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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

Strategic important area rise when we are enemy, the day we have a settlement, peaceful environment strategic importance of Aksai chin won't matter , nor it will matter if its wih India or China
Except Aksai chin, China and India government can talk anything. Yes i ever said BeiJing might lose interest in South of Tibet and willing to solve Sino-Inida border dispute but only in South of Tibet areas.

Why not Aksai chin ?
1. The XinJiang-to-Tibet road cross through whole Aksai chin area, China won't abandon it, that strategic road will affect.Tibet.
2. Aksai chin is the door into South Asia, or the door from South Asia into China XinJiang. China won't lose the strategic channel.
Except Aksai chin, China and India government can talk anything. Yes i ever said BeiJing might lose interest in South of Tibet and willing to solve Sino-Inida border dispute but only in South of Tibet areas.

Why not Aksai chin ?
1. The XinJiang-to-Tibet road cross through whole Aksai chin area, China won't abandon it, that strategic road will affect.Tibet.
2. Aksai chin is the door into South Asia, or the door from South Asia into China XinJiang. China won't lose the strategic channel.
even if china has it, India would just ask for route to central asia, China can be paid transit charge for freight too
even if china has it, India would just ask for route to central asia, China can be paid transit charge for freight too
Of course any border trade is welcomed, i just point out it's ZERO chance for Indian to ask China return Aksai Chin, that strategic channel is much more important than South of Tibet area for Chinese, there'r high mountains as natural cover for defense.

BeiJing could afford of lost South of Tibet but can't Aksai Chin, coz China Xinjiang is undefended then will be Tibet.
Of course any border trade is welcomed, i just point out it's ZERO chance for Indian to ask China return Aksai Chin, that strategic channel is much more important than South of Tibet area for Chinese, there'r high mountains as natural cover for defense.

BeiJing could afford of lost South of Tibet but can't Aksai Chin, coz China Xinjiang is undefended then will be Tibet.
Aksai Chin holds no human value to India, it only has natural resources, for Arunachal i Think India will let go of Aksai Chin
Aksai Chin holds no human value to India, it only has natural resources, for Arunachal i Think India will let go of Aksai Chin
Dude, AP is ours, its a state in India habited by Indians...Chinese do whatever they cant get AP....they know it very well....they just keep claiming it just to gain some points in settling Aksai Chin...India fought a war with China mostly for Aksai Chin...we cant let it go...may be we can let china use that part for their transit towards Tibet.....but it has to be owned by India..!
Both the countries have more to gain from such a deal and hope it gets through at the earliest.
The problem is Tibet was a Kingdom when MaMahon Line was drawn, hence it was a settlement between country/kingdom. It was a mutual understanding which came into dispute after 1950's

The problem with McMahon Line is that even the British government today acknowledge it being invalid.
South Tibet/AP isn't important now, I don't see China giving this claim up the best might be freezing the issue. China needs to focus on Taipei and the SCS Islands first. Both have Economic, Strategic, and Military value which cannot be replaced.
I gave a positive rate to you not because of your criticism against Pak policies.
You are telling the truth.China already made strong action against their East China neighbours.Provoking India in addition to that is worst thing China can do.
I concede Chinese leaders are too smart.They know If they agree for a small concession they can get a big chunk of share in India trillion $ infrastructure modernisation.
No sane nation cant avoid such opportunity.
And there is a reason for balance of relation between India and Russia.
Noone give you freebies or their hard earned money freely.
There is always a national interest n all behind this.
China is powerful than us.But India is too powerful for China to completely countering like they did against Vietnam.
True. Critisim is taken harshly and i get labeled indian etc. Just another post came down to personal attacks.

I read much history, not just of India and Pakistan. Entire world is out their for their own benefit. And gov't changes, it's not one man show. We need to trade with everyone and have everyone invest in Pakistan. But saying that makes me anti china and anti pakistan.
what a ridiculous...Chinese loves Pakistani,you could see a lot of Chinese forums which bent on loving Pakistani and Pakistan.There are a lot of moving stories and I am always moved.
Those pawn are inciting Chinese and Pakistani. what a disgusting..your country would never become a great country because your people are too mean.
"Ba Tie"(巴铁) is very very very famous in China and if you see news about Pakistan,there are many many many members to support our all-weather relationship.I am sorry that the majority of Chinese could not speak fluent English and could not express our emotion freely like English-speaking people and I hope you could see the majority.Those people could not speak one Chinese word and could not write a Chinese character but talk about everything about Chinese and China..I could not understand you and your behavior.Once you want to comment on one country or one person,please understand their culture or else shut up even you are free speaking here,please don't act like an idiot...

Whatever, have you done any research and reached conclusion that majority of Chinese "love" Pakistan? Gee, even if that's true, that might not be true in 20 years. The best example is Russia. Ask your parents' generation, Russian used to be the 1st foreign language, people used to love everything Russian, music, architecture, etc. See how many people born in 70, 80 even care about Russia? lol

I don't think that the animosity between Japan and China is permanent. China is over 5,000 years old, and Japan's civilization is over 2,500 years old. The unfortunate war we had in the past 70 years is but a small drop in the bucket compared to the length of our civilizaton(s). There is no damage that green tea and filial ties cannot mend.

We the people have been hijacked by politicians for too long. We on the both sides should come to our senses and think of ourselves as humans, not some pawns of politicians for their calculated moves. I fully agree that cultural ties will ultimately triumph over ideologies. Think about people killing each other during Warring States period, the Three Kingdom period, etc, etc, in the end, people of shared cultures form their ties much more stronger than short term friendship based on material interests.
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That is a function of where you live, and who you speak to. My experience with Chinese was totally different. They not only recognized Pakistan as a friendly country but also appreciated my friendship. Of course these Chinese were from the Mainland China and studying in a top-notch US university.

From where I come from, there are millions of Chinese and few thousands of Pakistanis. There is no "bhai bhai" situation here. Indians, sikhs and hindus, are far more friendly than Chinese. When you meet a Chinese, they would never even ask where you're from and even if saying you're from Pakistan, they'd treat it as "where is Pakistan?" The "hindus" come to our house, we celebrate parties together and so forth. Never had there been a Chinese coming to our house, or Chinese inviting us to their house. And NEVER in my entire life in Canada have I met anyone (Chinese), but one person 8 years ago, who knew Pakistan was a friendly nation of China.

What you mentioned, they were studying, so you met a small sect of Chinese people and they knew of Pakistan. My friend, it's time to jump out and see the bigger picture. A handful of people recognize Pakistan, great, but here, almost none know of Pakistan being "friendly" nation. Read this thread, I'm not alone. So many people mention on this thread about Chinese not knowing where Pakistan is or speak of their "zero" friendship.

Also we have a university which is top 20, not just "top notch US university." It's also the leading university for Economics and somewhat Political Science. I've been there. And there's nothing like "Pakistan China, bhai bhai."

Resources are there to be exploited and used. If not, they can lie in ground for ever while people go hungry, die of disease, and miss out on education. One can expect GoP to protect own interests and the relevant provincial governments to negotiate safeguards.

Yes, US exploiated our resources, then left us with the "nuclear waste." That is, jihadists. Now China will exploit our resources and when done, the friendship will not be the same as before. GoP will protect it only until it has vested interest. I am not sure what China will result in, as I mention later in the post that I'm not fortune teller. But it is in interest of Pakistan to diverse its economy than to rely on China heavily.

"Nixon encouraged China to mobilise its armed forces along its border with India to discourage it. The Chinese did not, however, respond to this encouragement, because unlike the 1962 Sino-Indian War when India was caught entirely unaware, this time the Indian Army was prepared and had deployed eight mountain divisions to the Sino-Indian border to guard against such an eventuality.China instead threw its weight behind demands for an immediate ceasefire."

China protects its interest before its GoP. It was ready to send in soldiers and fight the Korean war, against a collation of massive army, yet it only wished to call for immediate ceasefire when its actual ally, Pakistan, was under attack and losing the war. Why? Because it feared heavy losses and didn't think sacrificing those soldiers was enough for Pakistan. It fought the Korean war to stop US creeping up around its territory. But it didn't care about India, because it was a problem for Pakistan, not for China.

Back then, China had little investment in Pakistan. Today, there's much and so the Chinese protect us more than ever. But one day, the investments or interests will be nearly dried up and that day, China will provide nothing more than "ceasefire" type support. Moral of the story, when you've little interests to offer, you receive little support.

I do not know from where your cynicism comes.

From history. I don't live in mommy papa world. The world is out there to suck the nations dry, the nation have to protect themselves. Here in Canada, the gov't imposes stiff environmental costs, so Canadian companies go to South America or Africa and exploit there resources. When there is nothing left, they leave the country with a burden of environmental damages. But those countries do not understand the consequence. They're there for "immediate" money and when the countries leave, they're left with heavy environmental burder. Or with violence, as in the case of conflict minerals/diamonds.

But such may not be the case for Pakistan. So let's look at other examples. UK and US are best friends. Yet US forced Britian/France to withdraw from Sinai, and it was forced to do so. There is another example where two powerful kingdom, goverened by cousins, fought each other. But I can't find the source, so I'll abstain from talking about it.

Now I'm not saying that China will attack us or anything close to it. What I'm saying is for us to be prepared for future and not heavily rely on China due to "all weather relationship." Here is something I said earlier in thread, which you didn't seem to notice "You've been with China and USA for long time, where it got you? It's time to stand on your own feet and see where it takes you. "

Look and India and Russia relationship. India decided to purchase weapons from other markets, because it found them to be better and now Russia is willing to sell weapons to Pakistan, despite India reservences. Why? Because India chose it its national interest to buy weapons from European market. Russia chose to lift embargo because it was it its national interest, not India's, to sell weapons and make a buck or two.

My argument is for Pakistan to be strong and not think that China will be there forever. China has no sovereignty over Pakistan and there will come situations where it can do very little to protect Pakistan's interest.

. If you can not get along with a couple of Chinese should not mean that you use such derogatory language.

I didn't call China dirty underwear or something like that. If anything, I used harsher language against Pakistan (for its own betterment). Any nation would love to do what China is doing. Had China was a US colony, (just an example), it'd have done the same to Pakistan as it needs gawadar linkage.

And who did I not get along? By arguing, it becomes "not getting along?" So we can't argue due to fear that we may not get along with a couple of other people?
It is shameful that you are willing and complicit in baiting by someone who is known for hardcore nationalist views and for getting into endless arguments with Chinese.

Oh please. Many Indians, many others also agree with my idea, that we've to stop thinking of this dillusional "all weather friendship." If an Indian speaks such words, it's fine. If Pakistani does it, I happen to be baiting?

People and nations live to trade and cooperate for mutual benefit. Relations between nations take this well into account. Why would Pakistan-China relations be any different?

Please read all my other posts. My explicit argument is that Pakistan has to become strong and have "all weather" friendly nations with others too, not rely solely on China. What Pakistan is doing with China is exactly what happened between Pakistan and USA. Such as, lending out badaber air base (gawadar in case of China) and so forth. I'm not fortune teller to know what will happen. Indeed, bad things may not happen at all. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared. We should diverse our economy and not play political with investments. I may not be much knowledgeable about it, but giving gawadar port to China by taking it away from singapore, which is political move.

You do NOT live in Pakistan and you have no idea how valuable those 'cheap' phones and 'cheap' toys are to an average Pakistani.

Why do Pakistanis can't take input from expatriates? I've lived in Pakistan. Stop jumping to conclusion just by seeing the Canadian flag. Yes those cheap phones and toys are very useful, but for example, do you know how harmful those toys are? Cheap made quality isn't certainly health friendly.

Toxic plastic toys may pose health hazard to young children: Consumer Council | South China Morning Post

"Parents have been warned not to let children put toys in their mouths after many were found to contain a toxic agent that could cause liver or kidney damage."

"The Consumer Council's warning came after it found phthalates at concentrations up to 300 times the United States and European Union standards in over half the toys it tested."

Five NY Firms Charged With Importing Toxic Toys From China - ABC News

Is this happens with USA, imagine what happens with Pakistan. Those cheap cellphones and toys certainly aren't health friendly. And before you say I don't live in Pakistan, I've seen those toys and before I even knew of this "health hazard" at that age, I knew by the looks of the toys that they don't seem to be very friendly toys.

And perhaps you skipped over my other comments and cherry picked.... Remember those train engines that break so easily? Yes, I spoke about that too.

You enjoy your iPhone and your iPad, and your whatever other expensive gadgets you use, and let us poor Pakistanis manage with whatever Chinese stuff we can afford.

I use Chinese stuff too. But what I use it certainly not harmful to my health. Do you not read about US denying toys entry or Canada, because of the "ingrediaents (not sure of right word)" is harmful to health? A child's health is quite fragile.

Cynics are a-dime-a-dozen these days. I think of them as attention-seeking pests.

Yes anyone who disagree with this whole philosphy of BHAI BHAI relationship is an attention seeker.

But MR. this forums belongs to everyone. EVeryone can have a voice. Many people, as expressed on this thread, agree with my idea where Pakistan has to become independent and diverse its economy.

Also I won't be able to use my phone any longer because it's rather expensive and I pay extensive amount for my education. So stop labeling everyone "iPhone and iPad." Do you see how much bias you're? Just because I'm in Canada, it automatically means I'm some rich person and I've ego problem with Pakistan and so much others things you say about it. This is the dillusion I'm talking about. Go outside world, you'd see earning money is not easy. We have homeless people here too. We have people here, and elsewhere in the world, but Pakistan, where it's a known fact that China and Pakistan relationship isn't as great as Pakistanis living in Pakistan claim it to be. Yes, it's relationship, but the way Pakistanies sees it, it's nothing like that.

Seems like your dirty underwear is getting dirtier with this butt-burn of yours kid. Once the constipation subsides, do consider why China keeps suggesting that Pakistan improve its ties with India. Your fear of abandonment is because of your abnormal psychology, not because Chinese do not know where their strategic interest lies. If they wish to improve their relations with India, I am all in support. Chinese-Indian engagement can only be good for us, our region, and the world. One can not wish for bad relations among others for own selfish reasons.

Down to personal attacks? Yes, can't argue with me properly. You don't give examples, just a country does this, a country does that blab. Talk about my degrotary terms for China/Pakistan, but you yourself have pure attitude where insulting another forum members seems all ok, right?

One piece of advice: Grow up intellectually and emotionally, and be quick about it if you can help it.

One piece of advice, and it'd be very valuable. This forum doesn't belong to you. This world doesn't belong to you. Everyone can have their voice. You have no right to silence them because they seem stupid to you.

And please tell me, do you have extensive background in poltical science or economics to feel that you're any smarter? Because I do, and I don't run around here calling other people idiots or voicing negative comments because I don't agree with their philosophy.

And I don't need to be emotional about anything. Pakistan belongs to everyone and everyone has different view of how it should be goverened. Just because one thinks different than me doesn't mean I'm going to go and cry about it, or voice personal attacks as you did.

and please do not lock the thread by leaving your last reply or giving me another ban warning because I'm not your friend

TL\DR, Outside of Pakistan, there is little sign of 'all weather friend' attitude from China for Pakistanis.

You're entitled to your opinion, as I am. Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean I'm the oppoiste or I've some brain issues. To say, you say pretty much all Indians have that brain issue.
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South Tibet/AP isn't important now, I don't see China giving this claim up the best might be freezing the issue. China needs to focus on Taipei and the SCS Islands first. Both have Economic, Strategic, and Military value which cannot be replaced.


IMO this will just be negotiated with india being kicked out of the whole Japan SCS scenario

in this case tibet is better for india than messing itself up into japans affairs

some people are failing to understand it here

and we live as bros:pakistan: :china:
Whatever, have you done any research and reached conclusion that majority of Chinese "love" Pakistan? Gee, even if that's true, that might not be true in 20 years. The best example is Russia. Ask your parents' generation, Russian used to be the 1st foreign language, people used to love everything Russian, music, architecture, etc. See how many people born in 70, 80 even care about Russia? lol

We the people have been hijacked by politicians for too long. We on the both sides should come to our senses and think of ourselves as humans, not some pawns of politicians for their calculated moves. I fully agree that cultural ties will ultimately triumph over ideologies. Think about people killing each other during Warring States period, the Three Kingdom period, etc, etc, in the end, people of shared cultures form their ties much more stronger than short term friendship based on material interests.

There were mistakes committed by Japanese in the War, and the heinous acts committed on Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Malays, Indians, as well as on Americans, British, Dutch, and French. We can only hope the souls of the dead rest in peace, and that the young generation of China and Japan continue to live with each other, and find reconciliation. I agree with you on your reference of the Chinese Warring States Period, similar to Japan's Senggoku Jidai Period.
@xunzi @jkroo @Chinese-Dragon

Brothers, thanks for the warm and brotherly posts . Trust me, some of the outrageous emotional stuff written by one 'Pakistani' (who knows what he actually is :lol:) poster here was shocking for me. Especially the tone he used. But I would just like to highlight that China is loved by the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis and to see China grow to become one of the world's leading countries is something positive for us. As for the settlement with India etc., it would not change anything from our side. If it's in China's interest, then no doubt China should pursue it. I personally hope that we continue to get strategically closer and forge even better ties.
As for this non-sense being spewed about 'permanence' of interests, there's a lot of western sayings that glamorise selfishness, gluttony, mind-less personal self-interest etc, . Do we as Easterners follow these sayings to the T? No we don't and that's the positive aspect of our cultures. China will always be respected for all the friendly gestures and brotherly assistance in the most crucial times etc. :china::pakistan:Moreover, this 'pakistani' poster seems suspect, dontcha guys think? He might be from our neighbouring country :D:D

1) I speak from experience. I have posted my experience of this "all weather friendly" relationship.
2) Yes, you read something I said here and that makes me an "Indian"? Get our of your bubble and read other stuff I post. I spoke against India many times about the wars. But no, here's typical mentality. "If you say 1000 good things about us, you're the best friend" but "if you say one thing against us, which could be for our betterment, you're a proxy and you wish us to be destroyed."

This is unfortunately the typical mentality. If you say something that is not liked by majority of Pakistanis, you become Indian for them, proxy and so forth.

3) The mods can do an IP look up. But then you would say, oh I'm an Indian living in Canada. Well whoever the heck I'm, what does it matter? Do you think Pakistan shouldn't be strong and diverseify its economy?

4) I could tell you about the maps of where I lived in Pakistan.

5) And stop judging book by cover. Just because I got Canadian flag doesn't mean I haven't lived in Pakistan. This is why there are two flags. Where you're from and you're currently living. But people still be like "OOOH CANADIAN SPY"

6) "China is loved by the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis" Please stop jumping and typing words that don't make sense. I've been saying that Chinese here don't know Pakistanis, not the other way around. I may love Chinese here, but Chinese certainly have no affection for Pakistanis here. So maybe go and reread my posts again?
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