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China reveals aircraft carrier ambitions


Apr 24, 2007
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Date Posted: 30-Dec-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

China reveals aircraft carrier ambitions.

Sam LaGrone JDW Staff Reporter - Washington, DC

Key Points
China has revealed its intention to acquire at least two indigenously designed and built aircraft carriers

A US report estimates that the PLAN could have multiple carriers in service by 2020

China has stated publicly for the first time its intention to acquire two or more indigenously designed and built aircraft carriers for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

A brief reference to the strategy has appeared in an annual report from the State Oceanic Administration (SOA). Although it was published in May, the reference was buried at the end of the 570-page document and has only now been picked up by news outlets in the Asia-Pacific region.

A translation of the SOA's 2010 Ocean Development Report, published by the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post on 19 December, stated: "In 2009 China put forward an idea and plan for building aircraft carriers. These indicate China has entered the historical era of building a maritime superpower."

The translation continued: "Building China as a maritime power is the mission of China in the whole 21st century, and 2010 to 2020 is the critical period for accomplishing this strategic mission, with the goal to place China among mid-tier maritime powers."

In addition, unconfirmed reports published by several newspapers in the region are suggesting that construction of a conventionally powered carrier (CV) may have started.

Japan's Asahi Shimbun stated on 17 December: "Construction has already begun at six military-affiliated companies and research institutes in Shanghai and other locations." Asahi Shimbun quoted unidentified Chinese military sources as saying that initial plans had called for the launch in 2015 of a CV displacing between 50,000 and 60,000 tons, but that construction was progressing quickly and the launch date had been brought forward to 2014. The procurement plan also called for a nuclear-powered carrier to be launched by around 2020, the newspaper said.

The most recent US report on China's military capabilities estimated that the PLAN could have multiple carriers in service by 2020, but Washington has long complained of the lack of transparency in the PLAN's intentions.

Dean Cheng, a China policy expert with the US-based Heritage Foundation, told Jane's on 20 December that observers would not have expected Beijing to make an announcement of this sort in an SOA report. "It's not where you would be looking for this sort of thing," he said, likening it to a hypothetical announcement by the US Environmental Protection Agency that the US was developing a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile.

China has been refurbishing the partially complete Ukrainian-built carrier Varyag since it arrived in the port city of Dalian in 2002. The ship will probably be used as a trials and training platform as China develops and refines the institutional knowledge required for carrier operations.

The PLAN is also training 50 carrier pilots in co-operation with the Brazilian Navy, according to a US military assessment.
As the world's second largest economy, it is quite natural that China should possess aircraft carriers.
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china need half dozen aircraft carriers at least.
Half dozen aircraft carriers are too much for china.i will be glad if china own one or two aircraft carriers by 2015.:tup:另外你的马甲太那个了,这里是国外论坛不是国内!
Half dozen aircraft carriers are too much for china.i will be glad if china own one or two aircraft carriers by 2015.:tup:另外你的马甲太那个了,这里是国外论坛不是国内!

dan ding...mei sha da bu liao de
This is a good step on the road of China's potential superpowerdom. I remember reading the book The Next 100 Years by George Friedman, who really emphasized that the US is a superpower mainly because of its navy being able to control the world's trade and sea lanes. Especially that the carriers are indigenous are another good sign.

Nevertheless, India doesn't have much to worry since the PLAN is really tied up with containing Taiwan anyway. Not that India's navy won't have more modern aircraft carriers by 2020 anyway.
India doesn't have much to worry since the PLAN is really tied up with containing Taiwan anyway.
the bulk of chinese naval power today is in the south facing away from Taiwan, so they are unable to even tied up with the "small" navy PLAN have today. besides, unification is only a matter of time, there is no point containing them, it not like ROCN has much of a budget to begin with.

India doesn't need to worry as long as it minds it own business, there is nothing much the PLAN can do in India's backyard anymore than the USN.
This isn't yesterday's news, more like yester-decade's news. :D :D :D.
the bulk of chinese naval power today is in the south facing away from Taiwan, so they are unable to even tied up with the "small" navy PLAN have today. besides, unification is only a matter of time, there is no point containing them, it not like ROCN has much of a budget to begin with.

India doesn't need to worry as long as it minds it own business, there is nothing much the PLAN can do in India's backyard anymore than the USN.

Well remember, in most of the Taiwan Strait Crises, the US sent a large naval fleet, which usually was enough to thwart the threat. I would think the PLAN would be preparing for some American naval intervention the next time this 'unification' is attempted. Not to mention that the ROCN is pretty well equipped despite its size.

But for now, China doesn't have much a strangle in the Indian Ocean, but I mean it's investing in Gwadar and other deep water ports in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Myanmar for a reason.
the bulk of chinese naval power today is in the south facing away from Taiwan, so they are unable to even tied up with the "small" navy PLAN have today. besides, unification is only a matter of time, there is no point containing them, it not like ROCN has much of a budget to begin with.

India doesn't need to worry as long as it minds it own business, there is nothing much the PLAN can do in India's backyard anymore than the USN.

Trust me, USN can own the Indian ocean. Which it does. PLAN is still a long way from Indian Ocean.
I think for the moment it is too early to talk about the Indian ocean. Though China has vessels there,they are deployed to protect the commercial line. The main threats which China faces now are near her coastline and the disputes with some nations.
I think for the moment it is too early to talk about the Indian ocean. Though China has vessels there,they are deployed to protect the commercial line. The main threats which China faces now are near her coastline and the disputes with some nations.

totally agree. chinese carriers are for controlling the islands in South China Sea. 2ndly, for countering US and Japanese naval forces. India is a political issue as far as China is concern. China has no will, desire or capability to reach into Indian Ocean. Even if India is not powerful enough to counter Chinese navy, the USN will prevent Chinese ships from operate any where else except close to its shore line.
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