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China poses potential obstacle to reunification of Koreas: U.S. Congress re

The congress report is a joke. Many American Asia "experts" know nothing about Asia.

It is all about, if unifying Korea, which Korea to unify.

In early 1950s, though China opposed Fat Kim's efforts to unify, but it did not stop his efforts. That means China did not oppose actually to unify it under Kim.

Now, perhaps China won't let them unify to either side.

Korea historically is more split than unified.

When Korea split, trade flourishes, peace prevails.

Many times in history, Korea was divided into 3 countries. Maybe China should consider to add one more country between N and S Korea to prevent the two hostile regions from being in direct contact.
I wonder how many times in China's past that China was divided. May be we should see the same for China today. Peace prevails.

If without US in Korea Peninsula, I would be glad to see a prosperous and united Korea.
This is a joke, right?

With the US in the Korean peninsula, South Korea is ten times superior to North Korea. But if you are so glad to see a prosperous and united Korea, you should support a unified Korea under South Korean stewardship, no?
This is a joke, right?

With the US in the Korean peninsula, South Korea is ten times superior to North Korea. But if you are so glad to see a prosperous and united Korea, you should support a unified Korea under South Korean stewardship, no?

Stop talking like an idiot.

US is Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc, all these countries were totally ruined. SK is rich that is because of their own efforts.

And stop replying my post in the future, I don't want to waste time for an idiot.
Poor people, their life is very miserable under US economy embargo and isolation.

China did a lot of things to help North Korea economy, keep the people alive and good.

Oh Bull Manure, your points fail based on the very dictator you support and the policies he and his previous blood related dictators supported (look up the failed ideology of Juche, which dead Kim Il supported as well), and you would see that photo over all the Korean Peninsula if you could. We know you never really cared beyond your own narrow interests, its why you still support this horrendous regime.

China has not kept the people 'alive and good', it is self-evident in the photo alone, they've kept the elite fat and happy and left the rest to scrabble around as they wish. We want assurances/verification that the food is getting where it needs to go, rather than being sent to the royal food stores or to their military.

China just doesn't care, it has been often articulated here, it is not really an issue you can debate, it is fact by the continuance of its current policies. It's a very deliberate policy, sickening.
Stop talking like an idiot.

US is Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc, all these countries were totally ruined. SK is rich that is because of their own efforts.
Iraq was rich until Saddam Hussein got greedy. Consequences. Afghanistan was already a wasteland, so nothing lost there. Libya was doing so-so until the Libyans themselves got tired of that so-so and made the country less than so-so. South Korea is prosperous and healthy because we protected them and helped the economy in a different path, while China protected and deal with North Korea and the North Korean ended up starving, physically and intellectually stunted. Way to go...

And stop replying my post in the future, I don't want to waste time for an idiot.
I already wasted my time on you. Considered yourself privileged, conscript reject. :lol:
I think the Re-Unification of Korea will not be in the interest of SK. If nations cannot take the burden of disintegration than they also can't take the economic, social, political & military strain caused by re-unification either. We have the best example of Re-unification of Germany in this respect, where the only part that gained a lot was the eastern Germany which was economically weak & had many economic problems, the unification caused a decrease in total GDP of Germany & massive changes in demography as people started shifting from east to west.

This is human psychology, people always go where there is prosperity. We have a huge difference b/w NK & SK, NK on the one hand has GDP(nominal) of just $32 billion with PCI of $1800 & spends huge amount of money on it's military & space missions but the common man in NK is living a miserable life, they just wait for the opportunity to cross over to neighboring China, While we have prosperous SK on the other hand with GDP(nominal) of $1600 billion with PCI of $32000, one of the most successful democracy, a nation that can look into a great future. But the re-unification will be a massive drain of resources from South to North, people from North will come to South in huge nos., we don't know how will be the common govt., but we can be sure about a civil-war like conditions with people from South now having to earn for people of North.
China just doesn't care, it has been often articulated here, it is not really an issue you can debate, it is fact by the continuance of its current policies. It's a very deliberate policy, sickening.

There is nothing China can do if both North and South Korea wants to be united. It is not China's policy that is causing the problem.

From day one it has been the United States that is the root cause of the problem:devil:. United States wants a regime change:sick: (WHAT IS NEW!!) and till today still list N Korea in the axis of evil. From day one the six party talks was all about getting US and N Korea together. All the other 4 parties was there just so that US can at least talk to N Korea.

China policy on North Korea is very very clear. That is no war, no collapse, no nuclear weopans. In that order. This is the only pragmatic policy on N Korea.

Actually it is the "sunset" policies OF Lee Yong Bak, the "regime change" policy of US and "no unification" policy of Japan that is DRIVING North Korea into China's arms !!!

But off course I do not blame you for faulting China. I read western mainstream media too.
China has already said that a united Korea under the South Korean government is not problem for China.
In fact during the Korean war when it looks like the UN troops were going to win, China told MacArthur that South Korean troops can come up to the border of China but if Americans do then China will get involved. MacArthur ignored China and end result was China kicking some *** and North Korea being saved.
What China really desires is South Korean neutrality in Asia and of course, the withdrawal of American troops from the peninsula.

China would prefer turning North Korea into an economic satellite and a buffer state, with its SOEs dominating the North Korean economy. This would be enticing for many young South Koreans as they balk at the thought of sacrificing their economic livelihoods like the West Germans, paying for most of the cost for reunification.

But a collapsing North Korea that is unified with the South could also have unexpected benefits. South Korea would be saddled with a poverty-wrecked shell of a nation and will have to literally spend trillions of US dollars for re-unification (on a scale many times of the German re-unification). This will keep them preoccupied for decades. China can hence influence the reconstruction over the border and earn some goodwill and wrest influence from the US.

Without the North Korean threat and continual Chinese pressure, the US military would have to eventually withdraw to Japan and then have to begin a downsize of Japanese-based forces. This will weaken American power in East Asia quite considerably.
China has already said that a united Korea under the South Korean government is not problem for China.
In fact during the Korean war when it looks like the UN troops were going to win, China told MacArthur that South Korean troops can come up to the border of China but if Americans do then China will get involved. MacArthur ignored China and end result was China kicking some *** and North Korea being saved.
Saved from what? Healthy food, lots of money, and liberty? :lol: Those things exists in Canada. Are you 'suffering' in Canada? How many Norks would gladly trade with you?
Saved from what? Healthy food, lots of money, and liberty? :lol: Those things exists in Canada. Are you 'suffering' in Canada? How many Norks would gladly trade with you?

US Congress is full of ****. Of course China oppose unification, if that means that a unified Korea under SK with thousands of US troops stationed at China's doorstep. China is Korea's neighbor, has more rights to voice their opinion. What is US's excuse being thousands of miles away?

As long as the US troops remains on Korean's soil, unification is not viable. So the actual title should be, "US is an obstacle to unification". Of course, so many brainwashed American like to think that everyone else is wrong but them.

How many people have American killed lately in foreign soil? The US has threaten to nuke China multiple times. It has invaded Chinese soil in the past. Has any Chinese invaded America?
US people always believe that their economy embargo do no harm to any people there.
Saved from what? Healthy food, lots of money, and liberty? :lol: Those things exists in Canada. Are you 'suffering' in Canada? How many Norks would gladly trade with you?

saved as in still exists. The UN force defeated the North Koreans and if China had not gotten involved, North Korea would not have existed anymore.
The Koreans I know dislike the Northerners, and dont want any reunification. They see them as poor and unproductive: a potential burden.
The reason why the North is in poverty is because of the Americans.

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Korean War (Korean: 한국전쟁 or 조선전쟁, Hanja: 韓國戰爭 or 朝鮮戰爭; 25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953)[13][a] was a war between the Republic of Korea (South Korea), supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), supported by the People's Republic of China. It was primarily the result of the political division of Korea by an agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of World War II. The Korean Peninsula was ruled by the Empire of Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. Following the surrender of the Empire of Japan in September 1945, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th parallel, with U.S. military forces occupying the southern half and Soviet military forces occupying the northern half.

At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in contradiction of the Cairo Conference.

Now tell me why did US wanted to divide Korea into 2 parts after the end of WW2? A united Korea after the Japanese surrender would have prevented the Korean War. America didn't have to put the embargo and the situation would be a lot different.
saved as in still exists. The UN force defeated the North Koreans and if China had not gotten involved, North Korea would not have existed anymore.
Wrong. There were no such 'North' or 'South' Koreas as far as political entities goes. In order to be 'saved', it has to exist in the first place.
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