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China Pass US as TOP Trade Partner for Much of World: Changing Lives Global


Nov 4, 2011
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China Pass US as TOP Trade Partner for Much of World: Changing Lives Globally
Post Categories: Afghanistan
Godfree Roberts | Monday, December 3, 2012, 12:42 Beijing

SEOUL, South Korea — Shin Cheol-soo no longer sees his future in the United States. The South Korean businessman supplied components to American automakers for a decade.

But this year, he uprooted his family from Detroit and moved home to focus on selling to the new economic superpower: China.

In just five years, China has surpassed the United States as a trading partner for much of the world, including U.S. allies such as South Korea and Australia, according to an Associated Press analysis of trade data.

As recently as 2006, the U.S. was the larger trading partner for 127 countries, versus just 70 for China.

By last year the two had clearly traded places: 124 countries for China, 76 for the U.S.

In the most abrupt global shift of its kind since World War II, the trend is changing the way people live and do business from Africa to Arizona, as farmers plant more soybeans to sell to China and students sign up to learn Mandarin.

The findings show how fast China has ascended to challenge America’s century-old status as the globe’s dominant trader, a change that is gradually translating into political influence.

They highlight how pervasive China’s impact has been, spreading from neighboring Asia to Africa and now emerging in Latin America, the traditional U.S.. backyard.

Despite China’s now-slowing economy, its share of world output and trade is expected to keep rising, with growth forecast at up to 8 percent a year over the next decade, far above U.S. and European levels.

This growth could strengthen the hand of a new generation of just-named Chinese leaders, even as it fuels strain with other nations.

Last year, Shin’s Ena Industry Co. made half his sales of rubber and plastic parts to U.S. factories.

But his plans call for China, which overtook the United States as the biggest auto market in 2009, to rise fivefold to 30 percent of his total by 2015. He and his children are studying Mandarin.

“The United States is a tiger with no power,” Shin said in his office, where three walls are lined with books, many about China. “Nobody can deny that China is the one now rising.”

Trade is a bit like football — the balance of exports and imports, like the game score, is a neat snapshot of a jumble of moves that make up the economy, and both sides are apt to accuse each other of cheating from time to time.

Also, the U.S. and China are both rivals and partners who can’t have a match without each other, and a strong performance from both is good for the entire league.

Trade may get less publicity than military affairs or diplomacy, yet it is commerce that generates jobs and raises living standards. Trade can also translate into political power.

As shopkeepers say, the customer is always right: Governments listen to countries that buy their goods, and the threat to stop buying is one of the most potent diplomatic weapons.
China now is the world number one trading power ,industrial power and manufacturing power,we now should set our sight on claiming military power and innovation power.
I am actually surprised that America still has so much manufacturing and exports.

Whereas Europe has almost completely de-industrialized (apart from Germany).

No wonder China and Germany are doing so well. The trade surpluses give our Governments a lot of financial firepower. :sniper:
I am actually surprised that America still has so much manufacturing and exports.

Whereas Europe has almost completely de-industrialized (apart from Germany).

No wonder China and Germany are doing so well. The trade surpluses give our Governments a lot of financial firepower. :sniper:

Financial power comes from having the world reserve currency.
China is now a manufacturing power, industrial power and trading power which gives us massive economic power. But not financial power because our financial markets are underdeveloped, our banks still do not have global influence, the renminbi is not a reserve currency.

Once our financial markets are developed and the renminbi becomes a trading, investment, financing and eventually a reserve currency, then China will have financial power.

Next will be technological power with technologies that are world class in all sectors.

Then we have economic power, financial power, technological power. Combine those 3 and it gives us massive military power as we will have money and technology to build a very powerful military.

Combine economic power, financial power, technological power and military power and China will have MASSIVE political power globally.

This can be achieved by 2030 I believe.
Financial power comes from having the world reserve currency.
China is now a manufacturing power, industrial power and trading power which gives us massive economic power. But not financial power because our financial markets are underdeveloped, our banks still do not have global influence, the renminbi is not a reserve currency.

Once our financial markets are developed and the renminbi becomes a trading, investment, financing and eventually a reserve currency, then China will have financial power.

Next will be technological power with technologies that are world class in all sectors.

Then we have economic power, financial power, technological power. Combine those 3 and it gives us massive military power as we will have money and technology to build a very powerful military.

Combine economic power, financial power, technological power and military power and China will have MASSIVE political power globally.

This can be achieved by 2030 I believe.

Sounds good to me. :cheers:

Imagine our Defence budget in 2030. :D
Financial power comes from having the world reserve currency.
China is now a manufacturing power, industrial power and trading power which gives us massive economic power. But not financial power because our financial markets are underdeveloped, our banks still do not have global influence, the renminbi is not a reserve currency.

Once our financial markets are developed and the renminbi becomes a trading, investment, financing and eventually a reserve currency, then China will have financial power.

Next will be technological power with technologies that are world class in all sectors.

Then we have economic power, financial power, technological power. Combine those 3 and it gives us massive military power as we will have money and technology to build a very powerful military.

Combine economic power, financial power, technological power and military power and China will have MASSIVE political power globally.

This can be achieved by 2030 I believe.

Who will work? China stats bureau published statistics saying the population fit for work contracted for the first time.


Peak toil-China

Who will work? China stats bureau published statistics saying the population fit for work contracted for the first time.

The UK has a working age population of only around 25 million, compared to India which has a working age population of almost 700 million.

Yet the UK produces more GDP than India does every year.

It's not the number in your workforce, but how you use it.

And in any case, China still has the largest working-age population in the world. Even if that shrinks by 3/4 we will still have hundreds of millions of workers.
Also, according to the World Bank, China has one of the lowest Age dependency ratios on the planet:

Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) - World Bank

"Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64. Data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population."

China - 38 dependents per 100 working people

India - 54 dependents per 100 working people

USA - 50 dependents per 100 working people

UK - 52 dependents per 100 working people

Japan - 58 dependents per 100 working people


So 100 working age people in China only need to take care of 38 dependents.

Compared to India where 100 working age people need to take care of 54 dependents.
Who will work? China stats bureau published statistics saying the population fit for work contracted for the first time.


Peak toil-China
our factory facing this problem currently. it is harder to recruit experience worker nowadays.
especially arround chinese new year
have lot of headache.
I think we have to abandon one child policy in near future.
or other solution could be: give working visa to northkoreans or pakistanis.

Also, according to the World Bank, China has one of the lowest Age dependency ratios on the planet:

Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) - World Bank

China - 38 dependents per 100 working people

India - 54 dependents per 100 working people

USA - 50 dependents per 100 working people

UK - 52 dependents per 100 working people


So 100 working age people in China only need to take care of 38 dependents.

Compared to India where 100 working age people need to take care of 54 dependents.

the problem is most of young people also dont have interrest to be a worker anymore.
many resigned before chinese new year. and will not come back....
The UK has a working age population of only around 25 million, compared to India which has a working age population of almost 700 million.

Yet the UK produces more GDP than India does every year.

It's not the number in your workforce, but how you use it.

And in any case, China still has the largest working-age population in the world. Even if that shrinks by 3/4 we will still have hundreds of millions of workers.

There are worker shortages even now, and you speak of loosing 3/4 workforce and all will go on as normal?

, according to the World Bank, China has one of the lowest Age dependency ratios on the planet:

Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) - World Bank

"Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64. Data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population."


So 100 working age people in China only need to take care of 38 dependents.

Compared to India where 100 working age people need to take care of 54 dependents.

You like to look at projections. Check for the projection of this in 2030, 2050? Obsession with India is evident....

A decent article, i specially selected it for people who like to paint a rosy picture...


the problem is most of young people also dont have interrest to be a worker anymore.

Sounds like here in the 90's....
You like to look at projections. You bothered to look for the projection of this in 2030, 2050? You are obsessed with comparing China to India..

Only when talking to Indians such as yourself who enjoy bashing China. :wave:

Look at the World Bank numbers. China has 38 dependents per 100 working people.

India has 54 dependents per 100 working people.

The UK has 52 dependents per 100 working people. Japan has 58 dependents per 100 working people.

There is a reason why China and India have a similar population, yet China has a much larger workforce. Because China has less dependents and more working age people.
Only when talking to Indians such as yourself who enjoy bashing China. :wave:

Look at the World Bank numbers. China has 38 dependents per 100 working people.

India has 54 dependents per 100 working people.

The UK has 52 dependents per 100 working people. Japan has 58 dependents per 100 working people.

There is a reason why China and India have a similar population, yet China has a much larger workforce. Because China has less dependents and more working age people.

54% in india is a joke. most of them are just burden of the country.
I forgot what was the projection number of Sino-India bilateral trade by 2015. Was it $ 60 billion or $ 100 billion ?

I think its latter. Kindly clear this doubt.

54% in india is a joke. most of them are just burden of the country.
Sorry dude. Never make such statements without backing it with some proofs. Kindly quote from some trusted source.
China now is the world number one trading power ,industrial power and manufacturing power,we now should set our sight on claiming military power and innovation power.

No, US is the world's number one industrial power, and several news reports confirm US is still the number one manufacturing power in the world. Besides, you have to remember US industry and manufacturing is cutting edge and mostly high-tech. I once read if US's export economy was a separate country it would be economically the size of Germany.

U.S. factories out-produce Chinese manufacturers by more than 40%
U.S. manufacturing is No. 1, for now - Business - US business - Made in America | NBC News

I can't believe you said China is the world's number one industrial power, far from it, there is a huge gap between American industrial power and the rest of the world. As for number one trading power well everybody knows China exports many cheap products to countries and can flood their markets, and also sell other products as well.
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