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China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

are you sure?
so China can defeat anyone including America as many delusional and nationalistic Chinese claim?

well, history shows Chinese are traditionally a loser in wars. You have a history of defeats, including the lost war against a second rate military nation as Burma.

Ah yes, if i recollect my South East Asian history classes in the past, I do remember the many failed attempts of the Qianlong Emperor of China to destroy King Hyabyushin of Burma's Konbaung Dynasty. If i remember it correctly, the goal was to remove the Burmese from Siam, which was historically a friend of the Qing Dynasty.

Unfortunately for Qianlong Emperor, his 3 attempts to invade Burma ended in failure.

It's a threat to Okinawa palace ancient waterway, if i not mistake that waterway is the international waterway connect China East Sea and Pacific Ocean, any ship from any country can safe passing it.

Japan deploy type12 anti-ship missiles to Kyushu and Miyako islands, it sounds like protect disputed DiaoYu island but it's a threat to the safety of international waterway. Before China consider whether military action, the Japanese government firstly make the dispute resort to the threat of Japan weapons. For Japan Abe's government,中国会奉陪到底。

At least Japan military base on the islands not moving for DF missiles.

Some more red colour would certainly have make your argument more strong.
Stalin was a very intelligent and opportunistic man. IMO he signed the non aggression pact with both Germany and Japan so that he can a mass troops and invade Germany/Manchuria once the timing is right.

A lot of historians actually thought Nazi's invasion against soviet union was a sound strategy (afterall, US was not going to get involved, Britian was tied down, and the country that poses the biggest threat to the Nazi was the soviet union).

A lot of historians also argue that had Japan not honored the 1941 Neutrality Pact, and engaged the Zhukov's forces when Germany initiated Operation Barbarossa, then Russia might have been neutralized. But that's all theoretic. ;)
We defeated China in 2 wars and Russia in the Russo-Japanese War; both nations (Russia and China) had more resources and a greater population than the Japanese Empire.

The size of a nation does not dictate the results of its victory. Look at how Greece conquered the Persian Empire, how Israel defeated its enemies, how Great Britain colonized 1/4th of the world.
You defeat the Qing when they were backward and fighting with arrow and cannon. You never defeat a modern China, not the KMT nor the CPC. We never surrender, remember?. Your best shot to destroy us is during the height of your greatest power. Today, things have changed so much that just a greenlight from the US given to us can frighten you.
are you sure?
so China can defeat anyone including America as many delusional and nationalistic Chinese claim? Do you think military toys alone can make you to a military power?

well, history shows Chinese are traditionally a loser in wars. China has seen a history of defeats, including the lost war against a second rate military nation like Burma.

This is 21st century, China military industry can produce their own fighter jet, tanks, submarine, battleship, they are building their own aircraft carrier. Even US military won't be able to defeat China if US want to invade mainland China. This is 21st century, China won't fight a war right now, their military modernization still need a little time to achieve their objective. Wait till China field atleast 3 aircraft battle group, they sure can fight a war with any nation declaring war against them in the future.
Ah yes, if i recollect my South East Asian history classes in the past, I do remember the many failed attempts of the Qianlong Emperor of China to destroy King Hyabyushin of Burma's Konbaung Dynasty. If i remember it correctly, the goal was to remove the Burmese from Siam, which was historically a friend of the Qing Dynasty.

Unfortunately for Qianlong Emperor, his 3 attempts to invade Burma ended in failure.

IMO, the weakness of the Qing and KMT military was how internally divided it was. During first sino japanese war, the southern warlord did not want to send his fleet to help out with the war.
In second sino japanese war, a lot of KMT warlord were half-*** about fighting. They'll rather see a rival fraction get destroyed by Japanese troops than lose their own strength.

IMO, china didn't have to do that badly in either wars. Port Arthur was said to be impenetrable if it was properly defended - the Qing must have sent complete idiots to do the job.

In second sino japanese war, although china did not have a modern army, if it had fought as well as it did in the Korea war (which was just as poorly equipped), Japan wouldn't even cross the Yalu River.
This is 21st century, China military industry can produce their own fighter jet, tanks, submarine, battleship, they are building their own aircraft carrier. Even US military won't be able to defeat China if US want to invade mainland China. This is 21st century, China won't fight a war right now, their military modernization still need a little time to achieve their objective. Wait till China field atleast 3 aircraft battle group, they sure can fight a war with any nation declaring war against them in the future.

And other adversaries will tie their hand and wait till china becomes strong. Japan, india, Vietnam etc. will silently watch china becoming a military power without taking any counter measure,
China in the WW2 have no industrial base, China had no military industry, they had no tank, no airforce, no navy but they stop Japan army from completely conquer the whole China. Japan in WW2 was a military powerhouse of course China couldn't defeat Japan without modern military equipment.

Stopped Japan? Are you kidding me? You can't stop something that didn't foray into the interior. What was left in our possessions in China were Korean conscripts and new trainees; the bulk of the Imperial Japanese Army, Imperial Japanese Naval Force and Naval Marines as well as Imperial Air Force was consolidated to address the Greatest threat, the United States Armed Forces.

China was effectively occupied, and had Japan not been at war with America, we would have prosecuted the war until all of China was effectively dominated by Japan. We would have been merely reiterating the Mandate of Heaven, since the Manchu-Qing had fallen, Japanese Empire would rightly consolidate China into the Greater Japanese Empire.

I have already answered that. Any reason for repeating that again and again. Come to India. You will witness how our society is. With filtered information, you will hardly get any Idea of how the actual world is.
Do I need to come to India to know your media? LOL Your media information is one of the worse in the world. Very exaggerated news and hype up false information are constant phenomenon on a daily basis.
This is 21st century, China military industry can produce their own fighter jet, tanks, submarine, battleship, they are building their own aircraft carrier. Even US military won't be able to defeat China if US want to invade mainland China. This is 21st century, China won't fight a war right now, their military modernization still need a little time to achieve their objective. Wait till China field atleast 3 aircraft battle group, they sure can fight a war with any nation declaring war against them in the future.
you seem to be on drugs.
the more drugs aka weapons you receive the higher you can fly.
You defeat the Qing when they were backward and fighting with arrow and cannon. You never defeat a modern China, not the KMT nor the CPC. We never surrender, remember?. Your best shot to destroy us is during the height of your greatest power. Today, things have changed so much that just a greenlight from the US given to us can frighten you.

Your historical comprehension is very poor. Qing Fleet was amassed , it was the incapability of its officers to engage in proper naval battle. Japanese Navy eviscerated the Qing Fleet, which literally tuck tail and ran. We merely sank the retreating ships...

Stopped Japan? Are you kidding me? You can't stop something that didn't foray into the interior. What was left in our possessions in China were Korean conscripts and new trainees; the bulk of the Imperial Japanese Army, Imperial Japanese Naval Force and Naval Marines as well as Imperial Air Force was consolidated to address the Greatest threat, the United States Armed Forces.

China was effectively occupied, and had Japan not been at war with America, we would have prosecuted the war until all of China was effectively dominated by Japan. We would have been merely reiterating the Mandate of Heaven, since the Manchu-Qing had fallen, Japanese Empire would rightly consolidate China into the Greater Japanese Empire.


Look at the map, Japan didn't even occupied 1/10 of China territory after 15 yrs invading China.
Do I need to come to India to know your media? LOL Your media information is one of the worse in the world. Very exaggerated news and hype up false information are constant phenomenon on a daily basis.

Once again an opinion formed with Filtered Information. Even you lack the courtesy to behave peoperly with a guy who invite you to his country.
A lot of historians also argue that had Japan not honored the 1941 Neutrality Pact, and engaged the Zhukov's forces when Germany initiated Operation Barbarossa, then Russia might have been neutralized. But that's all theoretic. ;)

I'm not sure if that is true, just look at the map.

If I were a Japanese military strategist, I wouldn't even think about invading Russia. How are you going to march all the way across Siberia to Moscow? We all know how cold it gets. At best, Japan will have some troops stationed in Siberia, which has literally no people anyway and take valuable troops and resource away from the center of conflict.

Japan honored the Neutrality Pact at her own convenience.
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