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Chinese scientists discover new type of fermion: Nature
Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-20 19:47:45|Editor: Mengjie

BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have discovered a new type of fermion that opens up a way of exploring the interplay between unconventional fermions in condensed-matter systems.

The research team was led by scientists with the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), whose findings were published in the online version of the academic journal "Nature Communications" on Monday.

In quantum field theory, Lorentz invariance leads to three types of fermion -- Dirac, Weyl and Majorana. The existence of Dirac and Weyl fermions in condensed-matter systems has been confirmed experimentally, and that of Majorana fermions is supported by various experiments.

In condensed-matter systems, however, fermions in crystals are "constrained by the symmetries of the crystal space groups rather than by Lorentz invariance," giving rise to the possibility of finding other types of fermionic excitation that have no counterparts in high-energy physics.

The CAS scientists used a technique to observe the distribution of electrons, called angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, which demonstrated the existence of a "triply degenerate point in the electronic structure of crystalline molybdenum phosphide," -- a brand new discovery in field of fermion research.

They have also observed pairs of Weyl points in the bulk electronic structure of the crystal that coexist with the three-component fermions.

I don't know why the article above from xinhua said that it is published in "Nature Communications", but it is actually "Nature" proper.

B. Q. Lv, Z.-L. Feng, Q.-N. Xu, X. Gao, J.-Z. Ma, L.-Y. Kong, P. Richard, Y.-B. Huang, V. N. Strocov, C. Fang, H.-M. Weng, Y.-G. Shi, T. Qian & H. Ding."Observation of three-component fermions in the topological semimetal molybdenum phosphide". Nature (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nature22390

To be accurate, it is published neither in Nature or Nature Communications. It has been published as an AOP- Advanced Online Publication.

Let's see where it appears.

If it is an extremely important research, it will appear in Nature, else Nature Communications.
To be accurate, it is published neither in Nature or Nature Communications. It has been published as an AOP- Advanced Online Publication.

Let's see where it appears.

If it is an extremely important research, it will appear in Nature, else Nature Communications.
Well, all the media (including xinhua) report in mandarin say "Nature".
Even the main researcher, Institute of Physics of Chinese academy of science own website has a press release that say published online in "Nature".
Well, all the media (including xinhua) report in mandarin say "Nature".
Even the main researcher, Institute of Physics of Chinese academy of science own website has a press release that say published online in "Nature".

Yeah, but it is not Nature, the main journal, is it. It is published weekly, and the most recent edition didn't have this article.

The specific word is that it was published online by Nature, as AOP, on its site.

Now where does it appear in print, is another question entirely.
China’s genomics giant to make stock-market debut
Once the world's biggest DNA sequencer for research, BGI is now looking to medical applications to boost profits.
BGI in Shenzhen has shifted its focus from serving researchers to medical applications of genome sequencing.

China’s genomics giant BGI, once the world leader in DNA sequencing for basic science, is going public — capping off a dramatic transformation into a mainly biomedical firm with a focus on reproductive health.

A financial prospectus document released to support the initial public offering (IPO) details how BGI, squeezed by its rivals and the plummeting cost of sequencing, has been drawn to more-profitable pursuits, such as prenatal genetic testing, in China’s expanding medical market. The shift is also in line with the Chinese government’s multibillion-yuan drive to promote precision medicine, an effort to use the reams of genomic and other medical data being created to tailor treatments.

BGI is currently working out the details of the IPO, which was years in the making and approved by China’s financial regulators in late May. The IPO is expected within a month and the firm hopes to raise 1.7 billion yuan (US$250 million).

As the first genomics company to be listed in China, BGI will be a pioneer in the country’s precision-medicine market, which is estimated to be worth 20 billion yuan by 2020. “It's a milestone for both BGI and the field,” says Ruiqiang Li, who used to work for BGI and is now chief executive of competing genomics firm Beijing-based Novogene, which Li hopes to take public.

Income shift
BGI was established in 1999 as the Beijing Genomics Institute and the force behind China’s contribution to the Human Genome Project — it sequenced a small, but symbolic, 1% of the genome.

Over the next decade, it produced a series of high-profile sequencing breakthroughs, including the genomes of rice, the giant panda, the cucumber, an ancient human and more than 1,000 species of gut bacteria. In 2010 — now based in Shenzhen and known simply as BGI — the company purchased 128 of the world’s most-advanced genome-sequencing machines. Overnight it became the industry’s most prolific player.

The firm gained a reputation as a genome factory. The number of studies based on BGI-sequenced genomes — paid for by scientists from all over the world, who acknowledged BGI scientists’ contributions by making them co-authors — jumped from a handful to hundreds per year.

But that number has plateaued, and it looks set to drop this year. According to the prospectus, BGI’s income from research-driven sequencing dropped by more than one-quarter between 2014 and 2016, and now accounts for less than 20% of its business, down from 40% in 2014. Reproductive-health screening makes up the lion’s share of the company's income, at 55% (see ‘Focus on health’). Services related to complex diseases — those caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors — brings in 23%.


Source: BGI IPO prospectus

The company would not comment on its operations, citing a “quiet” period mandated by the financial regulator before its stock-market debut. But its prospectus says that the move away from research-based sequencing is the result of the falling price of sequencing machines, which has allowed research institutes to set up their own facilities.

Li says, however, that even though some institutions are trying to build their own facilities, the market for third-party research sequencing is growing. “It’s not efficient and cost effective to maintain a small-scale sequencing lab,” he says. “Most such labs in China decided to discontinue their own platform operation and outsource sequencing to centralized sequencing centres.”

Still, sequencing for researchers isn’t the business it used to be. The prospectus points out that in the early days, there was more low-hanging fruit — sequencing the whole genome of a plant or animal, for example, were large projects with big profit margins. Now, projects are smaller and less lucrative. And competition has intensified from companies such as Novogene, which says it has the largest sequencing capacity in the world.

Prenatal testing
“This shift seems to be market driven,” says Dorret Boomsma of the VU University Amsterdam, who has used BGI sequences in studies of Dutch twins. “Apparently facilities for large-scale research sequencing are available on a more-competitive pricing, or nearer by, elsewhere.”

BGI’s ability to keep pace in the research was also affected by its failure to develop an advanced sequencer based on technology that it bought in 2013 from Complete Genomics in Mountain View, California. It also suffered after the departure of its chief executive Jun Wang, who spearheaded many of BGI’s research projects, but left in 2015 to start his own company.

Clinical sequencing in China, however, is booming, fuelled by the country’s growing middle class, expanding health-care system and focus on precision medicine. Sales of BGI’s non-invasive prenatal testing kit, NIFTY — which screens maternal blood to determine whether a fetus has chromosomal abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome — passed the million mark in March 2016. And China’s move from a one-child to two-child policy in 2016 increased the birth rate among NIFTY’s target demographic: women in their late 30s who are considered to be high risk for chromosomal abnormalities. According to an analysis by Chinese investment bank CITIC Securities, BGI has nearly 50% of the prenatal screening market in China, far ahead of its closest competitor.

With the money raised from its IPO, the firm hopes to improve its reproductive and cancer-diagnosis technologies, and add other, similar, sequencing-based diagnostic services for other health conditions. It also plans to expand genetic consulting services and establish cloud-computing platforms to crunch genomic data for precision medicine. Earlier this year, BGI struck a deal with Foxconn — the Taiwanese company that manufactures iPhones at its base in Shenzhen — to mass-produce sequencers, which BGI plans to sell to hospitals throughout China.

Other sequencing companies will be watching closely to see how BGI fares in the nascent market. “We don’t know the level of interest from investors. The industry is still relatively small, but it’s fast growing and has a lot of potential,” says Li.

China’s genomics giant to make stock-market debut : Nature News & Comment
Yeah, but it is not Nature, the main journal, is it. It is published weekly, and the most recent edition didn't have this article.

The specific word is that it was published online by Nature, as AOP, on its site.

Now where does it appear in print, is another question entirely.
Bro, can you just let it go. What is your point of this argument? Whether it's important? It's a new discovery regardless of its significance in your eyes, and it was published in Nature, online or not who cares. If it was an Indian discovering it, i would still say it's a good achievement.
Bro, can you just let it go. What is your point of this argument? Whether it's important? It's a new discovery regardless of its significance in your eyes, and it was published in Nature, online or not who cares. If it was an Indian discovering it, i would still say it's a good achievement.

Not every new discovery is worthy of equal respect. There are new kinds of insects, bacteria, and other organisms being discovered basically every other day.

My field is not physics, so I can't access the importance of this finding until I know how much attention it gets, where it is published, and how much citation it receives in next 5 years.

Here, the place where the study is published comes into play. Nature is (along with Science) the most premier journal in the world. Nature Communications is significantly less recognized. It is usually called the graveyard of Nature, or the dumping post of Nature. Articles not chosen for main Nature end up being published in Nature Communications. This doesn't mean they are not good. Nature Communications in absolute sense is an outstanding journal in its own right.

But nature is just different.

An example is the recent publication by Pan Jianwei, on the success of transfer of entangled photons via the quantum satellite.

It was not only chosen to be published in Science. It was in fact on the cover page of Science for that issue. In fact, even a scientific commentary accompanied the science journal issue.

Bro, can you just let it go. What is your point of this argument? Whether it's important? It's a new discovery regardless of its significance in your eyes, and it was published in Nature, online or not who cares. If it was an Indian discovering it, i would still say it's a good achievement.

It is no doubt a good achievement. But that's what I'm trying to access.

If it is published in Nature, the probability is high that it is an extremely big achievement.

If it is published in Nature Comm. then it means that it is probably a big achievement. (But not an extremely big achievement)
Not every new discovery is worthy of equal respect. There are new kinds of insects, bacteria, and other organisms being discovered basically every other day.

My field is not physics, so I can't access the importance of this finding until I know how much attention it gets, where it is published, and how much citation it receives in next 5 years.

Here, the place where the study is published comes into play. Nature is (along with Science) the most premier journal in the world. Nature Communications is significantly less recognized. It is usually called the graveyard of Nature, or the dumping post of Nature. Articles not chosen for main Nature end up being published in Nature Communications. This doesn't mean they are not good. Nature Communications in absolute sense is an outstanding journal in its own right.

But nature is just different.

An example is the recent publication by Pan Jianwei, on the success of transfer of entangled photons via the quantum satellite.

It was not only chosen to be published in Science. It was in fact on the cover page of Science for that issue. In fact, even a scientific commentary accompanied the science journal issue.

It is no doubt a good achievement. But that's what I'm trying to access.

If it is published in Nature, the probability is high that it is an extremely big achievement.

If it is published in Nature Comm. then it means that it is probably a big achievement. (But not an extremely big achievement)
I personally do not think this is a great discovery. i think it's just a good discovery.
China's 3rd exascale supercomputer prototype set for 2018 launch
Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-22 16:12:24|Editor: Mengjie

JINAN, June 22 (Xinhua) -- China is developing a third prototype exascale computing machine -- also known as a super supercomputer -- and plans to launch it by June 2018, according to the developers.

The Sunway exascale computer prototype is being developed by the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology (NRCPC) and the National Supercomputing Center in Jinan, east China's Shandong Province.

The NRCPC led the team that developed Sunway TaihuLight, crowned the world's fastest computer two years in a row at both the 2016 and 2017 International Supercomputing Conferences held in Frankfurt, Germany.

An exascale computer is able to execute a quintillion calculations per second, around eight times faster than Sunway TaihuLight. The increase in computational speed will advance research in climate change, space science, medicine and oceanology among others.

China and the United States are currently leading exascale computer development. In China, prototypes are being developed by three teams led by the NRCPC, Dawning Information Industry C. (Sogon), and National University of Defense Technology (NUDT).

The three have been spear-heading China's supercomputer efforts with their respective brands: Sunway, Sogon, and Tianhe.

The NUDT, partnering the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin, announced in January that their prototype will be ready by the end of 2017.

Sogon said it had begun developing the prototype late last year.

After the prototypes have been developed, exascale supercomputers are expected to hit the market by 2020.

Sunway supercomputer's developers said they are eyeing applications in fields such as high performance numerical simulation in marine environments, to be used by State Oceanic Administration's First Institute of Oceanography in Qingdao. The city is at the forefront of China's marine scientific research as the base for the deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong.
Inspur “Champion Server” helps Tsinghua University achieve its 8th championship in international supercomputing competitions
June 22, 2017
Sponsored Content by Inspur

FRANKFURT, Germany , June 21, 2017–The 2017 International Supercomputing Conference (ISC17) came to its end successfully. Tsinghua University defeated 12 teams , and won the championship of this year’s ISC Student Cluster Competition. It is the third-time that Tsinghua University won the ISC-SCC (Student Cluster Competition ) championship, and its eighth championship at ISC, ASC and SC, aka the three biggest international college student supercomputing competitions. In the mean time, Inspur server, known as “champion server”, Inspur has help China’s college student supercomputing teams to win the world championship for 13 times.

Tsinghua University won the championship of ISC2017

A total of 12 colleges/universities around the world have participated in this year’s ISC-SCC. The Competition requirement is total power of no more than 3000W. The supercomputing system should run for specified 48 hours consecutively, and finish six tests, including the high performance computing international benchmark HPL and HPCG, the partial differential equation solver FEniCS, the application of modeling material MiniDFT, the artificial intelligence learning system TensorFlow and the mysterious application announced at scene.

the Tsinghua University team

Jidong Zhai, advisor of the Tsinghua University team was thrilled when informed of the championship. He believes that the team will continue to achieve excellent results through joint efforts. The team is serious about this competition and is fully prepared, which is the internal effort; while Inspur, as the sponsor, provides efficient and reliable servers, which is served as an important external effort.

Inspur NF5280M4

Tsinghua University applied eight-computer-eight-card system design in the competition, and used Inspur NF5280M4 as host computers of the competition, withstanding all harsh tests of the finals. Its stability, reliability and excellent performance enable the team to focus on the competition itself. NF5280 is the classic server series of Inspur, and has accompanied China’s college student supercomputing teams for 8 years when attending the three biggest supercomputing competitions globally. After several technical iterations, its excellent quality has helped to win the “Champion Server” title. NF5280M4 uses Intel Xeon E5V4 series processors, supports 24 DIMMs, with DDR4 memory as well as the latest disk controller technology. In terms of power consumption, it uses the design of low power consumption components with high efficiency power supply, which is of the industry’s highest conversion efficiency, saving up to 20% energy. Meanwhile, the conversion efficiency of its option of titanium high-energy-efficiency hot-swappable redundant power supply is over 96%.

At the same time, BEIHANG University supported by Inspur won the third place in this year’s ISC Student Cluster Competition.

New Efficient, Low-Temperature Catalyst for Converting Water and CO to Hydrogen Gas and CO2
Low-temperature "water gas shift" reaction produces high levels of pure hydrogen for potential applications, including fuel cells

June 22, 2017

Brookhaven Lab chemists Ping Liu and José Rodriguez helped to characterize structural and mechanistic details of a new low-temperature catalyst for producing high-purity hydrogen gas from water and carbon monoxide.

UPTON, NY—Scientists have developed a new low-temperature catalyst for producing high-purity hydrogen gas while simultaneously using up carbon monoxide (CO). The discovery—described in a paper set to publish online in the journal Science on Thursday, June 22, 2017—could improve the performance of fuel cells that run on hydrogen fuel but can be poisoned by CO.

“This catalyst produces a purer form of hydrogen to feed into the fuel cell,” said José Rodriguez, a chemist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory. Rodriguez and colleagues in Brookhaven’s Chemistry Division—Ping Liu and Wenqian Xu—were among the team of scientists who helped to characterize the structural and mechanistic details of the catalyst, which was synthesized and tested by collaborators at Peking University in an effort led by Chemistry Professor Ding Ma.

Because the catalyst operates at low temperature and low pressure to convert water (H2O) and carbon monoxide (CO) to hydrogen gas (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), it could also lower the cost of running this so-called “water gas shift” reaction.

“With low temperature and pressure, the energy consumption will be lower and the experimental setup will be less expensive and easier to use in small settings, like fuel cells for cars,” Rodriguez said.

The gold-carbide connection
The catalyst consists of clusters of gold nanoparticles layered on a molybdenum-carbide substrate. This chemical combination is quite different from the oxide-based catalysts used to power the water gas shift reaction in large-scale industrial hydrogen production facilities.

“Carbides are more chemically reactive than oxides,” said Rodriguez, “and the gold-carbide interface has good properties for the water gas shift reaction; it interacts better with water than pure metals.”

Wenqian Xu and José Rodriguez of Brookhaven Lab and Siyu Yao, then a student at Peking University but now a postdoctoral research fellow at Brookhaven, conducted operando x-ray diffraction studies of the gold-molybdenum-carbide catalyst over a range of temperatures (423 Kelvin to 623K) at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven Lab. The study revealed that at temperatures above 500K, molybdenum-carbide transforms to molybdenum oxide, with a reduction in catalytic activity.

“The group at Peking University discovered a new synthetic method, and that was a real breakthrough,” Rodriguez said. “They found a way to get a specific phase—or configuration of the atoms—that is highly active for this reaction.”

Brookhaven scientists played a key role in deciphering the reasons for the high catalytic activity of this configuration. Rodriguez, Wenqian Xu, and Siyu Yao (then a student at Peking University but now a postdoctoral research fellow at Brookhaven) conducted structural studies using x-ray diffraction at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) while the catalyst was operating under industrial or technical conditions. These operando experiments revealed crucial details about how the structure changed under different operating conditions, including at different temperatures.

With those structural details in hand, Zhijun Zuo, a visiting professor at Brookhaven from Taiyuan University of Technology, China, and Brookhaven chemist Ping Liu helped to develop models and a theoretical framework to explain why the catalyst works the way it does, using computational resources at Brookhaven’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN).

“We modeled different interfaces of gold and molybdenum carbide and studied the reaction mechanism to identify exactly where the reactions take place—the active sites where atoms are binding, and how bonds are breaking and reforming,” she said.

Additional studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS), the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and two synchrotron research facilities in China added to the scientists’ understanding.

“This is a multipart complex reaction,” said Liu, but she noted one essential factor: “The interaction between the gold and the carbide substrate is very important. Gold usually bonds things very weakly. With this synthesis method we get stronger adherence of gold to molybdenum carbide in a controlled way.”

That configuration stabilizes the key intermediate that forms as the reaction proceeds, and the stability of that intermediate determines the rate of hydrogen production, she said.

The Brookhaven team will continue to study this and other carbide catalysts with new capabilities at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a new facility that opened at Brookhaven Lab in 2014, replacing NSLS and producing x-rays that are 10,000 times brighter. With these brighter x-rays, the scientists hope to capture more details of the chemistry in action, including details of the intermediates that form throughout the reaction process to validate the theoretical predictions made in this study.

The work at Brookhaven Lab was funded by the U.S. DOE Office of Science.

Additional funders for the overall research project include: the National Basic Research Program of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China, and the U.S. National Science Foundation.

NSLS, NSLS-II, CFN, CNMS, and ALS are all DOE Office of Science User Facilities.

BNL Newsroom | New Efficient, Low-Temperature Catalyst for Converting Water and CO to Hydrogen Gas and CO2

Siyu Yao, Xiao Zhang, Wu Zhou, Rui Gao, Wenqian Xu, Yifan Ye, Lili Lin, Xiaodong Wen, Ping Liu, Bingbing Chen, Ethan Crumlin, Jinghua Guo, Zhijun Zuo, Weizhen Li, Jinglin Xie, Li Lu, Christopher J. Kiely, Lin Gu, Chuan Shi, José A. Rodriguez, Ding Ma. "Atomic-layered Au clusters on α-MoC as catalyst for the low-temperature water-gas shift reaction". Science (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4321

The water-gas shift (WGS) reaction (CO+H2O=H2+CO2) is an essential process for hydrogen generation and CO removal in various energy-related chemical operations. This equilibrium-limited reaction is favored at a low working temperature. Potential application in fuel cells also requires a WGS catalyst to be highly active, stable and energy-efficient and match the working temperature of on-site hydrogen generation and consumption units. We synthesized Au layered clusters on an α-MoC substrate to create an interfacial catalyst system for the ultra-low-temperature WGS reaction. Water was activated over α-MoC at 303 Kelvin (K), while CO adsorbed on adjacent Au sites is apt to react with surface hydroxyl groups formed from water splitting, leading to a high WGS activity at low-temperatures.​
USTC Professor Honored with Fresnel Prize
Pub Date:17-06-23 11:19

Lu Chaoyang, a physicist from the University of Science and Technology of China(USTC), was awarded the European Physical Society's Fresnel Prize on June 27 at the European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics in Munich, Germany.

The prize is named after Augustin-Jean Fresnel, a leading physicist in the 19th century. It is regarded as the highest global honor for scientists under the age of 35 in the field of quantum electronics and optics. Every two years, two young scientists under the age of 35 would be awarded, one in the field of basic research and the other in the field of applied research.

Pan Jianwei who has won Fresnel Prize in 2005, is the first Chinese scientist to receive the award. Eight years later, Chen Yuao won the honor. In 2017, Lu Chaoyang became the third Chinese scientist to receive the award for his outstanding contribution to quantum computation and quantum optics.

Lu has published over 40 papers on first-class international important academic journals, including Nature and Science. In 2015, His work on quantum teleportation was highlighted by Physics World of Institute of Physics(IOP) as “Breakthrough of the Year”. In 2016, his achievement was rated as “Significant Progress in International Optics” by Optical Society of America(OSA). In 2017, based on the research of multi-particle entanglement, Lu demonstrated the application of quantum computation internationally. (by Jiang Xueting)
This $3B Chinese Tech Company Wants To Bend, Curve And Roll The World Up
Nina Xiang June 22, 2017 — 17:08 HKT


If Thomas Friedman argued that "the world is flat," Royole founder Bill Liu's mission is to bend, curve and roll up that world.

Millions of ambitious young people wake each morning wanting to "change the world," but few have as ambitious a goal as Bill Liu, founder of Chinese flexible display company Royole Corporation. If Thomas Friedman argued that "the world is flat," then Bill Liu's mission is to bend, curve and roll up that world.

Liu founded Royole in 2012 after gaining a Ph.D in electrical engineering from Stanford University at age 26. Five years later, the company provides flexible display solutions to various industries and has launched several consumer products, including a smartphone that can be rolled into a bracelet, the first of its type readily available to consumers.

"Flexible display electronics are a very new way for people to interact with consumer and electronics information," Liu, now 34, told China Money Network during an exclusive interview at the company's headquarters in Shenzhen. "I believe flexible displays could be everywhere in the future, because it is convenient, easy to use, and provides more robust design possibilities."

Royole is venturing into a new market with high potential. If any type of digital display, from computers, to phones and TVs, can be bent or rolled up, then everything from wristwatches to car dashboards can be completely re-imagined.

Watch China Money TV's Visit To Royole's Shenzhen Headquarters:

This alternate, flexible future is also exciting tech giants like Samsung and LG. Both are mass producing flexible displays for use on their mobile phones, the Galaxy S7 Edge and the LG G Flex 2. Apple, reportedly, may be buying around 100 million flexible panels for its future iPhones.

"Flexible display is a huge business opportunity enabling industries worth hundreds of billions of dollars," said a tech venture investor who preferred to remain anonymous. "Its applications in wearable devices, healthcare, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and fashion are exciting. Think about the possibilities if smartphones can wrap around your wrist and brands can display ads on your T-shirt."

That potential has made Royole a magnet for venture investors, and as a result it is currently the world's most valuable tech start-up focused exclusively on this frontier industry. The company has raised over RMB2 billion, or nearly US$300 million, in five financing rounds since 2012, with its latest valuation at a hefty US$3 billion. The company already has over 700 intellectual properties under its name in the field of flexible displays.

Royole's challenge, however, will be to turn ideas into breakthrough products, then into a scaleable and profitable businesses. It remains to be seen whether Royole's products can win over consumers. The company has one showroom in Beijing – with another opening in Shenzhen in October – where consumers can view its rollable mobile phone, called the FlexPhone, as well as a transparent keyboard that can be rolled into a pen-size container, and a foldable 3D virtual mobile theater in the form of a headset. Some of the products, such as the headset, are also sold online.

Liu would not disclose details on how sales are trending, but he said people are looking forward to new technologies and products, and he is confident his company is building momentum.

Royole's business-to-business segment also faces major hurdles, one of which is the protection of its IP. Liu explained during a TV show last month that Royole decided to build its own factory partly to meet growing demand, and partly over difficulty in finding a manufacturing partner with proper business terms to secure solid protection of its IP.

The B2B business also depends on its clients' ability to apply the new technology into their own products. The company has signed strategic partnership agreements with Chinese sports goods retailer Li Ning Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Bus Group, China Southern Airlines, and the Shenzhen subsidiary of China Mobile, to explore how flexible displays could be utilized to create new products.

But the research and development required to put new flexible displays into aerospace and automobile industries, for example, could take years. As such, Royole will need to raise a lot more capital to support the R&D and scalability of its products.

The spirited entrepreneur, however, is not daunted. Since first conceiving the idea while lying on a plush lawn at Stanford, he has built one of the world's fastest-growing tech unicorns, with almost 1,000 employees.

The company's new Shenzhen factory, costing US$1.7 billion to build, will be fully operational in the third quarter of this year and will have an annual production capacity of over 50 million flexible displays, making it one of the largest flexible display manufacturing facilities in the world.

"Our mission is to use our own technology innovation to improve the way people interact with the world," Liu said. "What we need to do is just keep innovating, keep developing great products for the consumers, and solve the problem for the industry."

Read the full article at https://www.chinamoneynetwork.com/2...any-wants-to-bend-curve-and-roll-the-world-up
  1. 23 June 2017 at 8:54pm
How China's facial recognition technology is changing daily life



video http://www.itv.com/news/2017-06-23/how-chinas-facial-recognition-technology-is-changing-daily-life/

When you are introduced to China’s facial recognition technology in a public toilet, it loses some of its futuristic allure. Nonetheless it does illustrate the extent to which Chinese engineers are frantically working to introduce the technology into every part of our daily lives.

It was introduced at the Temple of Heaven toilets in southern Beijing in order to ration the amount of paper people use. After a scan of your face machines will issue around half of metre of paper and only after 9 minutes can you get second helping, if required.

At Beijing Shifan University the technology has been installed in the women's dormitories to add an extra layer of security. The female students we spoke to told us they feel safer and want to see it rolled out across their campus and others.

Almost every week there’s a new technological development in China and it’s facial recognition in particular which is being rolled out at an extraordinary rate.


Facial recognition is even being used to ration toilet paper at this Beijing tourist spot.
The fast food giant KFC is currently trialling it at one of their branches in Beijing and next month the e-payment giant Alipay will introduce it for its customers.

The rapid pace of development comes after the Chinese Government made Artificial Intelligence a state priority. Billions of pounds is being ploughed into the research and development of facial recognition, speech recognition, robots, deep learning and 3D printing. In the field of e-payment the country has already left the rest of the world in its wake; the market here is 50 times larger than the United States.

We visited one of the hundreds of start-ups which is benefiting from Government incentives. At the offices of Megvil you don’t need a fob or card to get in the door, is all controlled by facial recognition technology. We saw the faces of employees flash up on a screen, along with their age and gender, as they walked in. Their office was full of young entrepreneurs working on the next big thing in facial recognition.


The technology has been installed at women's dormitories at a university in Beijing.
They are proud that some police forces have adopted their system and that it has helped catch thousands of criminals but it’s the consumer market which most excites them.

They say it is just a matter of months, not years, before we will be able to leave our wallets and keys because our face will be able to do everything from open our front door to pay for goods at the supermarket. They claim using the 83 point facial recognition is even safer than fingerprint technology.:o::enjoy:

There have been some concerns raised amid this rapid roll out. In Southern china pedestrians were left angered and embarrassed after their personal details were flashed up on big screens at an intersection. They were being picked out, named and shamed for jay walking.


Facial recognition has helped catch thousands of criminals in China.
Robots are of course part of this revolution and in warehouses and factories across China humans are being replaced with machines which can do the heavy lifting and sorting.

In Southern China the home delivery company STO express is now using hundreds of robots to sort the packages at their distribution centre. The floor of the centre looks like a massive game of tetras.

China is desperate to shrug off its reputation for cheap consumer goods and electronics. It watched as the United States and Europe invented software and led the digital age, now it wants to dominate in Artificial Intelligence, described as the next frontier.
Has China developed the world’s most powerful submarine detector?
Major breakthrough in magnetic detection technology brings unprecedented accuracy in finding metallic objects hidden deep underground and in the water, Shanghai scientists say
  • PUBLISHED : Saturday, 24 June, 2017, 8:31am
  • UPDATED : Saturday, 24 June, 2017, 8:31am
  • Stephen Chen
Chinese scientists claim to have made a major breakthrough in magnetic detection technology that could bring unprecedented accuracy to the process of finding hidden metallic objects – from minerals to submarines.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, the country’s largest research institute, said in an article on its website on Wednesday that a “superconductive magnetic anomaly detection array” has been developed in Shanghai and passed inspection by an expert panel.

The experts were quoted as saying that the device, which works from the air, could be used to pinpoint the location of minerals buried deep beneath the earth in Inner Mongolia, for example, with a level of precision as high as anything currently available around the world.

The device could also be used on civilian and military aircraft as a “high performance equipment and technical solution to resources mapping, civil engineering, archaeology and national defence”, the article said.

China’s military may soon adopt the technology, if it hasn’t already, said Professor Zhang Zhi, an expert in remote sensing with the Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, Hubei.

“The technology could be used to detect minerals on land, and in the ocean to nail down submarines,” said Zhang, who was not involved in the project.

Anti-submarine aircraft have been equipped with magnetic anomaly detectors, or MAD, since World War II. The devices monitor the small disturbances metallic objects cause to the Earth’s magnetic field, analyse the data and use complex algorithms to calculate the object’s position.

Precise locations are often difficult to obtain, however, because the strength of a magnetic signal drops rapidly as the distance from the source increases.

Aircraft have to fly low, and the submarine has to be operating sufficiently close to surface for the device to register it. The power of the signal can be reduced by other factors, too, such as if the submarine is made from less ferromagnetic materials.

Dr Lei Chong, an assistant researcher studying MAD technology at the Department of Micro/Nano Electronics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, said the Chinese device was different from conventional designs in at least two ways.

The first is the large number of probes the device uses. With this “array”, it can collect much more data than traditional detectors, which tend to use just one antenna, said Lei, who was not involved in the project.

The new MAD also uses a superconductive computer chip cooled by liquid nitrogen. This super-cool environment significantly increases the device’s sensitivity to signals that would be too faint for traditional devices to spot.

“I am surprised they made such an announcement,” Lei said. “Usually this kind of information is not revealed to the public because of its military value.”

The superconductive MAD array was developed over four years by a research team led by Professor Xie Xiaoming from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, according to the CAS article.

Xie could not immediately be reached for comment.

Chinese research teams have also recently completed the development of eight other types of magnetic detectors, some of which are small and sensitive enough to be used on satellites, the article said.

The academy said that due to the difficulties involved in developing such equipment, most countries, including the United States, don’t yet have it. Germany is the rare exception, it said.

Despite the article’s claims, Lei said it was too early to say whether China was leading the world in MAD technology.

“The US military might have developed similar equipment but kept their lips sealed about it,” he said.

“It’s impossible, therefore, to compare one country to another on this kind of sensitive technology based only on openly available information.

“Converting a mineral detector to a MAD for submarines requires a lot of extra work. Military users have very different requirements to those in the civilian sector,” he said.

Has China developed the world’s most powerful submarine detector? | South China Morning Post
Makers of TaihuLight Supercomputer Offer Commercial Version
Michael Feldman | June 23, 2017 18:33 CEST

One of the more unusual pieces of news at this year’s ISC High Performance conference was the announcement by the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi that it will be offering a cut-down version of the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer for more mainstream HPC users.

TaihuLight is the reigning champ on the TOP500 list, delivering a whopping 93 petaflops on the Linpack benchmark. Besides being the number one system, it’s other big claim to fame is that it is constructed almost entirely from Chinese-made componentry. In particular, the system is powered by the 260-core ShenWei processor, known as the SW26010. Each of TaihuLight’s 40,960 ShenWei chips delivers three teraflops of peak performance.

The commercial version they announced at ISC is called the Sunway Micro and is based a dual-socket SW26010 server node. The system is aimed at a broad spectrum of industrial and research applications including “deep learning, oil & gas exploration, climate modeling, etc.”


Source: National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi

The two-processor design means each node delivers a very respectable six peak teraflops. Unlike the TaihuLight supercomputer, whose single-socket nodes were outfitted with a scant 32 GB of memory, the Sunway Micro can be equipped with 64 GB to 256 GB. That gives Micro buyers the option to have lot more local memory to feed these high-flying ShenWei chips. Each node is also equipped with 12 GB of local storage of undefined type and origin.

While talking with some of the folks at the Wuxi booth during the ISC exhibition, they revealed that the Micro nodes can be clustered together via a network based on InfiniBand technology, which apparently is similar, but not identical to the TaihuLight network implementaion. Given that these servers will be used in relatively small clusters, they didn’t have to develop a network for supercomputer-level scalability.

One of the most unusual aspects of the Sunway Micro is that it is being sold by the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi. That might seem like an odd thing for a supercomputing center to do, given its public mission. But since the center supplies the system software and developer toolset for these ShenWei-based machines, they basically act as system integrators for the commercial offering. As for the TaihiLight, the Micro was developed by the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology (NRCPC).

Software support includes C/C++ and Fortran compilers for the ShenWie, as well as supporting runtime libraries. For parallel software development, Wuxi includes MPI, OpenACC and Athread implementations targeted to the ShenWei platform. An integrated development environment, with a debugger and performance monitor, are also included.

Besides selling the standard version of the Micro, the Wuxi center will also provide customized solutions. Pricing for the system was not made public.

Makers of TaihuLight Supercomputer Offer Commercial Version | TOP500 Supercomputer Sites
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