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China says ready for talks with India over UNSC reform

Seriously China would not like to rub the wrong way with India. If the 4 members of club supports India's candidature, I am sure China would not like to be on other side.

Most Pakistani members in this forum really underestimate Indo China relations and like to look from a Pakistani angle
If you think this is clutching at straws, then you are clearly unfamiliar with diplomatic parlance and the fact that a single word makes a huge difference in an official statement.

If you didn't get it, you don't have to respond. Just move along.

The heart of the matter is that China is not at all supporting what you guys think it is supporting. They are talking about changing the current composition of the Security Council through "reasonable" structural reforms. That is the position Pakistan is also taking. And if you still don't get it, this position is not in India's interests. It will take a hell of a long time to sort out these structural reforms as it will involve a large number of players. Proposals have been floated concerning an OIC seat, an Arab seat, EU seats, Japanese, Brazilian and German seats and more. Good luck getting all of this squared away.

I would call crossing over into territory that India considers its own and dumping garbage just to make a point, pretty humbling. And if that isn't enough perhaps refusing to stamp visas on Indian passports would tip the scales? Shall we go on?

I am just pointing out that the originally cited poster felt somehow compelled to embellish the truth and in doing so, altered it. I wonder why he would be so keen to twist words to conjure up visions of China patting India's back.

China just taking its time and don't want to give this crucial support without major diplomatic favor.But ultimately will give surely.China needs India and will need more in major world politics for various issues.India and China will work more closely in various world forum together.
If you think this is clutching at straws, then you are clearly unfamiliar with diplomatic parlance and the fact that a single word makes a huge difference in an official statement.

If you didn't get it, you don't have to respond. Just move along.

Politics runs in my family.....Try me..

The heart of the matter is that China is not at all supporting what you guys think it is supporting. They are talking about changing the current composition of the Security Council through "reasonable" structural reforms. That is the position Pakistan is also taking. And if you still don't get it, this position is not in India's interests. It will take a hell of a long time to sort out these structural reforms as it will involve a large number of players. Proposals have been floated concerning an OIC seat, an Arab seat, EU seats, Japanese, Brazilian and German seats and more. Good luck getting all of this squared away.

Where has anyone on this thread mentioned that this was going to be easy? I would be more than happy to concede...
But the fact is that China...being on the opposite side of the spectrum compared to India...whether it be boundry issues....Pakistan....Communism vs. Democracy...foreign relations(string of pearls theory) has chosen to take the path of recognizing India's rise...

Coming to the table to discuss India's aspirations in light of the new world order is a massive step....
If that doesnt speak "respect", Im not sure what does...

Besides....India has never stated that its inclusion will be without some fundamental changes in the UN structure....Indians for now are satisfied climbing up the pecking order...simple...

So Im unclear where you're getting the "signals" from India or China?

I would call crossing over into territory that India considers its own and dumping garbage just to make a point, pretty humbling. And if that isn't enough perhaps refusing to stamp visas on Indian passports would tip the scales? Shall we go on?

Seriously....we dont expect any less....I mean the Chinese are our regional rivals...it comes as part of the deal....

But to move from such petty acts of defiance to making a public statement recognizing India's importance in the world order is enough for us to put such pettiness behind us....
There are no permanent enemies IMO..

You scratch my back, I scratch yours works well here....

I am just pointing out that the originally cited poster felt somehow compelled to embellish the truth and in doing so, altered it. I wonder why he would be so keen to twist words to conjure up visions of China patting India's back.

Unfortunately, Im sorry to say but you're not in a position to claims what "truth" is...exhageration it may be acccording to you, but that happens to be your opinion...and thats where it ends...

Similarly, the poster read the Chinese overture as a sign of respect....which happends to be his POV....and he is well entitled to it.

I dont think theres a right or wrong here....if thats what you're trying to prove.
ns to be your opinion...and thats where it ends...

Similarly, the poster read the Chinese overture as a sign of respect....which happends to be his POV....and he is well entitled to it.

I dont think theres a right or wrong here....if thats what you're trying to prove.

Actually no. The poster ascribed a sentiment to China which was unjustified given the news report being discussed. Let's not defend sloppiness.

You express your point of view differently and you describe facts differently. If you get confused between the two, then a correction becomes necessary.
Think its to early for India to get a permanent seat, maybe in 3-4 years time.
I think that is the best way forward.

If India wants it could probably negotiate to get the veto power first... but either way I don't see it as a big deal. The only thing that changes is the time frame, sooner or later there will be UNSC reform.

All that sounds good is good for India at this point in time.

I am just thinking aloud:

Some important takeaways from the Obama visit:

The US supports India

a) to take more global responsibility than it currently takes ranging from having a firm locus standi on countries like Burma and Iran

b) Enabling high-Tech technology transfers

c) Strategic partnership at the nxt level not to be determined by the amount of dollar sales of sophisticated equipments

d) Counter terrorism/counter insurgency and regional security to start off with and eventually increasing the ambit of operations

e) Assist US forces globally in their operations legitimate or not

f) India's role in reconstruction of Afghanistan\

g) Opening up of retail, insurance, banking and the defense sectors for investments

h) Removal from entities list of ISRO, BDL, DARE, DRDO/L and the like

g) Security Council position

And immediately after we have postive vibes from the PRC. Just making me think something is cooking up. I may be wrong but dont expect to be completely out of context.

a) Do you think India is in a position to garner favors from both PRC and USA by playing a balancing role here?

b) Is there a tacit understanding between India and the PRC on certain issues ranging from limiting US role in South Asia/Asia to regional peace/stability and security

c) Also factoring in aspects like joint work groups around clean energy/climate change/global warming?

Comments welcome...let us put on our thinking hats...:welcome:
I think India-China relationship will never fly, until the land rights is settled for once and for all.

Then I can see the day, China and India being like USA and EU one day.
Seriously China would not like to rub the wrong way with India. If the 4 members of club supports India's candidature, I am sure China would not like to be on other side.

Most Pakistani members in this forum really underestimate Indo China relations and like to look from a Pakistani angle

it always seems to be that its the indians who are more keen to be friendly with china than vice versa - they clearly see the GREATER need for friendly relations.

again lets see what happens, time will tell all
I really feel that this specific status symbol will sooner or later come to India's way...but will not be a game changer for us.. if our economy becomes so robust that noone can even think of having a no-trading relationship with India then I think we will be real superpower... if we have iron like defence that no one dare think of penetrating it then I think we become a real super power...these are the real challenges and like billion Indians I feel that we are already in right path to achieve the right place in the world... lets get together and achieve that first ... these status symbols will follow us automatically...jai hind... :cheers::cheers:
I think the PROCESS will formally start by then, and will drag on for a few years after that.

I have no doubt India will get a permanent seat in due course, it is just that there will be a fairly complex process of negotiations that will take place before anything concrete happens.

You can see many statements in forum claiming India wont get Permanent UNSC seat , Now a statement from Obama has changed the whole scenario , our dear friends from Pakistan has also twisted their words .... Nothing is predictable in the diplomatic world , Praise the powerful so that you can also live in peacefully & also you can withstand urself if any unjustice is made against you , Pakistan should give away its hatred without any reasons including K factor to assure their is peace & growth in its own country . Let the elder bros & younger bros come close together to enjoy peacefull life for its countrymen...:cheers:
All I can see is Pakistani posters patting themslves on the back saying that "China will do this","China will do that" while the Chinese members themselves are saying this is a good move and India is getting its rightful place in the Global hierarchy.

Now my question is who is more Chinese ?? The Chinese members themselves or the Pakistanis....:what:
China will raise many questions and will try to extract maximum concessions from India but it will eventually support India's Permanent seat in UNSC just like it happened in NSG.
Just like UNSC P5, NSG required unanimous approval and China did support India (ignoring Pakistan's concerns). That for me is sufficient proof that it will support India at UNSC as well.
A week after the US endorsed a permanent seat for India on the UN Security Council, India raised the issue of its bid with China in 70-minute bilateral talks on Sunday. China did not spell out direct support for India's bid but Chinese willingness for 'closer consultations' on the issue

was seen as a positive signal.
The talks held on the sidelines of a Russia, India and China summit in the central Chinese city of Wuhan were a key step to prepare for Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to India next month. China said it hoped to expand political consensus with India when Wen visits.

External affairs minister SM Krishna told Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi of 'overwhelming support' for India's bid and the need for UN members to focus intensively on the issue. Following US endorsement of India's candidature, China remains the only permanent UNSC member that has not backed India's bid.

Yang repeated Beijing's official statement about understanding India's 'desire' for a bigger role in the UN. However, Yang also added China recognises that there had been fundamental changes in the world situation and that UNSC reforms need 'active consideration.'

"China is willing to have 'closer consultations' with India on the issue of UN reform, which is incrementally speaking a positive indicator," said foreign secretary Nirupama Rao after the meeting. "They are alert to this issue and increasingly focus on it," said Rao.

There was no breakthrough in resolving the stapled visa dispute but China said it hoped to expand political consensus with India when Wen visits.

India once again asked for mutual sensitivity on core concerns and raised objections to Chinese stapled visas for Jammu and Kashmir residents.

Yang replied that the Chinese policy on Kashmir had not altered, and that China always held the view that the Kashmir issue should be resolved through dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Sunday's talks were the first of a series of high-level dialogue with Beijing this month. Rao will hold the fourth strategic dialogue with her Chinese counterpart Zhang Zhijun in Beijing on Tuesday. National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon will travel to Beijing later this month for the 14th round of boundary dispute negotiations with state councillor Dai Bingguo, Chinese special representative on the talks. Yang accepted Krishna's invitation to visit India early next year.

India pushes security council case with China - Hindustan Times
i don't believe china will support india anyway. they will not do it. at the time of nuke deal in iaea and nsg, they tried their best to block it, even openly. though there was no prior indication or words that they are against it.
i don't believe china will support india anyway. they will not do it. at the time of nuke deal in iaea and nsg, they tried their best to block it, even openly. though there was no prior indication or words that they are against it.

One vote isn't going to make a difference when the General Assembly is voting. Pakistan is obviously ruled out. India should focus on gaining the votes of smaller countries.
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