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China rolls out AWACS aircrafts for Pakistan Air Force

here is a very valuable interview I found that will weed out a lot of confusion
Radar Expert unveils the development of Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS
October.10 (China Defense Mashup Reporting by Johnathan Weng) -- Chinese Air Force KJ-2000 awacs just played a main role in the air parade in PRC's 60th Anniversary day. China government also announces that it become the 4th country which can design and manufacture Airborne Warning and Control System behind U.S., Russia and Israel.But before the October.1 2009, the development history of Chinese KJ-2000 awacs is still uncover from the classified files. Fortunately, one Chinese state-run magazine newly published in this month makes an interview with one Chinese leading electronic expert to tell a story of KJ-2000.

Mr. Wang Xiaomo, the interviewee who has been engaging in the research and design of radar and made great contributions to the development of the Chinese military electronic industry. Here is the brief content of the interview.

Reporter: China began the KJ-1 (Air Warning-1) Project at the end of 1960s, why it was canceled. And when did China re-initiate the awacs project later?

Wang: The KJ-1 Project was terminated because China could not solve the problem of Ground Clutter when airborne radar power-on. The failure of KJ-1 project tells that China must make technological breakthrough in "Ultra-Pure Spectrum Transmitter", "High Performance Signal Processor" and "ultra-low sidelobe antenna" before develop awacs. In 1970s, China has made great achievements in radar technologies and the boost of computer also brings a reality of producing high-performance digital processor.

Besides, several conflicts occurred since 1980s have display the supreme position of early warning aircraft. Under the background of international situation, China decided to develop or acquire awacs since early 1990s.

Reporter: It must be an unusual and hard road.

Wang: Yes. Although preparations has been made for years, whether China has the ability to develop early warning aircraft is still argued in academic circle. In 1992, several Chinese Scientists and engineers provide a report to government for explaining China's ability and determination in early warning aircraft development. The government at that time also organized one oversea visiting delegation (I am one member of it) to three countries: U.K., Russia and Israel.The delegation later brought one sum-up: purchase from other countries for realizing operational ability as soon as possible. The delegation at that time believed that Israel early warning aircraft had excellent performance but was immature for advanced ARRAY radar technology. Meanwhile the Russia's can not satisfy our demands. The delegation wanted to purchase UK's "Nimrod", but this project was canceled later.

Finally China determined to develop airborne early warning system by domestic power and simultaneously import related technologies from Israel.

In 1992, China and Israel made a primitive agreement to co-develop an airborne Early Warning system for PLA Air Force. After 4 years, both sides signed a official contract, which defined a cooperative awacs design basing on IL-76 platform. Israel provided a modified Phalcon system mounting antennas either on the aircraft fuselage and nose dome. But we thought that this configure could only provide 260°coverage. Then Chinese side provided another plan to install an expanded over-fuselage stationary radar dome. This is the largest radar dome in the world. For this, China built the largest Autoclave in Asia for producing composite material radar dome.
(Indians should be thankful to Chinese for pushing Israel the idea of TR modules)

Reporter: How about the later cooperation between China and Israel?

Wang: In 1999, the improvement of IL-76 has been finished in Russia and the plane was transferred to Israel for electronic installation. Under the pressure from United States, however, the contract was canceled. Israel finally paid us the penalty for breach of contract. The quit of Israel postpone the operational timeline of AEW&C aircrafts but speeded up the domestic development.

Reporter: What do we get from the cooperation with Israel?

Wang: 1. From Israel, China learned the T/R module and composite material radar dome production process specifications to control the quality. 2. Israel helped China to design radar structure basing on data bus network.

Being a large country, China in future will need more AEW&C systems. We can develop lots of variants or upgraded version from present systems.

Besides, our next object is Conformal Array Airborne Phased Radar, however, which exceeds today data processing technologies.(With the most powerful computer in their hand, I suspect preliminary work would have been on its way) We believe that China's Radar technology is on the same level with foreign countries. Who make breakthrough in new concept radar or other detection methods, who will leading the world.

Reporter: When Israel canceled the project, did China have other choice?

Wang: Russia advised to jointly develop A-50 and even wanted to "lend" 4 A-50s to PLA Air Force before the joint development. Actually, Russian never believes China can produce indigenous AWE&C system. When the "4.1" mid-air collision between a United States Navy EP-3E and a PLA Navy J-8II interceptor fighter jet, China felt it had been in a hard international security situation. In normal condition, China would own AWE&C system in 10 years. And the military department could not wait for such a long time. So "AWE&C Made in China" did not acquire much supports. But the top leader in Chinese government supports us. In 2002, the land testing sample aircraft was finished. In 2003, the prototype successfully finished its trial flight. In the last month of 2007, KJ-2000 entered service in PLA Air Force. We spent only 5 years to manufacture China's own AEW&C system.

Report: Did we meet other difficulties during the R & D?

Wang: 1: Electromagnetic compatibility design; 2: Software compatibility; 3: Battlefield Data Fusion via Datalink; 4: Scanning performance in mountain area; 5: We have no choices but IL-76 platform at that time. Russia don't want sell China IL-76 after the birth of KJ-2000. But China develops some special AEW&C system, such as KJ-200, based on Y-8 aircraft.

Reporter: Please make an outlook of Chinese future AEW&C system

Wang: China has owned a complete and full family of AEW&C system. In future, AEW&C system made by Chinese will be very competitive in lower price. KJ-2000 costs billions of RMB and some new systems will only spend thousands or even millions of RMB.
Mr. Wang Xiaomo, a radar expert, was born in 1938. He graduated from Beijing Industry Institute (now named Beijing Institute of Technology, BIT) in 1961. He is now the executive vice president of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, as well as a tutor of Ph.D. students at BIT and a member of China Engineering Academy.

In the past thirty years, Mr. Wang Xiaomo has been engaging in the research and design of radar. He has made great contributions to the development of the Chinese military electronic industry. He designed many new types of radar by using the state of the art technologies. He has high attainments in the aspect of Three-dimension Radar and Low-attitude Radar, he is the founder of these types of radar in China. The JY-8 and JY-9 radar, designed and developed under his leadership, filled the gaps in the fields of radar technique in China. These radars not only broke through the traditional mode of design, put forward the development and manufacturing of radar into a new era, but also shortened the distance to the advanced world technology.

based one the data/pic provided by husnain0099, i will agree with the data provided by my source. He gave the maximum tracking range between 700kms to 800kms and 300 simultaneous targets..

I am sure that should put to rest some of the questoins you might have...

To illustrate what might be the rotodome of the ZDK-03..
T/R modules stacked in rows on opposing sides..
Dome rotates every 10 to 15 seconds in the E-2D
allows 360 coverage.
I may sound stupid but i have a question Indian Phalcon radar operates in L band and our Erieye in S band frequency which one is better? :D
I may sound stupid but i have a question Indian Phalcon radar operates in L band and our Erieye in S band frequency which one is better? :D

L band is from 1 to 2 GHz frequency


S band is from 2 to 4 GHz frequency

to my understanding L band is longer range radar than s band but s band radar is more precise in location tracking and will be more resistant to jaming as u have wider band for frequencies . . . . . .
@hataf, correction here. L band is longer range than S band for the same amount of power of the transmitter. but if you increase the power of the transmitter it can go to the same length as the L band transmitter.

However, the more the frequency the higher details you can get, higher detection you can get, there are more chances to capture the stealth nature of the object. Also, higher the frequency, less that signal can be distorted.... Higher u go less range it gets but more chances of getting finer details in clutter such as ground clutter can be distinguished from an object at a higher range and more details than L band etc. you can detect multiple bogies at a longer range in close proximity than a L band radar....

More pluses of S band than L band, all there is a need to have a higher transmiter for S band source to cover for the range of L band
@hataf, correction here. L band is longer range than S band for the same amount of power of the transmitter. but if you increase the power of the transmitter it can go to the same length as the L band transmitter.

However, the more the frequency the higher details you can get, higher detection you can get, there are more chances to capture the stealth nature of the object. Also, higher the frequency, less that signal can be distorted.... Higher u go less range it gets but more chances of getting finer details in clutter such as ground clutter can be distinguished from an object at a higher range and more details than L band etc. you can detect multiple bogies at a longer range in close proximity than a L band radar....

More pluses of S band than L band, all there is a need to have a higher transmiter for S band source to cover for the range of L band

bundel of thanks for your valuable input . . . .. . . .:tup:
The biggest advantage of AESA operating between 2 to 4 Ghz frequency is that, any T/R module pointed out in a certain directoin can have a different response coming after reflected back by that distance object. After going over different image processing techniques one can get a clearer picture of that object is. Different T/R module interact in the back end of the processing engine of radar and come up with output after complex fourier transforms and image processing techinques to give u a clear identification of distant threat.

You can make out, whether the object is a SU30Mki or a Mig29 based on minute details you will get from different T/R frequencies... Threat can be analyzed and neccesary dispatches made based on them... you gotta love the AESA radar to get minute details on your enemies...

you wont see on your radar that the threat is a distant unidentified aircraft but u will know threat is SU30MKi. You can distinguish far far away whether the threat is from T90 tanks or T72 tanks. if you were using doppler radar, you will know about the threat, but wont know what kinda of thank threat that may be. Also you wont know the quantity or amount of threat or if there its a tank regiment only or if there is any infanry regiment embedded with it.

AESA is a game changer, far away u can dig down to the regimental (infantry or tank) nature of your ground forces and its size and its firepower. With doppler radar, you might have thought of that regiment to be an enemy division, cant fool multiple freqeuncies...

Hope this helps.... :azn:
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At every step that the US created obstacles for Pakistan, Pakistan has overcome those obstacles -- really a hostile US has been a God sent to Pakistan, it forced Pakistan to do for herself - lets hope we will see more of this. Congratulations to PAF and our gratitude to China for her friendship and her cooperation, there are no Pakistanis who do not appreciate China and the Chinese people :china::pakistan::china::pakistan:
you have explained about it but the content you have added has some mistakes because it was nowhere mentioned that it has an AESA radar so read it properly

go and read post 293.....:coffee:
u will find all the answers that ur looking for...

but just to summarize it,
KJ-2000 uses 3 AESA radars in its rotodome, because its rotodome is fixed in its place and therefore it needs 3 radars to cover 360 degree.

now lets come down to ZDK-03, it uses 1 AESA radar from KJ-2000 and thats because its rotodome spins...so it covers 360 degree......

if ur still in doubt then refer to post #293!
go and read post 293.....:coffee:
u will find all the answers that ur looking for...

but just to summarize it,
KJ-2000 uses 3 AESA radars in its rotodome, because its rotodome is fixed in its place and therefore it needs 3 radars to cover 360 degree.

now lets come down to ZDK-03, it uses 1 AESA radar from KJ-2000 and thats because its rotodome spins...so it covers 360 degree......

if ur still in doubt then refer to post #293!

nope, ZDK-03 KJ-200 and Erieye have dual-sided AESA.

based one the data/pic provided by husnain0099, i will agree with the data provided by my source. He gave the maximum tracking range between 700kms to 800kms and 300 simultaneous targets..

I am sure that should put to rest some of the questoins you might have...

is it true, i never heard that much range even for chines AWACS radars:what::blink:

L band is from 1 to 2 GHz frequency


S band is from 2 to 4 GHz frequency

to my understanding L band is longer range radar than s band but s band radar is more precise in location tracking and will be more resistant to jaming as u have wider band for frequencies . . . . . .

IEEE Radar Band Designations
Frequency Wavelength IEEE Radar Band designation
1 - 2 GHz 30 - 15 cm L Band
2 - 4 GHz 15 - 7.5 cm S Band

Military Electronic Countermeasures Band Designations
Frequency Wavelength IEEE Radar Band designation
30 - 250 MHz A Band
250 - 500 MHz B Band
500 - 1,000 MHz C Band
1 - 2 GHz D Band
2 - 3 GHz E Band
3 - 4 GHz F Band
4 - 6 GHz G Band
6 - 8 GHz H Band
8 - 10 GHz I Band
10 - 20 GHz J Band
20 - 40 GHz K Band
40 - 60 GHz L Band
60 - 100 GHz M Band

Traffic Radar Frequencies

Band Frequency Wavelength Notes
S 2.455 GHz 4.8 in
12 cm

Military Radar Bands
Radar Band Frequency Notes
HF 3 - 30 MHz High Frequency
VHF 30 - 300 MHz Very High Frequency
UHF 300 - 1000 MHz Ultra High Frequency
L 1 - 2 GHz
S 2 - 4 GHz
C 4 - 8 GHz
X 8 - 12 GHz
Ku 12 - 18 GHz
K 18 - 27 GHz
Ka 27 - 40 GHz
mm 40 - 300 GHz millimeter wavelength

International Telecommunications Union Radar Bands
ITU Band Frequency
VHF 138 - 144 MHz, 216 - 225 MHz
UHF 420 - 450 MHz, 890 - 942 MHz
L 1.215 - 1.400 GHz
S 2.3 - 2.5 GHz, 2.7 - 3.7 GHz
C 5.250 - 5.925 GHz
X 8.500 - 10.680 GHz
Ku 13.4 - 14.0 GHz, 15.7 - 17.7 GHz
K 24.05 - 24.25 GHz
Ka 33.4 - 36.0 GHz

ECM Bands
Band Frequency
A 30 - 250 MHz
B 250 - 500 MHz
C 500 - 1,000 MHz
D 1 - 2 GHz
E 2 - 3 GHz
F 3 - 4 GHz
G 4 - 6 GHz
H 6 - 8 GHz
I 8 - 10 GHz
J 10 - 20 GHz
K 20 - 40 GHz
L 40 - 60 GHz
M 60 - 100 GHz

Radio and Microwave Frequency Bands

For ECM the S band is not used...:what::azn::blink:

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