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The word "China" is derived from Persian Cin (چین),which itself is derived from Sanskrit(ancient Indian language) Chiin (चीन). even today in most of the Indian languages China is reffered to as Chiin and Chinese as chini although Chinese members here tend to get little offended when they are referred to as chini

how we love the Indian logic- Persian originated from Sanskrit
how we love the Indian logic- Persian originated from Sanskrit

Well id you read what Android wrote, it says that China (The word) is derived from Persian word "Cin",and that ("Cin")word is derived from Sanskrit word Chin.
Nowhere it says that Persian originated from Sanskrit.
how we love the Indian logic- Persian originated from Sanskrit

Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.

In order to explain the common features shared by Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages, many scholars have proposed migration hypotheses asserting that the original speakers of what became Sanskrit arrived in what is now India and Pakistan from the north-west some time during the early second millennium BCE. Evidence for such a theory includes the close relationship of the Indo-Iranian tongues with the Baltic and Slavic languages, vocabulary exchange with the non-Indo-European Uralic languages, and the nature of the attested Indo-European words for flora and fauna.
@manlion Instead why not go back to the time when China was divided into small kingdoms and are fighting each other??

The Chinese were unified all along politically and by race and a common language since 200 BC (refer Qin Shi Huang ) unlike the Indians e.g Sikhs and Tamils what do they have in common ? race ? language / culture ?
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Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.

Indo -European ? so its isnt native to India , you guys get even more hilarious with your pompous claims

Indo -European ? so its isnt native to India , you guys get even more hilarious with your high claims

Thanks for replying to me finally. Maybe you should also have replied to those posts where your baseless claims have been proven wrong :D, change your nick to manpussycat :lol:

And yes Sanskrit is an Indo-European language, go get some education, not everything is going to be spoonfed to you.
The Chinese were unified all along politically and by race and a common language since 200 BC (refer Qin Shi Huang ) unlike the Indians e.g Sikhs and Tamils what do they have in common ? race ? language / culture ?

Yeah Cantonese and Mandarins and other small Language groups. there exists cultural differences between Chinese also, stop your B.S here.

Indo -European ? so its isnt native to India , you guys get even more hilarious with your pompous claims

Sanskrit was originated in India and majority of the works of Sanskrit are done in India, you seem to lack the knowledge of Languages in China and you are ranting about Indian Languages.

Maurya - 300 to 200 BC and Indians still living in the iron age , when the population at that time might not even have exceeded 10,000 ? What happened after the Mauryas , was there any empire that unified the sub continent as one country before the Islamic/British conquest

To tell you there is always a central authority(strong empire) ruling India and small kingdoms rallied around it. The moment that central authority weakened India was conquered by the outsiders.

Imperial China is not a unified Nation through out the history.
I just searched for it. Its amazing. So we gave them their name and their religion.

I think this news will be spread soon and reach Indian parliament tonight. Maybe tomorrow Premier Singh will cite it as a proof for Indian greatness.

With the Indian diaspora scattered all over the world, soon the whole world will know that India gave China both religion and name.
I think this news will be spread soon and reach Indian parliament tonight. Maybe tomorrow Premier Singh will cite it as a proof for Indian greatness.

With the Indian diaspora scattered all over the world, soon the whole world will know that India gave China both religion and name.

It seems, for many Indians, at least in this forum, they always rely on others' praise to satisfy their ego. Is that because they don't have pride for things from their own country? It is sad for an old civilization.

The name our country is 中国. We have our own language. It doesn't matter what foreigners call us. We call USA 美国, can I say we give USA their country name? No. They have their own name USA.

But India is somewhat different from others. Their language, country and name were actually all given by others. BTW the food - rice - was given by China.

Additionally, Buddha was from Nepal. Anyway, IMO, Buddhism is a backwards religion. It needs modernization to survive.

And we have Taoism. IMO, the best religion for social development. As AViet, I hope you know something about it. It gave SK the flag as shown in your profile. Many Taoism theories are actually very close to modern sciences. Most importantly, in Taoism, you can NOT simply believe in your gods to gain immortal life, instead you must work hard to exercise your body and spirit. This is the reason it is not that popular. After all, most people are just lazy losers.
I find it quite hilarious that Indians claim to have given China its name while all experts say that the origin of the name was from the unifying dynasty Qin over 2000 years ago. They just couldn't think that name Cin derived from the original Qin, both with pretty much the same pronunciation.
Maurya - 300 to 200 BC and Indians still living in the iron age , when the population at that time might not even have exceeded 10,000 ? What happened after the Mauryas , was there any empire that unified the sub continent as one country before the Islamic/British conquest

Think u must have forget the variuos Gupta dynasty, Pala, Kushans, Karavela, and empire under Harshavardhan...
Later it became fragmented, there was no central large empires. But later came Rastrakutas, Yadavas, Cholas and Pandyas.
Its in 1206, Muslims managed to enter current Indian border. And we were unified again by Shah jehan and Aurangzeb (Most of India).
And when british came, lot of empires were still independent, Kashmir, Travancore, Hyderabad, Mysore, Rajputana confiderancies etc.
Know history or never talk.

when the Cholas were around there was no India

hmm now Indians are claiming native America as part of their illusionary country called India.

You need to know how the name Indian originated if not go find out

lots of hogwash


He has previously mentioned, that all present day Indians are inheritors of the legacy of Chola Empire. So am i, a tamil, is the inheritor of legacy of varoius empires in the north.
We do not claim , north america idiot. Its just people were so mad about Riches in India, that paid expeditions were started out for finding sea route for India alone. Not CHina.
When they reached America, they thought they found India, and named its inhabitants as Indians.
No such thing. Otherwise the British wouldn't have to conquer little Hindu kingdoms and glue it together. If India was unified India would have been conquered all at once. There is no such thing as 'India'. Your country is made up of different people forced to stay in an illegitimate union. Tamils and Sikhs are still fighting for their own country. India is like a union of European states glued together due to politics. It's only a matter of time before the Indian regime falls apart and splits into separate countries. That's why operation blue star happened, it's for regime survival.

There's SO much wrong in this post I won't even bother to dissect it.





i am sorry but as far as i know Indian subcontinent was never part of the mongol empire...
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