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China Quantum Communiations Technology: Cryptography, Radar, Satellite, Teleportation, Network

What ‘teleporting’ a photon to space means
Using quantum entanglement and a purpose-built satellite, first successful ‘quantum teleportation’ brings a quantum internet a step closer.


Apparatus for an entanglement experiment in a normal, non-orbital laboratory.

A team of Chinese researchers has reported the first successful ‘quantum teleportation’ to space. Using the Micius satellite, launched in August 2016 specifically to perform such cutting-edge quantum experiments, the scientists used pairs of entangled particles to recreate exactly the properties of a photon on Earth in a photon in orbit.
Ji-Gang Ren, of the University of Science and Technology of China, and colleagues write that they have accomplished “the first quantum teleportation of independent single-photon qubits from a ground observatory to a low Earth orbit satellite—through an up-link channel – with a distance up to 1,400 km”.

Though this feat is called quantum teleportation, no actual teleportation of objects occurs. It’s a way of transmitting information about a particle; while it sounds exotic, it is routinely used in laboratories on Earth.

Entanglement is a property of particles created at the same time which exist in a shared state, such that actions affecting one particle also affect the other. This holds even when the particles are separated by a great distance.

In 1993, physicists realised entanglement could be used to effectively copy the quantum state of a particle and paste it onto another particle, making the second particle identical to the first in all respects except location. It is as if the first particle has been cloned, or teleported.

Since the teleportation copies the quantum state of the first particle exactly, it could be used to transmit qubits, the quantum bits used in quantum computation.

Given there is no physical teleportation and, as noted above, the experiment is commonly performed in ground-based labs, what’s the big deal?

First, it’s an astonishing engineering achievement to manage the required precision and sensitivity when a distant satellite moving at great speed is involved. Second, the researchers have their eyes on what comes next, and they’re thinking big: as they note, this is “the first ground-to-satellite up-link for faithful and ultra-long-distance quantum teleportation, an essential step toward global-scale quantum internet”.

The paper describing the experiment has been published to the Arxiv preprint server.

amazing ..... when i initially red the news i thought its one more gossip but after watching so many credible sources in favor of this news at google.... i would like to congratulate the Micius team who created the first satellite-to-ground quantum network.... :cheers:
Sheng-Kai Liao, Hai-Lin Yong, Chang Liu, Guo-Liang Shentu, Dong-Dong Li, Jin Lin, Hui Dai, Shuang-Qiang Zhao, Bo Li, Jian-Yu Guan, Wei Chen, Yun-Hong Gong, Yang Li, Ze-Hong Lin, Ge-Sheng Pan, Jason S. Pelc, M. M. Fejer, Wen-Zhuo Zhang, Wei-Yue Liu, Juan Yin, Ji-Gang Ren, Xiang-Bin Wang, Qiang Zhang, Cheng-Zhi Peng & Jian-Wei Pan. Long-distance free-space quantum key distribution in daylight towards inter-satellite communication. Nature Photonics (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2017.116

In the past, long-distance free-space quantum communication experiments could only be implemented at night. During the daytime, the bright background sunlight prohibits quantum communication in transmission under conditions of high channel loss over long distances. Here, by choosing a working wavelength of 1,550 nm and developing free-space single-mode fibre-coupling technology and ultralow-noise upconversion single-photon detectors, we have overcome the noise due to sunlight and demonstrate free-space quantum key distribution over 53 km during the day. The total channel loss is ∼48 dB, which is greater than the 40 dB channel loss between the satellite and ground and between low-Earth-orbit satellites. Our system thus demonstrates the feasibility of satellite-based quantum communication in daylight. Moreover, given that our working wavelength is located in the optical telecom band, our system is naturally compatible with ground fibre networks and thus represents an essential step towards a satellite-constellation-based global quantum network.​
Sheng-Kai Liao, Hai-Lin Yong, Chang Liu, Guo-Liang Shentu, Dong-Dong Li, Jin Lin, Hui Dai, Shuang-Qiang Zhao, Bo Li, Jian-Yu Guan, Wei Chen, Yun-Hong Gong, Yang Li, Ze-Hong Lin, Ge-Sheng Pan, Jason S. Pelc, M. M. Fejer, Wen-Zhuo Zhang, Wei-Yue Liu, Juan Yin, Ji-Gang Ren, Xiang-Bin Wang, Qiang Zhang, Cheng-Zhi Peng & Jian-Wei Pan. Long-distance free-space quantum key distribution in daylight towards inter-satellite communication. Nature Photonics (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2017.116

In the past, long-distance free-space quantum communication experiments could only be implemented at night. During the daytime, the bright background sunlight prohibits quantum communication in transmission under conditions of high channel loss over long distances. Here, by choosing a working wavelength of 1,550 nm and developing free-space single-mode fibre-coupling technology and ultralow-noise upconversion single-photon detectors, we have overcome the noise due to sunlight and demonstrate free-space quantum key distribution over 53 km during the day. The total channel loss is ∼48 dB, which is greater than the 40 dB channel loss between the satellite and ground and between low-Earth-orbit satellites. Our system thus demonstrates the feasibility of satellite-based quantum communication in daylight. Moreover, given that our working wavelength is located in the optical telecom band, our system is naturally compatible with ground fibre networks and thus represents an essential step towards a satellite-constellation-based global quantum network.​
Quantum Cryptography System Breaks Daylight Distance Record
By Charles Q. Choi
Posted 24 Jul 2017 | 15:26 GMT

Illustration: Nature Photonics

Satellites can now set up quantum communications links through the air during the day instead of just at night, potentially helping a nigh-unhackable space-based quantum Internet to operate 24-7, a new study from Chinese scientists finds.

Quantum cryptography exploits the quantum properties of particles such as photons to help encrypt and decrypt messages in a theoretically unhackable way. Scientists worldwide are now endeavoring to develop satellite-based quantum communications networks for a global real-time quantum Internet.

However, prior experiments with long-distance quantum communications links through the air were mostly conducted at night because sunlight serves as a source of noise. Previously, “the maximum range for day-time free-space quantum communication was 10 kilometers,” says study co-senior author Qiang Zhang, a quantum physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai.

Now researchers led by quantum physicist Jian-Wei Pan at the University of Science and Technology of China at Hefei have successfully established 53-kilometer quantum cryptography links during the day between two ground stations. This research suggests that such links could work between a satellite and either a ground station or another satellite, they say.

To overcome interference from sunlight, the researchers switched from the roughly 700-to-900-nanometer wavelengths of light used in all prior day-time free-space experiments to roughly 1,550 nm. The sun is about one-fifth as bright at 1,550 nanometers as it is at 800 nanometers, and 1,550-nanometer light can also pass through Earth's atmosphere with virtually no interference. Moreover, this wavelength is also currently widely used in telecommunications, making it more compatible with existing networks.

Previous research was reluctant to use 1,550-nanometer light because of a lack of good commercial single-photon detectors capable of working at this wavelength. But the Shanghai group developed a compact single-photon detector for 1,550-nanometer light that could work at room temperature. Moreover, the scientists developed a receiver that needed less than one tenth of the field of view that receivers for night-time quantum communications links usually need to work. This limited the amount of noise from stray light by a factor of several hundred.

In experiments, the scientists repeatedly established quantum communications links across Qinghai Lake, the biggest lake in China, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time on several sunny days, achieving transmission rates of 20 to 400 bits per second. Furthermore, they could establish these links despite roughly 48 decibels of loss in their communications channel, which is more than the roughly 40 to 45 decibels of loss typically seen in communications channels between satellites and the ground and between low-Earth-orbit satellites, Zhang says. In comparison, previous day-time free-space quantum communications experiments could only accommodate roughly 20 decibels of noise.

The researchers note that their experiments were performed in good weather, and that quantum communication is currently not possible in bad weather with today’s technology. Still, they note that bad weather is only a problem for ground-to-space links, and that it would not pose a problem for links between satellites.

In the future, the researchers expect to boost transmission rates and distance using better single-photon detectors, perhaps superconducting ones. They may also seek to exploit the quantum phenomenon known as entanglement to carry out more sophisticated forms of quantum cryptography, although this will require generating very bright sources of entangled photons that can operate in a narrow band of wavelengths, Zhang says.

The scientists detailed their findings online 24 July in the journal Nature Photonics.

Quantum Cryptography System Breaks Daylight Distance Record - IEEE Spectrum
Qubits can swim through seawater
Aug 25, 2017


Down periscope: could submarines use quantum encryption?​

Photon-based qubits and entangled states have been transmitted up to 3 m in sea water by Xian-Min Jin and colleagues at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Science and Technology of China. While this distance pales in comparison with the 1400 km satellite-to-ground transmission achieved earlier this year by another team in China, the ability to send quantum information through seawater is a significant challenge because the liquid medium is much more absorptive of light than air.

Photons make very good qubits (quantum bits of information) because they can travel long distances without interacting with transmission media such as an optical fibre or air. These interactions destroy quantum information and therefore at first glance water should be a poor medium for qubits because it is much more absorptive of light than optical fibres or air.

Window of opportunity
The team managed to get around this problem by using photons with wavelengths of 405 nm, which falls within the "blue-green" window in which light absorption in water is relatively low. They also worked out that encoding quantum information in the polarization states of a photon gives the qubit its best chance of surviving its watery journey. This is because seawater is isotropic and therefore there should be no strong de-polarization effects. Indeed, the team's calculations suggest that the polarization of a photon can survive multiple collisions with molecules in seawater – and any depolarization that does occur can be dealt with by filtering out the affected photons.

Jin and colleagues showed that quantum information encoded in single 405 nm photons can be transmitted 3 m with a fidelity of greater than 98%. The team also did a separate experiment involving entangled pairs of 810 nm photons. Although these photons experience about 300 times more absorption than their 405 nm counterparts, they found that quantum entanglement is preserved to a very high degree after one of the photon pair is transmitted 3 m through seawater.

Secure submarines
The transmission of qubits and quantum entanglement play roles in quantum key distribution (QKD), which uses the laws of quantum mechanics to ensure that messages can be sent securely between two parties. It could be possible, therefore, to use QKD on a submerged submarine, for example. The problem, however, is that seawater is highly absorptive of light even at 405 nm, so communicating over distances of a kilometre or more would require huge numbers of photons.

The research is described in Optics Express.

About the author
Hamish Johnston is editor of physicsworld.com

Qubits can swim through seawater - physicsworld.com

Ling Ji, Jun Gao, Ai-Lin Yang, Zhen Feng, Xiao-Feng Lin, Zhong-Gen Li, and Xian-Min Jin. Towards quantum communications in free-space seawater. Optics Express (2017). DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.019795
The Beijing to Shanghai quantum communication line completes the final tests!






The Beijing to Shanghai quantum communication line completes the final tests!







That's awesome.

Is there something significant about 2032 as seen in the text?
World’s first secure quantum communication line in China gets green light
By Zhang Huan (People's Daily Online) 17:11, September 05, 2017


The world’s first secure quantum communication line in China has passed technical inspection and is able to operate, according to the University of Science and Technology of China on Sept. 4.

The secure quantum communication line spans more than 2,000 kilometers, linking the four cities of Beijing, Jinan, Hefei, and Shanghai.

Construction of the line, approved by China’s National Development and Reform Commission in July 2013, was completed late last year after 42 months of effort in overcoming technical difficulties to achieve quantum key distribution, technology of single photon detection, and reliable data transmission.

Quantum communication is ultra-secure, as a quantum photon can neither be separated nor duplicated. Accordingly, it is impossible to wiretap, intercept, or crack the information it transmits.

China has achieved many “firsts” in the field of quantum communication, such as the world’s first secure quantum communication line connecting Beijing and Shanghai, and the first quantum communication satellite nicknamed “Micius.”

The success in building the line shows that China continues to lead the world in practical application and industrialization of quantum technology.

Quantum radar prototype now able to detect stealth target hundreds(notice the plural:enjoy:) of kms away:D


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Quantum radar prototype now able to detect stealth target hundreds(notice the plural:enjoy:) of kms away:D

China's first commercial quantum private communication network completed
Source: Xinhua| 2017-09-12 20:37:53|Editor: Xiang Bo

JINAN, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- China's first commercial quantum private communication network has been completed in Shandong Province, local government said Tuesday.

The network is exclusively for 242 Party and government users in the provincial capital of Jinan. Hundreds of pieces of equipment connected by hundreds of kilometers of fiber optics were installed within five months.

Based on decoy-state quantum key distribution and trusted relay groups, the network provides secure telephone and data communication services.

The network is expected to be connected to the Beijing-Shanghai quantum communication network.
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