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China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

And chinas economy is dozen times as big as the economy of switzerland, yet we agre that 99% of chinese would prefer to live in Switzerland over life in China. Thanks for proving my point.

You were trying to say China and France are like China and Japán in total
economy size.

Now you bring in Switzerland!

Not the sharpest knife in the draw are you?
You were trying to say China and France are like China and Japán in total
economy size.

Now you bring in Switzerland!

Not the sharpest knife in the draw are you?

I´m not saying this, i made a comparission in history. China and Japan act like Germany and France acted in the beginning 20th century. Nothing good can be happen then for both nations. Making conclusions is not your strength it seems. I find it sad that so many people with an immigration background lack basic skills like making conclusions. We call this "Allegorie". A method used to describe a certain state with a model. Something you seem to not understand.

And yep, i´m a pretty sharp knife. Its sharp enough to cut your mind it seems.
This is annoying more than anything else.

China is just taking baby steps and the neighbours are already on the defensive!
Any real conflict will not come in at least half a century by which time China will be rediculously dominant. Also, the Americans are our true foes, their proud lackeys are rather insignificant.

Very loud though.

Based on China's recent actions you shouldn't be surprised why the Asian nations are reacting.
I´m not saying this, i made a comparission in history. China and Japan act like Germany and France acted in the beginning 20th century. Nothing good can be happen then for both nations. Making conclusions is not your strength it seems. I find it sad that so many people with an immigration background lack basic skills like making conclusions. We call this "Allegorie". A method used to describe a certain state with a model. Something you seem to not understand.

And yep, i´m a pretty sharp knife. Its sharp enough to cut your mind it seems.

You provide plenty of comedy value to this forum.

Please keep it coming.
Japanese move is to further show off to the world that she is facing China's military threat and is preparing for the worst. Actually the use of missiles locking up international water passes in peace time is pathetic. To gain enough support for the constitution change Japanese government has been making up stories and fabricating lies about Chinese threat. Japan is playing the same tricks as she did in WWII: lies, and more lies.

Flying over Japanese Skies, securing every inch of the Land of the Rising Sun...

When they (chinese) cannot touch any inch of the land of the Rising Sun, then they are turning to rob the waters and islands of VN and PH. :(
I wish our army as strong as JSDF.
Nonsense. You Japan claim we make provovation by flying 30m close. While JMSDF F-15 fly the same distance near as our Tu-14 and you Japan say its not provocation. I have video to back my words. You Low life animal.
Nuclear radiation can make one delusional. Also, you do know this nihonjin is most likely not Japanese. The Japanese i talk to are angry about the atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima , but this guy does not care.
Check out the thread 'post your pics' started by nihonjin. He was busted for posting a false pic of himself as he claimed the avatar was his pic but is not.
I treat his posts as entertainment .
IMO, the weakness of the Qing and KMT military was how internally divided it was. During first sino japanese war, the southern warlord did not want to send his fleet to help out with the war.
In second sino japanese war, a lot of KMT warlord were half-*** about fighting. They'll rather see a rival fraction get destroyed by Japanese troops than lose their own strength.

IMO, china didn't have to do that badly in either wars. Port Arthur was said to be impenetrable if it was properly defended - the Qing must have sent complete idiots to do the job.

In second sino japanese war, although china did not have a modern army, if it had fought as well as it did in the Korea war (which was just as poorly equipped), Japan wouldn't even cross the Yalu River.
China had the fool Chiang kai Shek running the show. He was too busy fighting communists instead of japanese. That man was a coward and had very little military prowess.

Interesting isn't it? Since the overwhelming bulk of the Chinese population at that time was in the coastal areas. There were nothing but ethnic tribes and outposts in the interior at that time.

I must say tho, Japan did pretty well considering we were at war with the Chinese, Philippines, Americans, French, British, India, Dutch, all at once.

Had the Imperial Navy, and Army coordiinated their forces better...well, that's just hypothetics now. lol.

Yes Japanese were awesome warriors killing and raping civilians , I will give you that. :rofl:
That is the true code of the Samurai .
China also had a series of terrible war crimes, it is just less documented.

During the mid-nineteenth century, the Muslims revolted against the Qing dynasty, most notably in the Dungan revolt (1862–1877) and the Panthay rebellion 1856-1873) in Yunnan. The Manchu government ordered the extermination of all rebels, killing a million people in the Panthay rebellion,[4][6] and several million in the Dungan revolt -wikipedia

Taiping rebellion was extremely bloody and killed 20 million chinese (Historians think the Taiping rebellion was the true cause for the demise of the Qing, not the opium war that killed ~10,000).

Hakka Punti clan war killed millions in southern china.

This is what you get from governments that do not respect human rights.

Japanese are not genetically born to be cruel.

A famous chinese philosopher said so himself

While Confucius himself did not explicitly focus on the subject of human nature, Mencius asserted the innate goodness of the individual, believing that it was society's influence – its lack of a positive cultivating influence – that caused bad moral character. "He who exerts his mind to the utmost knows his nature"[11] and "the way of learning is none other than finding the lost mind."[12] -wikipedia
Apple and orange. They revolt and rebellious. If we don't kill them, they will kill us. It's fair game in conflict like that. The Japanese aggression and brutality is unique in that they chop women, kids, and old people like it's nothing disgusting. The story of raping baby girl and toss it on the floor is a constant nightmare.

The past was the past, and the catalyst for the military adventurism of Japan was due to our Military Government, whose desperate actions was fueled by the fears of limitation of natural resources , which Japan was dependent on -- vis a vis the United States. That is the past, we have evolved from the ashes of war into a modern, democratic nation set in the rule of law. We actually have a thriving relationship with our neighbors , Vietnam, philippines, india, taiwan, indonesia, malaysia, thailand, singapore, australia, new zealand, bangladesh, pakistan, sri lanka etc.

I hope you don't chop our head off in the future. We are very scare of you. LOL
Japanese move is to further show off to the world that she is facing China's military threat and is preparing for the worst. Actually the use of missiles locking up international water passes in peace time is pathetic. To gain enough support for the constitution change Japanese government has been making up stories and fabricating lies about Chinese threat. Japan is playing the same tricks as she did in WWII: lies, and more lies.
I believe that Japan govt didn't make any official statement about that incident. Why are you so mad about it?
Nuclear radiation can make one delusional. Also, you do know this nihonjin is most likely not Japanese. The Japanese i talk to are angry about the atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima , but this guy does not care.
Check out the thread 'post your pics' started by nihonjin. He was busted for posting a false pic of himself as he claimed the avatar was his pic but is not.
I treat his posts as entertainment .
Nihonjin1051 said he served in the armed force. Maybe that's why he is more mature than the average Japanese. And don't stereo-type Japanese.
Yes Japanese were awesome warriors killing and raping civilians , I will give you that. :rofl:
That is the true code of the Samurai .
I think most of Japanese occupation force in China in WW2 was made up by conscripts. They were poor peasants, workers, people from lower class who took up arms to follow the samurai's dream. They were poorly trained, led by facist officers and had no restrains from commiting war crimes. Yes you can blame soldiers who commited war crimes against China, but don't talk bad about their culture.
I believe that Japan govt didn't make any official statement about that incident. Why are you so mad about it?

Nihonjin1051 said he served in the armed force. Maybe that's why he is more mature than the average Japanese. And don't stereo-type Japanese.

I think most of Japanese occupation force in China in WW2 was made up by conscripts. They were poor peasants, workers, people from lower class who took up arms to follow the samurai's dream. They were poorly trained, led by facist officers and had no restrains from commiting war crimes. Yes you can blame soldiers who commited war crimes against China, but don't talk bad about their culture.
He also said he lived in every country in Asia and is an expert in all Asian countries.
He's been busted.
Maybe your dream will come true and Japan and Turkey will disappear into the earth when the tectonic plates shift :lol: :omghaha: :omghaha:

I believe that Japan govt didn't make any official statement about that incident. Why are you so mad about it?

Nihonjin1051 said he served in the armed force. Maybe that's why he is more mature than the average Japanese. And don't stereo-type Japanese.

I think most of Japanese occupation force in China in WW2 was made up by conscripts. They were poor peasants, workers, people from lower class who took up arms to follow the samurai's dream. They were poorly trained, led by facist officers and had no restrains from commiting war crimes. Yes you can blame soldiers who commited war crimes against China, but don't talk bad about their culture.

What about their past history of violence and brutality?
WW2 was not the first time they rampaged onto the Asian mainland. During the Imjin war, mountains of heads were brought back from Korea as trophies. The effects of that war resonates still in Korea even though its over 400 years old.

History of violence and rediculous butchery.

Type 88 Surface-to-Ship Missile. JSDF Photo

China is set to take “firm and effective actions,” in response to a planned move of anti-ship missiles by Japanese Self Defense Force closer to the disputed Senkaku Islands, according to a Monday statement from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The JSDF intends to move Type 12 surface-to-ship missiles to Kyushu and Miyako islands likely to better defend the Japanese claims to the small islands, according to local press reports.

“Japan’s moves in the military and security fields will have complex impacts on the regional security environment. Therefore, Japan should give responsible statements as to its true intentions behind these moves,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in response to the reports.he deployments are in line with plans announced in our Mid-Term Defence Programme (MTDP) in December 2013 and are not meant to aggravate any specific country,
Japanese officials confirmed the moves of the Type 12s in a Tuesday statement to Jane’s Defence Weekly.

“The deployments are in line with plans announced in our Mid-Term Defence Program (MTDP) in December 2013 and are not meant to aggravate any specific country,” a JSDF spokesman said.
The Type 12 missiles have a range of about 62 miles and are an improvement over earlier Type 88 anti-ship missiles manufactured by Mitsubishi.

“The new missiles feature mid-course GPS guidance that is said to be more precise due to improved topography-matching and target-discrimination capabilities. The Type 12 also boasts shorter reload times and reduced lifecycle costs,” according to Jane’s.
i love japanese ..
with controversial past too its THE BEST..
chinese know .. Japan can and will hurt to core if they want and desire and pushed to wall..
and their missile works when they want ..
I just wish ppl can do some research first, then post here.

82x F-2
180x F-15C/D
117x F-4E
AEW&C: 4x E-767, 13x E-2C
tanker: 4x KC-767

250+ J-10A/J-10S
90x Su-30MKK/Su-30mk2
250x Su-27sk/Su-27ubk and J-11A/B
180x J-8
280x J-7 (MiG-21)
200+ JH-7/JH-7A
180x Q-5
110x H-6C/D/K (Tu-16)
AEW&C: 5x KJ-2000, 11x KJ-200
tanker: 30+ IL-76

China 2nd artillery:
thousands of CJ-10, DF-11,DF-15,DF-16, DF-21C/D,DF-31,DF-31A,DF-41, DF-3,DF-5 IRBM/ ICBM/ cruiser missile.

China PL-12A/B/C/D active guided air-launched anti-aircraft missile
Maximum Range: 70+ km - 100 km
Maximum g-force: > 38 g
Maximum Altitude: 21 km
Maximum Speed: > Mach 4

America AIM-120A/B/C AMRAAM
Maximum Range: 55+ km - 105 km
Maximum Speed: Mach 4

I find many members in PDF know nothing about military strength, only trolling for their habit.

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