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China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

I actually spilled my morning coffee when I read this. Now I need to change my shirt :(
The Chinese secret police will jail his @ss if he does not say that. :lol:

Could you tell me what this universal truth is.

And by whose definition? US? United Nation? God? Whose God?
Do not try to dodge the moral hole you dug for yourself. Even if I concede that there is no such thing as a 'universal' truth, there are some moral principles that are held to such high esteem that it might as well be universal.

But in your case, slavery is just fine since it is just another cultural artifact that we must respect.
In certain part of China, bride kidnapping is an accepted tradition. I wonder if it is slavery.

Certain practice of wife kidnapping/abduction ceremony is allowed, but only as a mock, not for real. This is because of respect of traditions, because old habit dies hard. That is why in China, there is a policy called "两少一宽", where officially, Chinese law is allowed to be "bent" when dealing with minorities. Han do not enjoy that even though some Han tradition is pretty weird as well.

There are quite some cases of kidnapped women that were sold for marriage in rural area. The wife would be a virtual slave. This is not allowed, but it is complicated because buying a wife is considered alright in some region.
lol....so we were always rite in our 1 cent comments....we do ve chinese members here who get paid for their govmts agenda...chinese communist govmt and its pawns.....:lol:


Heated but funny debate between Chinese trolls and others on Topix

Everyone now knows the US hacked Chinese mobile phone companies to collect millions of text messages as well the Asian fibre-optic network operator Pacnet. The US is blatant hypocrite for years it has been pointing finger at chinese government when the US is doing a thousands times worse against entire world including china!
Real job? like gang raping, Dalit hunting, making indigenous cow pee cola in rapepublic of india?
Polluting this forum and others, how so? perhaps you may have mistaken us as those curry scumbags that open defecate everywhere like animals?

Don't ever underestimate 50 cents since more than 1/4 people in your 3rd world hole made less
than a few so-called 50 cents posts:lol:

Agreed, perhaps people should not have discussion with some shameless false flagger curry troll.
However if i were you, instead of shooting bad breath from your big mouth how about call your female family members if they're safe or not? as you know rape happen every 20 min in your sh!t hole, so be aware, be extremely aware:azn:

since you show so much hate for India and obviously love and support Muslims, you and your dog and cat meat eating proteges will get a chance to convert to _______ before you are _______ in China when democracy arrives. obviously you will never malign Muslim Pakistan or Muslims or show concern for human life in Pakistan. when did you last show love for your longstanding ally North Korea which is starving as you have shown so much love for Pakistan in the form of soft loans?? do you forget how many Chinese were saved by foreign aid when Chinese were dying like flies during the Great Leap and Cultural Revolution, the dream projects of Mao???

why do you allow the inhuman and primitive useless Chinese medicine system to flourish which has made exotic wildlife like tiger extinct and is endangering remaining tigers, rhinos, elephants, etc.???

your countrymen are neutered after one child. why do you need so much tiger bones for sex since your countrymen are neutered and why do you torture and cook alive dogs and cats to eat them knowing that animal protein has not done any good to your puny bodies since 1000s of years???
The corrupt will use this infrastructure to stay corrupt while not ending up in prison for it, and supressing freedom of speech this way will also lead to less effective government policies. I'd advise the Chinese government to explicitly allow at least a moderate form of criticizing of their policies, if they want to be truly seen as a government 'for the people' (as their country's official name implies) domestically and outside China.

Actually I feel really uncomfortable by the amount of critics the Internet warriors launch day in and day out in today's China. The level of trust of the government is the lowest ever. People will criticize everything the government does since they view the government with suspicion. You won't see this in any other country.

In a way, I agree with Kolaps. The monitoring of internet can help the government gauge what the public is concerned most, etc. No government is immune to the public opinions and the CCP government is certainly no idiot that their governance depends on the approval of public. China as a civilization probably has seen more regime changes in history than any other civilizations due to public anger.

The Chinese government has long tradition that they must listen to the public since we have this teaching first written by "Xunzi" Xunzi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and later further cited by Tang emperor Taizong and his prime minister (about 600 ad), "水能载舟,亦能覆舟," or the same water that floats the boat also can topple the boat.

In certain part of China, bride kidnapping is an accepted tradition. I wonder if it is slavery.

Certain practice of wife kidnapping/abduction ceremony is allowed, but only as a mock, not for real. This is because of respect of traditions, because old habit dies hard. That is why in China, there is a policy called "两少一宽", where officially, Chinese law is allowed to be "bent" when dealing with minorities. Han do not enjoy that even though some Han tradition is pretty weird as well.

There are quite some cases of kidnapped women that were sold for marriage in rural area. The wife would be a virtual slave. This is not allowed, but it is complicated because buying a wife is considered alright in some region.

Those nomads have this tradition. I watched a documentary that in Kazakhstan or some other central Asian country, women are still being abducted on street and then forced to get married!

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