is expected to be completed within five years. Its main body is comprised of two centrifuges and six hyper-gravity experimental capsules. It will be applied to six different fields, including slopes and high dams, geotechnical and earthquake engineering, deep-sea engineering, deep underground engineering and environment, geological processes and new material manufacturing.

Upon completion, CHIEF will become a comprehensive hyper-gravity and interdisciplinary experiment facility with the largest capacity and the most extensive application worldwide. As an indispensable experiment device, it will provide an advanced experiment platform and offer immense support for the development and verification of major engineering technologies as well as research into cutting-edge matter-related sciences.
CHIEF has begin construction on 18 Nov. The completion time is expected to be 5 years.

World’s first pre-installed earthquake warning system released in Chengdu
(People's Daily Online) 16:38, November 20, 2019

An earth alert shown on a Xiaomi phone. (Photo/Chinanews.com)

An earthquake warning system co-developed by Chengdu High-tech Disaster Reduction Institute and Chinese tech giant Xiaomi was launched on Xiaomi MIUI 11 and Xiaomi TV, Chinanews.com reported on Nov.19.

This makes Xiaomi the world’s first mobile phone that connects its operation system with earthquake warning functions.

The earthquake alert function introduces pop-ups to warn users of an impending earthquake several seconds before the earthquake strike.

It will identify the location of seismic waves, epicenter area, and the magnitude of the earthquake. Furthermore, it will locate a nearest earthquake shelter around users.

Devices running MIUI 11 have already successfully delivered alerts ahead of a 4.1-magnitude earthquake that hit Yibin, Sichuan, on Nov. 10.

The pre-installed system is more efficient than apps because the latter needs to be downloaded and could be closed by the cell phone system mistakenly, according to Wang Tun, director of the Institute of Care-life.
. . .
It's overblown, we are still learning and developing, i would say another 20-25 yearz, then we can be on par.

True but still there is lot of merit to lot of the reactions going on in certain places now.

Anyway I welcome multi-polar world...this will benefit long term multi-polar environment even more.
Using a two-step approach to convert aliphatic amines into unnatural amino acids
by Bob Yirka , Phys.org

Strategy for enantiocontrol of N–H insertion reactions of aliphatic amines with carbenes. (A) Representative drugs demonstrating the ubiquity of chiral aliphatic amines in bioactive molecules. (B) Amine sources reported for enantioselective N–H insertion reactions. (C) Enantioselective transition-metal–catalyzed N–H insertion reactions with aliphatic amines: challenges and solutions. Optimal reaction conditions: The reaction of 1 (0.2 mmol), 2 (0.22 mmol), Tp*Cu (5 mole %), and CAT (6 mol %) was carried out in 3 ml of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) at 25°C for 20 hours. BnNH2, benzylamine; BocNH2, tert-butyl carbamate; CbzNH2, benzyl carbamate; Me, methyl; Et, ethyl; Ph, phenyl; M, metal; ref., reference. Credit: Science (2019). doi: 10.1126/science.aaw9939

A team of chemists at Nankai University has developed a two-step approach to converting aliphatic amines into unnatural amino acids. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their approach, how well it worked, and applications that might benefit from its use. John Ovian and Eric Jacobsen with Harvard University have published a companion piece in the same journal issue outlining some of the obstacles to forging bonds with rich nitrogen reactants; it also describes the approach used by the team in China.

The researchers began by noting that chiral amines are used in a wide variety of natural products, and point out that they are also just as widely used in agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. They note that 43 percent of the 200 most prescribed prescription medications in 2016 had at least one analiphatic amine moiety. They further note that because of this, developing enantioselective transition-metal-catalyzed reactions that form C–N bonds are of great interest in chemistry circles.

As Ovian and Jacobsen note, chemists use a variety of compounds that have carbon-nitrogen bonds in one of two possible mirror-image orientations. But as they also point out, doing so can present difficulties due to the nitrogen interacting with a given catalyst. In this new effort, the researchers have found a way around this problem by developing a two-step approach to converting aliphatic amines into unnatural amino acids. In their approach, they applied a copper catalyst to serve as a means for activating a carbon reactant—then added a thiourea catalyst that was hydrogen bonding to produce high-selectivity products. They note that the success of the transformation was reliant on the unique properties of both catalysts. They further report that the reaction that resulted should work equally well with a wide range of diazo derivatives of an ester/amine coupling partners.

Ovian and Jacobsen further note that pairing an amine with a carbenoid allowed for stabilizing by a carboxyl group and provided a good way to create unnatural α–amino acid derivatives. The method also plots a path for extending metal-catalyzed carbenoid insertions into N-H bonds to aliphatic amines and represents the potential of developing new asymmetric transformations.

More information: "Highly enantioselective carbene insertion into N–H bonds of aliphatic amines" Science (2019). science.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi … 1126/science.aaw9939

New catalyst method promises better use of syngas, coal

The world's first project to industrially synthesize 25 kt/a of higher alcohols from syngas passed a continuous 72-hour catalyst performance test on 3rd November, 2019 in Yulin, Shaanxi province, china.

The project, developed by researchers from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, offers a new method for directly synthesizing high value-added fine chemicals from syngas and suggests new ways to cleanly convert and utilize coal resources.

Results of the catalyst test showed that at 30% of catalyst loading, total conversion of syngas exceeded 84%; selectivity of methane was less than 6%; and selectivity of alcohols/aldehydes/olefins exceeded 60%.

Higher alcohols - the key products of this process - are often used as intermediates in the synthesis of plasticizers, detergents and lubricants, and are generally produced through the Ziegler and Oxo processes. However, these processes involve drawbacks, such as cumbersome steps as well as the use of dangerous catalysts in the Ziegler process.

DICP scientists and their collaborators have been conducting basic research and industrial testing on high-selectivity production of higher alcohols from syngas over Co-based catalysts since 2004. As part of their research, they designed a series of novel Co-based catalysts, namely, activated carbon supported Co-Co2C catalysts. The active site of these catalysts is supposed to be the interfacial sites between metallic Co and cobalt carbide (Co2C).

The researchers also proposed the mechanism by which alcohols are formed on the interfacial sites between Co and the Co2C sites. That is, CO molecules are associatively adsorbed on the surface of the Co2C sites and then inserted into the alkyl chain formed on the adjacent metallic Co sites.

The new catalytic method may make Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) more practical. FTS is one of the most versatile processes for converting syngas (CO+H2) derived from coal, natural gas, and biomass into various chemical products. FTS is notable for producing high-quality paraffins. In addition, using FTS to directly synthesize olefins and oxygenates (mainly linear α- alcohols) from syngas is a promising "one-pot-one-step" method due to the high added-value and large potential demand for these olefin and oxygenate products. However, no catalytic system has performed sufficiently well for industrial implementation to date.

The results of the current catalyst test suggest that the direct conversion of syngas into high value-added fine chemicals can now be accomplished at industrial scale, thus suggesting many more opportunities for cleanly and efficiently utilizing coal resources.

New catalyst method promises better use of syngas, coal | EurekAlert! Science News

An international team headed by Professor LIU Jifeng of the National Astronomical Observatory of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) spotted a stellar black hole with a mass 70 times greater than the sun. The monster black hole is located 15,000 light-years from Earth and has been named LB-1 by the researchers.

The Milky Way galaxy is estimated to contain 100 million stellar black holes—cosmic bodies formed by the collapse of massive stars and so dense even light can't escape. Until now, scientists had estimated the mass of an individual stellar black hole in our galaxy at no more than 20 times that of the sun. But the discovery of a huge black hole by a Chinese-led team of international scientists has toppled that assumption.

The team, headed by Prof. LIU Jifeng of the National Astronomical Observatory of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), spotted a stellar black hole with a mass 70 times greater than the sun. The monster black hole is located 15 thousand light-years from Earth and has been named LB-1 by the researchers. The discovery is reported in the latest issue of Nature.

The discovery came as a big surprise. "Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution," said Prof. LIU. "We thought that very massive stars with the chemical composition typical of our galaxy must shed most of their gas in powerful stellar winds, as they approach the end of their life. Therefore, they should not leave behind such a massive remnant. LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible. Now theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation."

Until just a few years ago, stellar black holes could only be discovered when they gobbled up gas from a companion star. This process creates powerful X-ray emissions, detectable from Earth, that reveal the presence of the collapsed object.

The vast majority of stellar black holes in our galaxy are not engaged in a cosmic banquet, though, and thus don't emit revealing X-rays. As a result, only about two dozen galactic stellar black holes have been well identified and measured.

To counter this limitation, Prof. LIU and collaborators surveyed the sky with China's Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), looking for stars that orbit an invisible object, pulled by its gravity.

This observational technique was first proposed by the visionary English scientist John Michell in 1783, but it has only become feasible with recent technological improvements in telescopes and detectors. Still, such a search is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack: only one star in a thousand may be circling a black hole.

After the initial discovery, the world's largest optical telescopes—Spain's 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the 10-m Keck I telescope in the United States—were used to determine the system's physical parameters. The results were nothing short of fantastic: A star eight times heavier than the sun was orbiting a 70-solar-mass black hole every 79 days.

The discovery of LB-1 fits nicely with another breakthrough in astrophysics. Recently, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo gravitational wave detectors have begun to catch ripples in spacetime caused by collisions of black holes in distant galaxies. Intriguingly, the black holes involved in such collisions are also much bigger than what was previously considered typical.

The direct sighting of LB-1 proves that this population of over-massive stellar black holes exists even in our own backyard. "This discovery forces us to re-examine our models of how stellar-mass black holes form," said LIGO Director Prof. David Reitze from the University of Florida in the U.S.

"This remarkable result along with the LIGO-Virgo detections of binary black hole collisions during the past four years really points towards a renaissance in our understanding of black hole astrophysics," said Reitze.
Chinese Cretaceous fossil sheds new light on evolution of mammalian middle ear
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-28 17:39:47|Editor: Lu Hui

BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have found the fossil of a new Cretaceous mammal species in northeast China's Liaoning Province, shedding new light on the evolution of the mammalian middle ear.

The research was jointly conducted by paleontologists from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the American Museum of Natural History. Their findings were published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Attached to the dentary, the middle ear of early mammals moved when the animal chewed, which was inefficient. In modern mammals, the middle ear is detached from the dentary and is only responsible for hearing, making their hearing sharper and feeding more efficient, said Wang Haibing, one of the researchers.

The fossil, with its middle ear bones well preserved and detached from the dentary, has revealed a transitional stage in the evolution of the mammalian middle ear, offering direct evidence to scientific studies.

Based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses, the researchers have proposed a new pattern for the middle ear evolution in early mammals.

The peculiar jaw joint structure of the species allowed a more distinct jaw movement when chewing, which means more pressure on the species to detach the middle year from its dentary in order to increase its feeding efficiency, Wang said.

The feeding pressure may have accelerated the evolution of the species' middle ear. As such, this group is believed to have developed the typical mammalian middle ear at least 160 million years ago before all other mammal groups, according to the research.

Growing nano-tailored surfaces using micellar brushes

Growing nanoscale polymer brushes on materials' surfaces overcomes a key challenge in surface chemistry, researchers report, creating a new way to fabricate a diverse array of materials that could hold advanced uses in catalysis or chemical separation applications, for example. Their approach represents a crucial step forward in the search for simple and general techniques to create functional surfaces with tailor-made chemical properties, writes Alejandro Presa Soto in a related Perspective; "Pandora's box is now open, and the limits of this approach are only restricted by the imagination and skills of the scientific community." As technology advances, the ability to create advanced materials with specific surface properties and functionalities is becoming critically significant in a wide variety of areas including chemical engineering and biomedicine. One recently developed approach for creating functionalized surfaces makes use of polymer chains, grafted to surfaces in brush-like patches. However limited, the method allows for tailoring of the surface chemistry at the molecular level. Similar approaches using nano- or micron-scale structures hold great promise for greatly expanded functionality and applications; however, the precise fabrication of these surfaces remains a prohibitive challenge. Jiandon Cai and colleagues address this by growing nanoscale micellar brushes directly on a material's surface. Cai et al. attached small crystalline micelle-seeds on a variety of surfaces, including silicon wafers, graphene oxide nanosheets and gold nanoparticles. Unimers are used to initiate the crystallization-driven growth of well-defined cylindrical nanostructures over the seed-coated surface. The approach allows for the precise control over the density, length and chemistry of the micellar brushes, which can further be outfitted with other functional molecules and nanoparticles to enable a variety of catalysis and antibacterial and chemical separation applications.

Growing nano-tailored surfaces using micellar brushes | EurekAlert! Science News

Jiandong Cai, Chen Li, Na Kong, Yi Lu, Geyu Lin, Xinyan Wang, Yuan Yao, Ian Manners, Huibin Qiu. Tailored multifunctional micellar brushes via crystallization-driven growth from a surface. Science (2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aax9075
New self-cleaning concrete developed for tall buildings
Source: Xinhua| 2019-12-06 17:16:01|Editor: Shi Yinglun

BEIJING, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have developed a new type of concrete with self-cleaning ability, according to a recent study paper published in the journal of American Chemical Society Applied Materials and Interfaces.

The outer wall surfaces of modern buildings are commonly washed by people suspended in air using ropes. The researchers from the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of the University of Science and Technology of China hoped to find new materials that can conduct self-cleaning as well as provide excellent heat and sound insulation.

The concrete exhibited remarkable hydrophobicity with a water contact angle of 166 degrees both on the surface and inside of the sample, signifying remarkable stain repellency and long-term stability, said the paper.

The water contact angle remained unchanged under continuous mechanical grinding and harsh environments, such as high temperature and chemical erosion.

A controllable porosity from 56.3 to 77.4 percent and homogeneous small pore size give the concrete high compressive strength and low thermal conductivity.

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