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China Provoked over India securing Tawang, attack where it hurts the most—Kashmir

well u r right but since we had a war we always think how any development can be used against us. So from India's standpoint it is natural as well.
well u r right but since we had a war we always think how any development can be used against us. So from India's standpoint it is natural as well.

Natural but not rational. A nation that thinks this way is apt to shoot at shadows.
The thing I don't understand about certain Indian analysis of the border is why they would think military offence is the prime motivator of building transport and infrastructure in Tibet. The things is your summary comments and speculates on Chinese intent while the only facts that are verifiable are

1) China is building roads and rail
2) Tibet is a sensitive internal security issue

These facts are self-evident and does not revolve around Indian concerns. Road and rail is being built at an blazing pace all over China and internal security has always been a (if not the) top priority of the Chinese government.

Let it be....its good its the only way the Lazy Indian gov't will build some much needed infrastructure. Thanks China!
Let it be....its good its the only way the Lazy Indian gov't will build some much needed infrastructure. Thanks China!

But the borders are sparsely populated and the infrastructure is needed in the rural areas near cities :(

But glad we could help I guess:cheers:
Natural but not rational. A nation that thinks this way is apt to shoot at shadows.

it is perfectly rational. Whether the knife cuts the melon or the melon falls on knife. Its same thing. The infrastructure can be used for both ways. Is there any no military use pact signed by China with UN for this infrastructure. Dont think in such narrow fashion..!!
Could it be tht China is tryin to modernise Tibet and attract tourism rather then move troops, Both India and China r growing superpowers, I dont thk neither of them r crazy enough to start a war over border disputes . they dont want to kamikaze their economics just wen they just started to expand
Could it be tht China is tryin to modernise Tibet and attract tourism rather then move troops, Both India and China r growing superpowers, I dont thk neither of them r crazy enough to start a war over border disputes . they dont want to kamikaze their economics just wen they just started to expand

Exactly right. :tup:

We're not going to throw away all of our economic growth, just to start a pointless war with a nuclear-armed neighbour.
I read that article too. Anyways the point is infrastructure is being upgraded. Not only military but locals will benefit considerably. Take the example of Rohtang tunnel, it will provide an all weather connectivity to Ladakh region. What ever may be the motive behind the construction which is just a matter of perspective, things are being getting done thats reality. I dont think we are going to see a war in near future with china. lets hope it never occurs ;). But keep the guns shining, they look better.
My first post :pdf:
I read that article too. Anyways the point is infrastructure is being upgraded. Not only military but locals will benefit considerably. Take the example of Rohtang tunnel, it will provide an all weather connectivity to Ladakh region. What ever may be the motive behind the construction which is just a matter of perspective, things are being getting done thats reality. I dont think we are going to see a war in near future with china. lets hope it never occurs ;). But keep the guns shining, they look better.
My first post :pdf:

Great first post. Might want to introduce yourself in the introduction forum too.
if china is developing infra for better economic growth then

it should encourge india to do the same on indian side

if they have good intentiosn why do they object to india doing the same on indian side of the broder
if china is developing infra for better economic growth then

it should encourge india to do the same on indian side

if they have good intentiosn why do they object to india doing the same on indian side of the broder

The thread was 4 years old ..... :mad:
Why is Sonia Gandhi inaugrating the Rothang Tunnel. What about MMS? Further proof, she really ran the gov't!
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