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China’s Economy: Seizure or Cancer?

Chinese workers working abroad to make money,in Europe,Americas,Africa...they got handsome paid,they come back with the money,but Vietnamese come to China to stay,Vietnam is flooding China with brides,there is a big glut on the market.
China’s Economy: Seizure or Cancer?
May 30, 2012

The sharp slowdown in China’s economy has policy makers around the world watching carefully. Will the government have the courage to change course

The unexpectedly sharp slowdown of the Chinese economy has fanned anxieties around the world. Based on the latest figures released by the Chinese government, the economy slowed more than expected in the first quarter of this year compared with the fourth quarter of last year. Is the once unstoppable Chinese economic growth engine grinding to a halt?

For the West, deteriorating growth in China is obviously bad news. With Europe sinking into recession and the United States mired in an anemic recovery, growth in emerging markets, China in particular, has been a bright spot in an otherwise bleak economic landscape. As the world’s second-largest economy, annual growth at high single digit (8 percent to 9 percent) makes China the largest contributor to global GDP growth. Now that China is faltering, many worry not only about the effects of China’s stagnant growth on the rest of the world, but also about its impact on China itself

China’s Economy: Seizure or Cancer? | The Diplomat

Coming from a country that has 1/60 of China's GDP and 1/4 of China's GDP per capita and 1/2 of GDP growth rate, you do have a big mouth.
my cousin has a metal refinary factory in Veitman, funny stories he has been telling me every time back for holiday``that is those hunderds Chinese owned factories and companies in Veitnam prefers to hire Chinese staffs, which is because viets' brains are like wood, with no modern skills whatsoever let alone common senses, so even its much expensive to hire Chinese workers, but you cant hire useless stools who cannot do nothing and cannot to be educated.

and another thing is, their politicians are so cheap, they always come asking for 'pocket' money and they even take as less as 10RMB or few dollars...but one thing for sure, they dont like taking their own vietcon money (aka. toilet paper)

Chinese workers working abroad to make money,in Europe,Americas,Africa...they got handsome paid,they come back with the money,but Vietnamese come to China to stay,Vietnam is flooding China with brides,there is a big glut on the market.
i'd suggest you to pay a visit to southen part of China, they are flooding in like rats flooding in a rice warehouse, maybe its innappropriate, but its the reality
my cousin has a metal refinary factory in Veitman, funny stories he has been telling me every time back for holiday``that is those hunderds Chinese owned factories and companies in Veitnam prefers to hire Chinese staffs, which is because viets' brains are like wood, with no modern skills whatsoever let alone common senses, so even its much expensive to hire Chinese workers, but you cant hire useless stools who cannot do nothing and cannot to be educated.

and another thing is, their politicians are so cheap, they always come asking for 'pocket' money and they even take as less as 10RMB or few dollars...but one thing for sure, they dont like taking their own vietcon money (aka. toilet paper)

i'd suggest you to pay a visit to southen part of China, they are flooding in like rats flooding in a rice warehouse, maybe its innappropriate, but its the reality

You've got two wrongs, proving that your story was fabricated:

First, the Chinese laborers in Vietnam can only blend or hiding in the construction sites, mining ... never be allowed become workers in factories when they were starting to produce.

Second, I dont deny in Vietnam are corrupt many, but officials never "come asking for 'pocket' money" as you said, instead, you will have to come to "ask" them get your bribes. If your the "cousin" did not know that, it prove your story was fabricated by you or him.

The fact that the skills and diligence of the Vietnamese workers are always appreciated by foreign investors. But Vietnam is weak of infrastructure and supporting industries...
in Vietnamese mind,as long as people who against their post is a fake flag member,even if the post is fair

read again the postings from this guy Sin Pateh: sentences full of hatreds, using a lot of invective words such as stupidty, trash, foolish garabages, damm, etc... no arguments at all, just rubbish.
my cousin has a metal refinary factory in Veitman, funny stories he has been telling me every time back for holiday``that is those hunderds Chinese owned factories and companies in Veitnam prefers to hire Chinese staffs, which is because viets' brains are like wood, with no modern skills whatsoever let alone common senses, so even its much expensive to hire Chinese workers, but you cant hire useless stools who cannot do nothing and cannot to be educated.

and another thing is, their politicians are so cheap, they always come asking for 'pocket' money and they even take as less as 10RMB or few dollars...but one thing for sure, they dont like taking their own vietcon money (aka. toilet paper)

i'd suggest you to pay a visit to southen part of China, they are flooding in like rats flooding in a rice warehouse, maybe its innappropriate, but its the reality

Vietnam Authority deported home to china 240 illegal chinese unskill chinese workers recently, rats and mouses.
read again the postings from this guy Sin Pateh: sentences full of hatreds, using a lot of invective words such as stupidty, trash, foolish garabages, damm, etc... no arguments at all, just rubbish.
ít's an irony ........... that himself as an Indian, uses those words on Vietnamese....................:no:
every province in China routinely deport Vietnamese illegal immigrants,and Guanxi and Yunnan are the worst hit provinces by flooding Vietnamese illegal immigrants.see the news from 2 years ago,just imagine how serious it must be now.

Illegal immigration from Vietnam surges in S China
Updated: 2010-04-11 17:25

NANNING - In a detention house in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on the Vietnam border, Hai Li, 18, an illegal immigrant from Vietnam, represents her fellow townspeople as they communicate with the police.

In Vietnam, many young people want to work in China because the pay is much better, Hai says. "I earn 800 yuan a month here. Back home, I could only get 450 yuan at most."

Hai came to work at a cellphone shop in the southern Hainan province two years ago and learnt to speak fluent Mandarin, even some Hainan dialect. She was caught by border police when returning to work after the Spring Festival vacation.

Hai and the others who came with her will be deported to Vietnam. But she says, "I will come back to China with a visa. My boss in Haikou city has promised to raise my wages."

Guangxi border police have seized 1,820 illegal immigrants, stopped 4,839 others from entering and deported 2,218 people since 2009, says a spokesman with Guangxi border police.

However, at least 10,000 illegal immigrants have come to Guangxi's Chongzuo city alone, says Mo Shaoren, deputy head of Chongzuo's human resources and social security department.

Large numbers of illegal immigrant workers from Vietnam had been found in factories and farmlands of south China cities. Most came through Guangxi's Dongxing and Pingxiang border cities, the police spokesman says.

Most local young men have gone to work in larger cities, leaving a shortfall of 30,000 farmers in normal times and 50,000 during busy seasons. Vietnamese nationals often come to fill the gaps, Mo says.

Vietnamese nationals are welcomed in Chongzuo, where they are seen as hard-working and cheap, accepting only half the wages of a Chinese worker.

A local worker can cost an employer 80 yuan a day while the Vietnamese are usually satisfied with 40 yuan a day, Mo says.

On Chongzuo city's 553 km border with Vietnam, only 260 border police are deployed, far from enough to curb the illegal immigration on 123 routes, says Li Zuozheng, chief of staff of Chongzuo's border police.

By March 20, Chongzuo's border police had stopped 420 illegal Vietnamese immigrants this year, of whom 175 were detained and investigated and 10 deported, Li says.

But no authority can tell the exact number of illegal immigrants from Vietnam working in the Pearl and Yangtze river deltas, he says.

The situation has worsened with the severe drought plaguing northern Vietnam, which has driven many farmers to seek work in China, said Fan Qi, head of Fangchenggang city's border police.

On a mountain road just 30 meters from China's official entry in Pingxiang city, groups of Vietnamese cross the border without any checks.

In just 10 minutes, 14 people in three groups came into China through the route while six people left carrying large bags of goods.

A spokesman with the regional police says a crackdown was launched in March to curb the immigration, with stricter identity checks and searches at customs and border check stations.

The border police of Fangchenggang city apprehended 56 illegal immigrants from Vietnam, as well as one Vietnamese and eight Chinese organizers on March 24, the spokesman said.

On April 4, the police seized 19 Vietnamese illegal immigrants in a railway station of regional capital Nanning city, he added.

Guangdong repatriates 115 Vietnamese for illegal entry - China.org.cn
Guanxi Police nab 34 illegal Vietnamese immigrants - China Daily
Police nab 42 illegal Vietnamese immigrants - China Daily
Central China repatriates 39 illegal Vietnamese - China News
23 illegal Vietnamese immigrants repatriated from Yunnan
ít's an irony ........... that himself as an Indian, uses those words on Vietnamese....................:no:

Bro, that an Indian critizes VN and sides with China? I am not really suprised about it, at all.
India as a friend of Vietnam, China an enemy? Things are much more complicated.

You know, relations between countries are mostly based on common interests.
India wants to join in the great game currently happening in the South East Asia.
It is keen to look to VN, because it is the only country in East Asia (beside Japan) capable to challenge China militarily.
this tiny VN? really funny, isn ´t it?
China, the big rival to India. It is still traumatized by the defeat in 1962.
Though it has made great efforts in modernizing its army recently, especially the Navy. It still believes not being able to win a war against China. India Navy lacks self-confidence. Though if looking at the numbers, India Navy is as large as from China.

And unlike China or USA, India does not have a strong economic basis. Huge military spending mostly eats on the cost of heath, education, etc... Personally I do not think India will catch up with China in a distant future (if ever).
^^ we don't need to catch up with China

we just need to retain superiority on western front and remain enough strong on eastern front along with concentrating on economy so that one day we cross the mark of 2 trillion $ GDP

by doing so, we will have greater amount of money for alleviation of poverty and also for defense and if we manage to become a 2.5 trillion $ economy we will be in much stronger position
Vietnam Authority deported home to china 240 illegal chinese unskill chinese workers recently, rats and mouses.

In America, we have illegal Mexicans and Central Americans here but there are no Americans going to work to Mexico illegally. that is because the wages are higher in US than in Mexico. If wages are higher in China than in Vietnam, why would Chinese go to work as illegal immigrants in Vietnam. The only thing they would do illegally may be to bring in illegal Vietnamese brides to China. Otherwise, I don't see anything they could do illegally in Vietnam as no sane person would go to a country to make less money than they can earn in their own country.

^^ we don't need to catch up with China

we just need to retain superiority on western front and remain enough strong on eastern front along with concentrating on economy so that one day we cross the mark of 2 trillion $ GDP

by doing so, we will have greater amount of money for alleviation of poverty and also for defense and if we manage to become a 2.5 trillion $ economy we will be in much stronger position

You should shoot for the stars and ask for a 20 trillion dollar economy. But I wonder how much of it would benefit the untouchables or the tribal caste?
the author is a notorious d*ck sucker! he is a gordan chang class!

this sucker failed to mention the ample tools we have on hand to avert the risks, unlike situations in europe, india or even the us which have all run out of bullets to support their economy. if you think we only have fx reserve of $3 trillion as our backing then you are missing a lot. our pocket is deeper than the surface of the $3 trillion.

Feeling bad.....accept the reality....I can see some 500 your post on Indian economy.....after that I am feeling good that you are feeling bad for same thing which you wrote for Indians :coffee:

Oh no viet troll started a thread about economy, are they going to teach us how to run our economy ?

funny poor viet with a pathetic fx reserves of just over $6 billion what make you think you are qualified to debate with us on economy:rofl:omg these viets sure are thick skin and shameless

Personal attack...shows you dont have any answer.....

tell me one thing that you know and you think we don't know,can you?
If we tell you say "crap" so....
ít's an irony ........... that himself as an Indian, uses those words on Vietnamese....................:no:

Check his previous posts, he had a Cambodian flag before.

His previous id was Determined_Tiger.

Can't you see the similarity, the same level of intellectual bankruptcy, same incoherent sentences and logic.

Bro, that an Indian critizes VN and sides with China? I am not really suprised about it, at all.
India as a friend of Vietnam, China an enemy? Things are much more complicated.

You know, relations between countries are mostly based on common interests.
India wants to join in the great game currently happening in the South East Asia.
It is keen to look to VN, because it is the only country in East Asia (beside Japan) capable to challenge China militarily.
this tiny VN? really funny, isn ´t it?
China, the big rival to India. It is still traumatized by the defeat in 1962.
Though it has made great efforts in modernizing its army recently, especially the Navy. It still believes not being able to win a war against China. India Navy lacks self-confidence. Though if looking at the numbers, India Navy is as large as from China.

And unlike China or USA, India does not have a strong economic basis. Huge military spending mostly eats on the cost of heath, education, etc... Personally I do not think India will catch up with China in a distant future (if ever).

Just a correction, Indian navy is confident about engaging PLAN in the Indian Ocean, but not in SCS, as we lack such level of naval projection.

Also Indian Navy isn't as large PLAN.
You've got two wrongs, proving that your story was fabricated:

First, the Chinese laborers in Vietnam can only blend or hiding in the construction sites, mining ... never be allowed become workers in factories when they were starting to produce.

Second, I dont deny in Vietnam are corrupt many, but officials never "come asking for 'pocket' money" as you said, instead, you will have to come to "ask" them get your bribes. If your the "cousin" did not know that, it prove your story was fabricated by you or him.

The fact that the skills and diligence of the Vietnamese workers are always appreciated by foreign investors. But Vietnam is weak of infrastructure and supporting industries...
should i argue with a monkey who has littile knowledge of your Chinese controlled industry?

the metal refinary factories my couisn has will always have cheap viets collecting and seperating the scraps and the Chinese do the refinary```those viets can work anything for getting 500RMB per month, probably more than those polices and low rank officials can make in a month```so due to the viets' jealously nature, they always come asking for 'pocket' money

Vietnam Authority deported home to china 240 illegal chinese unskill chinese workers recently, rats and mouses.
this number is probably the hourly rates of rats and monkeys we deported to south
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