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China plays down border row with India

Maybe they are lost and need help?

Yeah maybe - don't expect much from them either - must have ran away from CCP most likely too :D

In 11 days you haven't showed in guts but was waiting desperately that they get bored and go away. No, saffron brigade chanting to cut of ties and demanding to expel Chinese mission. I guess all the guts of Indians are for smaller countries.

It's an undemarcated border and no firings have happened for the last 46 years in that 4000 km border - you expect us to fire the first shot when the chinese want some face saving to go back home?

Its not that sir its a common tactic of the chinese one they keep eating up areas if they are not properly handled its how they took islands in the past according to my relatives who is serving in one of the islands we control its common for the chinese to scout post and build structures if no opposition is seen so the best way is to blow up the structures and never trust there word. its been use before when the chinese build structures like military bunkers for fortifications which they claim to fishermen shelters but they build makers first but we bomb it the next morning so they can't build their structure that was our common response up to today. Thank go we have an airbase near by use to house our F8s now OV10s and S211s that how we manage to stop some of their creep invasion tactics so they can't start building any thing at all well if we spot the markers on time but my guess is they doing the same thing in that area scouting if the Indian forces are there and if they will do something about their presence and if its possible to build makers for structures so i hope when you guys seen or spots makers do something before they build structures and if they try to negotiate don't trust them because they will do you guys over.

They have tried these stunts before too and have always gone back whence they came from - this time we will need to push them out and we surely will.
That day is very near mate :cheers:

We can take on Chinese in Himalayas but diplomacy first :cheers:

We been doing it too and hoping somehow the chinese still can see straight that this stupid and it will cost all of us but if this useless you can't reason with people who already close for peace i can't wait until our Inchoen classes and Fighters are new attack and anti sub helicopter get here and we have news the government is buying more and hopefully our subs and anti sub corvettes will be coming soon along with some few SAMs we could use a few well at less the US Marines are here with their F18s and US Navy sub and ships are here too keeping an eye out along with our new coastal watch system but the problem is we only our MACPAC in Palawan and our S211s and OV10s not really looking good for us but i think India with its capabilities can stand a chance remember guys don't negotiate for anything and don't give them time to make anything spot it then blow it up.
It's an undemarcated border and no firings have happened for the last 46 years in that 4000 km border - you expect us to fire the first shot when the chinese want some face saving to go back home?

Right - But what about saffron brigade which shows up on even a smaller incident related to smaller neighbors - Why they are on hibernate mode?
We been doing it too and hoping somehow the chinese still can see straight that this stupid and it will cost all of us but if this useless you can't reason with people who already close for peace i can't wait until our Inchoen classes and Fighters are new attack and anti sub helicopter get here and we have news the government is buying more and hopefully our subs and anti sub corvettes will be coming soon along with some few SAMs we could use a few well at less the US Marines are here with their F18s and US Navy sub and ships are here too keeping an eye out along with our new coastal watch system but the problem is we only our MACPAC in Palawan and our S211s and OV10s not really looking good for us but i think India with its capabilities can stand a chance remember guys don't negotiate for anything and don't give them time to make anything spot it then blow it up.

I think things are favorable for India to cooperate with the nations like Phillipines, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea.

May be an alliance and Maritime cooperation is good :cheers:
Right - But what about saffron brigade which shows up on even a smaller incident related to smaller neighbors - Why they are on hibernate mode?

What's the connection between the saffron brigade and the chinese? - religious parties don't run the country nor have a say in international affairs - probably unlike what you are used to in Pakistan, and if its the BJP you are talking about then they released a statement that they completely support the GOI in whatever steps it takes. All Indians and parties come together when it comes to any international tensions and we don't have people pulling the GOI (whoever's at the center) away from solving the issue and that's our plus.
What's the connection between the saffron brigade and the chinese? - religious parties don't run the country nor have a say in international affairs - probably unlike what you are used to in Pakistan, and if its the BJP you are talking about then they released a statement that they completely support the GOI in whatever steps it takes. All Indians and parties come together when it comes to any international tensions and we don't have people pulling the GOI (whoever's at the center) away from solving the issue and that's our plus.

Yeah - All parties knows their place when it's about China - But when it's about smaller countries, nobody have confidence in government. In short - mighty regional power is just to bully small countries.
Yeah - All parties knows their place when it's about China - But when it's about smaller countries, nobody have confidence in government. In short - mighty regional power is just to bully small countries.

Can you cite an example as to when any party has acted differently to the steps that GOI has taken on International matters or have opposed it?
In 11 days you haven't showed in guts but was waiting desperately that they get bored and go away. No, saffron brigade chanting to cut of ties and demanding to expel Chinese mission. I guess all the guts of Indians are for smaller countries.

So you wants to hunt you friends down. Dont worry we follow few step. Like "phle baat se phir laat se" i hope you can recall few incident in which we applied recently
We are now about 183km away from entering New Delhi.

Welcome to Chandigarh :D

In 11 days you haven't showed in guts but was waiting desperately that they get bored and go away. No, saffron brigade chanting to cut of ties and demanding to expel Chinese mission. I guess all the guts of Indians are for smaller countries.
Chinese troops are still not technically in India,they have set up tents at a place where both countries patrolled,but setting tents was new.
Chinese troops are still not technically in India,they have set up tents at a place where both countries patrolled,but setting tents was new.

Yes - When it's about bigger enemy than every kind of technicality and logic is surfaced to hide weakness
Prove me wrong instead of the one liners.
The area where the camps are were patrolled by china earlier too.

If it was already patrolled by China than China is right that they haven't crossed territory and India is creating drama out of nothing.

Chal jaa kay kameez paa tay satto pe kay soo jaa
If it was already patrolled by China than China is right that they haven't crossed territory and India is creating drama out of nothing.

Chal jaa kay kameez paa tay satto pe kay soo jaa

what if china lying? then who will be drama queen....
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