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China, Pakistan Aim to Jointly Corner India on LAC and LOC(Indian Media)

Here you can see details about Operation Whitewash.

and yes KALI was 25 tons in weight, but that was in 2012. What makes you think the tech has not been miniaturized?

Any and all forces who want to break free from the Pak army/government - and there are loads of it, even the Pak army knows this. Or lets just put it this way, the name doesn't matter, the intent does and there are hundreds of armed local fighters that will be like an internal wound to Pakistan if they get external support from anyone be it India or US or Afghan or China.

You seem to post a lot of conjectures but have no evidence to back them up. Also, your English is not grammatically correct. Not the trait of a professional defence analyst.

PS Where do you work as defence analyst and in what capacity?
Any and all forces who want to break free from the Pak army/government - and there are loads of it, even the Pak army knows this. Or lets just put it this way, the name doesn't matter, the intent does and there are hundreds of armed local fighters that will be like an internal wound to Pakistan if they get external support from anyone be it India or US or Afghan or China.
Hahahaha LOL. First of all Baloch people donot reside all over Balochistan but mainly on center and south Balochistan. Secondly, only hundreds if came to fight would get vanish and remember Balochistan is a vast piece of land. They can do more damage if they are concentrated at one area but they will be taken out after major offensive by FC. If they are distributed all over Center and South Balohistan than they won't be able to do substantial damage. Thirdly, if they want to fight than they need to come at face to face with Military. FC is enough for them if they come face to face. Remember they are only good at ambushing convoys or sniping a lone soldier at Checkpoint. That's it. That's what I am, talking about if all our gunships are engaging India

AFAIK mounted on C17 globemaster.
First C17 came in Jan 2013. Gayari happened on April 2012
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Here you can see details about Operation Whitewash.

and yes KALI was 25 tons in weight, but that was in 2012. What makes you think the tech has not been miniaturized?

Because it can't be.

If you were any kind of knowledgeable person, you would know that there are certain laws of physics that cannot be overcome. Please don't talk glibly about the tech being miniaturised, without understanding what is involved.

Any and all forces who want to break free from the Pak army/government - and there are loads of it, even the Pak army knows this. Or lets just put it this way, the name doesn't matter, the intent does and there are hundreds of armed local fighters that will be like an internal wound to Pakistan if they get external support from anyone be it India or US or Afghan or China.
Why is it that you think that the Baloch fighters would come face to face. Fighting doesnt always mean picking up a weapon and roaming out in the war zone. It can be as simple as letting out information about what the Pak army is doing in the area and what weapons they have.

What you are forgetting my friend that in today's time, the biggest and the most deadliest asset any army can have is information. The damage that can be caused with having the right information is unparalled to fighting on the forefront.

India is not looking at Baloch fighters to physically fight and support, they are only looking for them to be the eyes and the ears and that is something that even a thinly populated force without hi tech weapons can accomplish easily.
You have Plans to invade Balochistan?
Yes because english is not my first language and I come from EU. I cant reveal my latest employer but before my current position I used to work for Thales in France where I worked closely with the Indians.

There are no plans to invade Balochistan as much as I understand, but you do have to keep plan B and plan C to safeguard collateral damage. And who am I to invade. I don't represent any of the parties involved.

You my friend must have worked for the Indian defence establishment.

In what capacity did you work in Thales? What area do you specialize in?
Yes because english is not my first language and I come from EU. I cant reveal my latest employer but before my current position I used to work for Thales in France where I worked closely with the Indians.

There are no plans to invade Balochistan as much as I understand, but you do have to keep plan B and plan C to safeguard collateral damage. And who am I to invade. I don't represent any of the parties involved.

You my friend must have worked for the Indian defence establishment.

Yes, with Sextant Avionique (guess who they were), on a project designed to impact the SU30 MKI. On many others besides; for instance, my boys designed the flight computer system for the PSLV, the first and last time ISRO permitted such a project to be outsourced.
Very good sir. I can tell you that I have closely worked with the senior staff at PRL (Physical research laboratories) in Ahmedabad. They also develop a lot of key components and satellites for ISRO. It was great working with them.
Really talented bunch.


And who is or was Sextant Avionique?

Defence Strategy & Planning. Involves studying the needs and wishlists of defence establishments and in some cases private companies to provide them with suggestions around military and weapons purchasing. Usually private companies are oil refineries, airports, aerospace companies, ship building yards that need air shields.
Very good sir. I can tell you that I have closely worked with the senior staff at PRL (Physical research laboratories) in Ahmedabad. They also develop a lot of key components and satellites for ISRO. It was great working with them.
Really talented bunch.

Defence Strategy & Planning. Involves studying the needs and wishlists of defence establishments and in some cases private companies to provide them with suggestions around military and weapons purchasing. Usually private companies are oil refineries, airports, aerospace companies, ship building yards that need air shields.

I think your "are" should read as "and".

What is the collective/generic term used to describe the speciality of Defence Strategy and Planning?

Ever read journals from the Carniege Endowment policy or the Tavistick Institute?

What are your opinions of Joel Skousn?
I must reluctantly agree with some of the facts that have been presented below. Not the presumed outcomes; the facts.

Seriously you think India is sinking. Just for starters - Look at India's forex reserve and Pakistan's forex reserve. and then look at the grave mistakes Pakistan has been making in the past 5 years by taking more Chinese debt.It is a well known fact that Pakistan has been taking on Chinese debt at 5.6% for CPEC. How will Pakistan pay for this? Wake up and smell the coffee. Pakistan would collapse in less than 24 hours if it stops getting the money from Saudi and Qatar. Also if you must know, China is already working to secure commercial rights to Islamabad International airport as debt repayment.

India on the other hand has secured money from Japan for its infrastructure projects at 0.1% debt with deferred payback after 15 years. It also has about 500B USD as forex reserves, has 45 days of oil reserves. Who looks more prepared for war?

To top it all, you must be aware that Saudi has a lot of investment in India. My organization helped the Saudis and an Indian Oil Refinery procure anti aircraft guns and missiles for USD325 million last year, went operational in September 2019. Do you ever think Saudi would let Pakistan harm their business interests in India. I have been telling time and again, war is business and finally money wins over everything.

Kashmir will get resolved for sure and as an American I can see it is going India's way completely. The US wants India to win it and will play bad to ensure it happens. They see India as their biggest market both commercially and militarily.

Present day - What has Pakistan to offer to the US? Nothing-Zero-Zilch. They bloody had Bin Laden and kept him hidden. The US knows Pakistan has become a liability for them and they dont like negative assets. So either they help India break Pakistan or do it themselves. They will never let China take control of Pakistan. Plus the Saudi's are pissed of at Pakistan denial and behaviour. What more do you want to see after MBS recalled his private jet last year after the UN meeting and left IK and his troupe stranded in New York city. Did you know that Pakistan Embassy did not even have the funds to cover their hotel accommodation for one night in NY City. It was paid for by a Qatari business group. So all in all whatever happens Pakistan is on the loosing side.

What has India has to offer to the US? 3Billion worth of defence deals each year including Howitzers, Chinook helicopters, C17 globe-masters, Missile shields, Advanced combat vehicles and the list goes on.
Sir is it true China has been taking a lot of Indian held lands recently!

No these are fanboy fantasies.

Don't participate; they are rumoured to rot your brain away. If you have been participating already, get an XRay done immediately. Check if there has been any cranial damage.
Seriously you think India is sinking. Just for starters - Look at India's forex reserve and Pakistan's forex reserve. and then look at the grave mistakes Pakistan has been making in the past 5 years by taking more Chinese debt.It is a well known fact that Pakistan has been taking on Chinese debt at 5.6% for CPEC. How will Pakistan pay for this? Wake up and smell the coffee. Pakistan would collapse in less than 24 hours if it stops getting the money from Saudi and Qatar. Also if you must know, China is already working to secure commercial rights to Islamabad International airport as debt repayment.

India on the other hand has secured money from Japan for its infrastructure projects at 0.1% debt with deferred payback after 15 years. It also has about 500B USD as forex reserves, has 45 days of oil reserves. Who looks more prepared for war?

To top it all, you must be aware that Saudi has a lot of investment in India. My organization helped the Saudis and an Indian Oil Refinery procure anti aircraft guns and missiles for USD325 million last year, went operational in September 2019. Do you ever think Saudi would let Pakistan harm their business interests in India. I have been telling time and again, war is business and finally money wins over everything.

Kashmir will get resolved for sure and as an American I can see it is going India's way completely. The US wants India to win it and will play bad to ensure it happens. They see India as their biggest market both commercially and militarily.

Present day - What has Pakistan to offer to the US? Nothing-Zero-Zilch. They bloody had Bin Laden and kept him hidden. The US knows Pakistan has become a liability for them and they dont like negative assets. So either they help India break Pakistan or do it themselves. They will never let China take control of Pakistan. Plus the Saudi's are pissed of at Pakistan denial and behaviour. What more do you want to see after MBS recalled his private jet last year after the UN meeting and left IK and his troupe stranded in New York city. Did you know that Pakistan Embassy did not even have the funds to cover their hotel accommodation for one night in NY City. It was paid for by a Qatari business group. So all in all whatever happens Pakistan is on the loosing side.

What has India has to offer to the US? 3Billion worth of defence deals each year including Howitzers, Chinook helicopters, C17 globe-masters, Missile shields, Advanced combat vehicles and the list goes on.

You are simply implying that India has more powerful Western backing, and it can count on them! The answer to your theory are the two lines below.

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