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China Prepares for Anti-Satellite Missile Test

If you develop a capacity to destroy satellites in space and announce to the world you can. It is a military posture as you demonstrate you have the means, very far from what you claim peaceful development. Ever heard of problem of perception? That said you should not be surprised your opponents will not sit idle, developing similar capacity. Last but not least you should not cite the US as excuse for everything you do here and there.

Spin words it like you want. Make as much excuses with convulted nonsense as you want.

Satelites are used as offensive military tools and therfore a legitimate target in selfdefense.
The U.S. announced and showed itself often enough as a threat to peace in and around China.
Thats reality.
you have humour. shooting down other nations sats is offensive. if other people´s sats fall down on China soil from the sky and you decide to shoot them then it is a defensive posture. either ways, millions of debries would destroy chinese sattelites too. thinking before acting.

of course China will only use it defensively, like when others start attacking China. It is stupid to not using all weapons available to you when you defend yourself.

Btw, Kuaizhou-11 is no less important than this anti satellite missiles, in term of national security or economic front. In national security, China can easily, cheaper and quickly replace its satellite that are shot down by the enemy. In term of economic, Kuaizhou-11 as satellite carrying vehicle is much cheaper to launch than its bigger siblings.
No one in his sane mind would take this "copy" nonsense serisouly.

How one might "copy", by way of simply peeking at its exterior, something as complex as a modern fighting machine is beyond me.:lol::lol:
Well if USA wants, it can develop it within no time or they already have it since Aegis program is the most advanced in the world.
BTW what happened with the experiments?
Well if USA wants, it can develop it within no time or they already have it since Aegis program is the most advanced in the world.
BTW what happened with the experiments?

The US doesn't have a magic wand, and they can't beat China in the space weaponization race.

Just like they are trying everything to undermine China's supercomputer progress by banning the export to the processors to China, yet they are still losing badly in this race.
. .
The US doesn't have a magic wand, and they can't beat China in the space weaponization race.
You cannot seriously mean that...:o:

Your China is a recent player in space in terms of having an independent space program. All this time, the US had a fleet of reusable orbital vehicles, a functional anti satellite weapon, our own and collaborative space stations, and now an unmanned mysterious orbital vehicle that no one knows what it does.

Are you that delusional ?
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The postings here tend to go off track with some drivels :guns: :pdf:
I have many idiots on this forum and you are one of them. Rather I said that China didn't copy but your retarded self couldn't understand so it is not my fault...go get some lessons in basic English.. I hope people like you are not in foreign office, otherwise there is a big trouble for China.

They have a "magic wand" and that's called the worlds most advanced and the largest community of researchers and most advanced industry...Just an example, If USA has outsourced iPhone for economic reasons to China does not mean that they lack the ability, rather iPhone is designed in USA in Palo Aalto and design is the main thing. The most advanced manufacturing are still kept secret.

You Idiot! is very rude and Uncivilized word.
Personal Insult to other respected member.
Flame bait to other countries member.
And Derail the thread with OFF-TOPIC posts !

Please, take care of him mods @Deino @Shotgunner51 @ahojunk @WAJsal @Horus @waz
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