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China’s Anti-Carrier Ballistic Missile Now Opposite Taiwan | Bloomberg

Optical seekers are just like infrared -- passive sensor. Therefore, it does not provide projections of probable locations of the target.

Satellites have predictable orbits. And I have no idea by 'GPS assisted guidance system'. What are you trying to say here? A guidance package must have a sensor. GPS assisted? Whose GPS? The ship's or warhead's?
Consider it not as single sat scenario but system of sats which will gurantee one out of many sats has coverage 24*7 over the water which are of concern to PLAN .

I was referring to guidance system of warhead.


Optical seekers are just like infrared -- passive sensor. Therefore, it does not provide projections of probable locations of the target

I though it was active one which continuously snaps new pics and matches it with database for any further course correction ,if needed.
The kid never been in the military, so he latches on to things easily.

The delusion with EMP attacks is that it is based upon pure anecdotal evidences gathered during nuclear weapons testing. Yes, we know that an EM pulse from a nuclear detonation is powerful enough to affect or even destroy electronics. But to actually use a high altitude nuclear detonation solely for the purpose of exploiting its EMP effects require the careful study of at least the general characteristics of the target. To date, only the US and the Soviets have done such high altitude nuclear detonations. Any EMP data gathered were used to only hypothesize the effects of EMP. No real testings were done, as in actually seeing the effects over a city. His gullibility is compounded by too much Hollywood nonsense.

lol yeah, people have a unbelievable sense when they are talking nonsense, probably watched too much comics.

He is delusion to a point where his word does not make any sense anymore. Well, that probably the most of them "Military expert" can claim. They can claim a weapon that never tested fire operational. What else can he claim is everyone's imagination.

Maybe next time he will claim China have martian technology and can defeat the United States without even even lifting one finger, who know??

You're another idiot. Show me a citation of a carrier hardened against a megaton EMP.

Have you ever seen a carrier equipped with a few feet of lead on all sides? Me neither.

Show me a citation anytime during the last 30 years where the President of the United States (ie. the boss) has ever claimed to use nuclear weapons immediately in a confrontation with China.

Furthermore, explain the lack of use of nuclear weapons during the Korean War and Vietnam War.

See, you're a complete moron. You're ignorant of military history.

lol, so you consider people keep braging the use of thermonuclear device a moron, then please look at yourselves

While you say I am a moron for promoting Thermonuclear weapon without any notification or clause. You sir is keep saying China will use whatever megaton EMP device on US soil and/or ship.

Do you even know the usage of EMP device on a way of a High Altitude Blast is considered the same as using any thermonuclear device?? So can you please slap yourselves on the face.

By the way, did US President ever tell the Empiror of Japan we are going to use the A Bomb? And you are funny enough to say that US need to publicly announce the use of Nuclear Weapon before a war even declared? Why don't we give out our coordinate of our silo while we are at it.

Did you know which country in this earth have ever used Nuclear Weapon over the course of war??

I know exactly how and why US do not use Nuclear weapon in both Vietnam and Korea War. Do you?? That's because they are to fight in friendly ground. Until the South Korea or South Vietnam are being overrun with major American lost of life, they won't use Nuclear device on either war. If we were to fight for the survival of South Korea and South Vietnam, why do we destroy them with nuclear weapon in the first place, nuclear weapon are for the last resort.

Indeed in both case, we don't need to. As China is crap in Korea and cannot put the South Korea over enough and China on the other hand switch side to us in the middle of Vietnam war and betray the North Vietnam Brethren

I am ignorant of Military History? Hahahah.......I almost felt on the ground
The Pentagon's latest report on the Chinese military tells you everything you need to know.

Ignore the trolls.:lol:




Conventional Prompt Global Strike

Do you even know the usage of EMP device on a way of a High Altitude Blast is considered the same as using any thermonuclear device?? So can you please slap yourselves on the face.

An EMP is a thermonuclear-based weapon, but it is not a thermonuclear weapon

There is confusion among novices about the difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. They are not the same.

Though an EMP warhead may be thermonuclear-powered, it is detonated 100 miles above the Earth. The detonation of an EMP does not have to be located near the proximity of its target. The effective radius of a megaton EMP is 1,500 miles. Thus, a detonation 300 miles from the target will be very effective.

A megaton EMP will disable all electronics in a 3,000-mile diameter and fuse the electronics or electrical wiring with 50,000 volts per meter. This renders aircraft carriers and jet fighters (including stealth) useless. This is called a "soft kill" where the opponent's weapons have been neutralized.

A thermonuclear warhead is a different story. It is typically detonated 0.4 miles above the target and incinerates everything within its blast radius. This is a "hard kill" where everything dies in the blast zone.

In conclusion, there is a dramatic difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. As stated by John Foster (the former head of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), China is likely to use a megaton EMP strike to disable an American carrier group.


U.S. Should Pursue Nuclear EMP Weapon: Ex-Lab Head | Global Security Newswire | NTI

"U.S. Should Pursue Nuclear EMP Weapon: Ex-Lab Head
Feb. 20, 2013
By Rachel Oswald
Global Security Newswire

ARLINGTON, Va. -- One of the United States' most prominent nuclear weapons experts on Wednesday urged the government to develop nuclear weapons that could be used to short-circuit enemies' electrical infrastructure, to counter similar capabilities possessed by Russia and China.

Former Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory head John Foster noted in a speech at the annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit recent claims by Moscow that it has "developed and deployed no-yield clean penetrating EMP weapons tailored to terminate any conventional attack."

"Similarly if the U.S. were to send a naval carrier force to aid Taiwan, the Chinese could use a nuclear EMP weapon to disable the carriers’ command and control," Foster asserted. "Such declaratory warnings and capabilities cause our allies to question their confidence in our continued deterrence."

Foster, who has long advocated for development of next-generation nuclear weapons, did not cite examples of partner nations that have become skeptical of the strength of U.S. extended deterrence in light of Russian and Chinese offensive EMP capabilities.

"The credibility of our nuclear deterrent would be enhanced if we could develop and certify nuclear weapons such as those described by Russia and China," he stated, adding, that at the minimum the Defense Department and the national nuclear laboratories "should promptly address what capabilities are most needed and if they can be provided without nuclear testing."

Washington's nuclear weapons policy for years has been to not pursue additional capabilities out of concern that would open up new arms races. The United States has maintained a voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing since 1992.

"Yes, some of those capabilities might be considered to be new and would then have to be reviewed by the White House and approved by the president. But that hurdle should not prevent the DOD from requesting what is needed to provide a more credible nuclear deterrent," according to the physicist who led the Livermore site from 1958 to 1965 and subsequently served at high levels at the Pentagon.

The George W. Bush administration was interested in developing a Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, which was envisioned as a low-yield nuclear weapon that could destroy enemies' subterranean WMD arsenals without causing significant loss of life. Lawmakers refused to fund work on the weapon in the wake of a congressionally ordered study by the National Academy of Sciences that concluded the warhead could cause massive loss of life as it would not be able to bury itself deep enough in the ground."
To feed your discussions with some elements -

* YW-4 space tracking ship (12 500t) being prepared for ASBM validation test on slow moving target on sea, we can see huge radar reflectors are installed on board to simulate an aircraft carrier signature. The date was September 2010.

* Sunk by a DF-21D, which had created a vertical hole of 4m of diameter, the same YW-4 towed to shipyard for evaluation. The test has occurred before January 2011.

* DF-21D and it's TEL. The one with sharper head is DF-21C, a MRBM with 30m of CEP.

* History of development of DF-21D

* One of the possible trajectory of the warhead using "variable center of mass" to change it's trajectory, instead of using aerodynamic way, which increases considerablely the difficulty for interception. It is written "for slow moving targets such as aircraft carrier".

* Several titles of R&D documents around the ASBM, I put them all together.



I have a copper of R&D documents on the target seeking and tracking for ASBM, I will post them once I found them.

By the way, I might suggest you two articles in english talking about DF-21D or the related ASBM development, knowing that DF-21D is not the only ASBM under development in China... I put them into my GDrive for sharing.



Henri K.

On page 38 of the Pentagon's 2013 annual report to Congress on Chinese Military Power:

"China will never use nuclear weapons first against any nuclear-weapon state, and China will never use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon state or nuclear-weapon-free zone. However, there is some ambiguity over the conditions under which China’s NFU policy would apply, including whether strikes on what China considers its own territory, demonstration strikes, or high-altitude bursts would constitute a first use. Moreover, some PLA officers have written publicly of the need to spell out conditions under which China might need to use nuclear weapons first; for example, if an enemy’s conventional attack threatened the survival of China’s nuclear force or of the regime itself. However, there has been no indication that national leaders are willing to attach such nuances and caveats to China’s NFU doctrine."


In my opinion, when China is looking at seven carrier groups, they'll just detonate a megaton EMP to rid themselves of the problem. China can neutralize Summer Pulse with a single high-altitude detonation and they'll do it. Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands fit both criteria highlighted in blue above.

How many EMPs does China need to neutralize American military power in Asia? Three.

One megaton EMP over Japan to neutralize Kadena.

One megaton EMP over Guam.

One megaton EMP over American carrier groups.

That's it. Three EMPs and American intervention in Asia comes to a halt. There will be zero American air power. An Asian military dispute between China and a neighboring country is an Asian issue, not a Western Hemispheric issue.
is that carrier killer tested real time and not in simulation??
so ur sayin nobody knows about it and nobody seen it right??

Read posts #1 and #21.

Admiral Willard, Wang Genbin (high-ranking Chinese science official), and Michael Flynn (Lt. General and top Pentagon Defense Intelligence Agency official) had plenty to say.

That's all they're willing to say. You can make up your own mind on what they're saying.

Michael Flynn says the Chinese ASBM has been deployed. Why did he use the word "deployed?" What was the evidentiary proof? Write him a letter if you have top-secret clearance.
* Sunk by a DF-21D, which had created a vertical hole of 4m of diameter, the same YW-4 towed to shipyard for evaluation. The test has occurred before January 2011.

Looks too big to be salvaged off the sea floor at 12.500 tons. If you have photos of that operation maybe, would be very nice of you to post them.
And if it wasn't sunk and just damaged and towed back in for evaluation, well, then we know just how the DF-21D fares, dont we?

Also interesting there's no pic of this hole you speak of, iirc the "fake" carrier hole in the Gobi desert was immediately shown.
An EMP is a thermonuclear-based weapon, but it is not a thermonuclear weapon

There is confusion among novices about the difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. They are not the same.

Though an EMP warhead may be thermonuclear-powered, it is detonated 100 miles above the Earth. The detonation of an EMP does not have to be located near the proximity of its target. The effective radius of a megaton EMP is 1,500 miles. Thus, a detonation 300 miles from the target will be very effective.

A megaton EMP will disable all electronics in a 3,000-mile diameter and fuse the electronics or electrical wiring with 50,000 volts per meter. This renders aircraft carriers and jet fighters (including stealth) useless. This is called a "soft kill" where the opponent's weapons have been neutralized.

A thermonuclear warhead is a different story. It is typically detonated 0.4 miles above the target and incinerates everything within its blast radius. This is a "hard kill" where everything dies in the blast zone.

In conclusion, there is a dramatic difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. As stated by John Foster (the former head of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), China is likely to use a megaton EMP strike to disable an American carrier group.
That is pathetic and outright false.

A true EMP weapon is one that is designed to produce a powerful EM pulse from pure electronic means. What you are talking about is using the BY PRODUCT of a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be that gullible. That is, no one except the Chinese members here who genuinely will believe that the US will see a high altitude nuclear weapon as a conventional attack.

If top speed of MIRV in orbit from ICBM is no more then ~ 9.7 km/s (RAND study from 1964-ill find the link) or in case of Topol 7.3 km/s and the SM-3 test fired in 2009 shot down a satellite with orbital speed of 10.1 km/s, does it not make the SM-3 capable of shooting down ICBM's (including DF-21 versions) and why is it advertised as only a system vs short and medium range missiles?
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An EMP is a thermonuclear-based weapon, but it is not a thermonuclear weapon

There is confusion among novices about the difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. They are not the same.

Though an EMP warhead may be thermonuclear-powered, it is detonated 100 miles above the Earth. The detonation of an EMP does not have to be located near the proximity of its target. The effective radius of a megaton EMP is 1,500 miles. Thus, a detonation 300 miles from the target will be very effective.

A megaton EMP will disable all electronics in a 3,000-mile diameter and fuse the electronics or electrical wiring with 50,000 volts per meter. This renders aircraft carriers and jet fighters (including stealth) useless. This is called a "soft kill" where the opponent's weapons have been neutralized.

A thermonuclear warhead is a different story. It is typically detonated 0.4 miles above the target and incinerates everything within its blast radius. This is a "hard kill" where everything dies in the blast zone.

In conclusion, there is a dramatic difference between an EMP warhead and a thermonuclear warhead. As stated by John Foster (the former head of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), China is likely to use a megaton EMP strike to disable an American carrier group.


U.S. Should Pursue Nuclear EMP Weapon: Ex-Lab Head | Global Security Newswire | NTI

"U.S. Should Pursue Nuclear EMP Weapon: Ex-Lab Head
Feb. 20, 2013
By Rachel Oswald
Global Security Newswire

ARLINGTON, Va. -- One of the United States' most prominent nuclear weapons experts on Wednesday urged the government to develop nuclear weapons that could be used to short-circuit enemies' electrical infrastructure, to counter similar capabilities possessed by Russia and China.

Former Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory head John Foster noted in a speech at the annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit recent claims by Moscow that it has "developed and deployed no-yield clean penetrating EMP weapons tailored to terminate any conventional attack."

"Similarly if the U.S. were to send a naval carrier force to aid Taiwan, the Chinese could use a nuclear EMP weapon to disable the carriers’ command and control," Foster asserted. "Such declaratory warnings and capabilities cause our allies to question their confidence in our continued deterrence."

Foster, who has long advocated for development of next-generation nuclear weapons, did not cite examples of partner nations that have become skeptical of the strength of U.S. extended deterrence in light of Russian and Chinese offensive EMP capabilities.

"The credibility of our nuclear deterrent would be enhanced if we could develop and certify nuclear weapons such as those described by Russia and China," he stated, adding, that at the minimum the Defense Department and the national nuclear laboratories "should promptly address what capabilities are most needed and if they can be provided without nuclear testing."

Washington's nuclear weapons policy for years has been to not pursue additional capabilities out of concern that would open up new arms races. The United States has maintained a voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing since 1992.

"Yes, some of those capabilities might be considered to be new and would then have to be reviewed by the White House and approved by the president. But that hurdle should not prevent the DOD from requesting what is needed to provide a more credible nuclear deterrent," according to the physicist who led the Livermore site from 1958 to 1965 and subsequently served at high levels at the Pentagon.

The George W. Bush administration was interested in developing a Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, which was envisioned as a low-yield nuclear weapon that could destroy enemies' subterranean WMD arsenals without causing significant loss of life. Lawmakers refused to fund work on the weapon in the wake of a congressionally ordered study by the National Academy of Sciences that concluded the warhead could cause massive loss of life as it would not be able to bury itself deep enough in the ground."

That is pathetic and outright false.

A true EMP weapon is one that is designed to produce a powerful EM pulse from pure electronic means. What you are talking about is using the BY PRODUCT of a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be that gullible. That is, no one except the Chinese members here who genuinely will believe that the US will see a high altitude nuclear weapon as a conventional attack.

An EMP is a thermonuclear-based weapon, but it is not a thermonuclear weapon

Dude, do you know a Nuclear Power station is based on Thermonuclear Energy, yet if any country attack other countries Nuclear Power station, then they are considered using Thermonuclear Device??

This sentence said it all.


Do you know how high it have to be for a ground buust??

I don't think we need to further answer this clown....
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