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China proposes a united anti-Japanese front


i think NK is feeling like past jap in present time , they have full load of ww2 equipments :omghaha:

SO?? That Justifies annihilating 2-3 lakhs people by America with lakhs facing severe after effects till this day & more so, yours laughing on that terrible incident which after 67 years is still regretted??

read my privious post :disagree:
How about Pakistan joining in with China against Japan? Does Pakistan have a say in this?

Pakistan does receivee lot of aid from Japan, so I doubt they'll go against the Japanese.
:rofl: Vietnam bawled like a big baby from Chinese spanking but ASEAN ignored you like an unwanted child!

The only one deluded are the Indians who think Russia will save you from another 1962 spanking :lol:

Our Su-35BM will drop PGM all over New Delhi!

Now you're just talking sht. If you have nothing relevant to say then get your sorry @ss out.

BTW, you're not a war general, in fact, i bet you're not even a military personnel so don't talk like you command an army.
Now you're just talking sht. If you have nothing relevant to say then get your sorry @ss out.

BTW, you're not a war general, in fact, i bet you're not even a military personnel so don't talk like you command an army.
He is bullshjt loser hero in yy fiction from China net, so stop talking with him.
i am laughing at past jap , not new jap :)

laughing and bullshjt, you laughing when you said about terrible things. You think US was punish Japan because IJ army was brutal? LOL
They want show off power of USA to the world.
I seriously don't think THAT terrible incident is something to make FUN of.

Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan is not an incident. But a decision that today would still have plenty of support of in America. Dropping the bombs saved lots of American lives.

And Japan deserve to lose, one way or another.

laughing and bullshjt, you laughing when you said about terrible things. You think US was punish Japan because IJ army was brutal? LOL
They want show off power of USA to the world.

US wanted to end the war without a Japan main island invasion, which would cost more US lives. (And more Japanese lives as well)

Also, the emperor might be overthrown.

The mongols did much worse to you guys. So did the Japs, do you know what the term ianfu means in japanese??

You two should just grow up and stop talking crap. We all know that both India and China suffered a lot unjustly under invaders so its useless to point fingers.
A prominent Chinese expert has called upon Moscow and Seoul, which like China have territorial disputes with Tokyo, to form a united anti-Japanese front. This front would be used to force the Japanese leadership to recognize the results of the World War II and give up its territorial claims to its neighbor states.

This idea was put forward by Guo Syangan, vice president of the Chinese Institute of International Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Chinese expert spoke at the trilateral conference between Russia, Korea and China entitled “Security and Cooperation in East Asia” that took place in Moscow on November 14. By consciously escalating the territorial disputes with its neighbors Japan showed that it does not recognize the results of World War II, stressed Guo Syangan. He reminded the audience that according to several international declarations passed by the participants of the anti-Japanese coalition that included the USA, the USSR, Great Britain and China, after World War II the territory of defeated Japan was to be limited to four islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku. In his opinion, this is the reason why Japan must give up its claims not only for the South Kuril Islands, Dokdo (Takeshima) and Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands, but also for Okinawa.

Guo Syangan suggested forming a united anti-Japanese front that would include China, Russia and South Korea. The USA should also be included in the front in order to force Japan to recognize the results of World War II and give up its territorial claims to its neighbors. The legal refusal to pursue its territorial claims must be reflected in written form in a new peace treaty with Japan, which should be signed instead of the outdated San Francisco treaty signed in 1951 without the agreement of the USSR and China, believes the Chinese expert.

The participants of the conference took Guo Syangan’s speech for a “trial ball”, believes Andrey Ivanov, an expert at the Institute of International Studies of the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Affairs.

"The proposal to form a united anti-Japanese front and force Tokyo to sign a new peace treaty can be considered sensational. It was voiced by the deputy director of a major institute affiliated with China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which takes part in setting China's foreign policy. On the one hand, that proposal reflects the opinion of one Chinese expert. But on the other hand, to some degree it reflects the mood of the leadership of China."

The first reaction of the Russian experts to that «trial ball» launched byGuo Syangan was reserved. Russia does not advocate solving the disputed issues by confrontation. Moscow has long begun to take steps (that are quite successful) to lower the emotional tension in its territorial dispute with Japan by putting forward mutually beneficial economic cooperation. It is hard to tell what Seoul’s reaction to that “trial ball” is going to be. Andrey Ivanov believes that South Korea’s position will largely depend on the degree of Japan’s claims on Dokdo Island.

One thing can be said at this point:Guo Syangan’s initiative proves that the new Chinese leadership plans to take the most rigid position in the territorial disputes with Japan and perhaps not only with Japan.

I don't think it's possible, whether we want it to or not. Except for China and parts of South Korea, most of Asia are pretty pro-Japanese.
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