Not exactly, China has a much warmer feelings towards Jews. We do want peace in Mideast. However, we will not do anything to harm the interest of the Jewish state.
BTW, hurting other countries? Do you know any history related to those wars related to Israel? How many times those wars were initiated by Israel???
It seems that now it is also those countries who called for destruction of Israel while Israel does not call for destruction of any country. Go figure.
BTW, hurting other countries? Do you know any history related to those wars related to Israel? How many times those wars were initiated by Israel???
It seems that now it is also those countries who called for destruction of Israel while Israel does not call for destruction of any country. Go figure.
Yes, for most Chinese people, Arabs and Jews are the same, all were strangers. As long as the Middle East no war, it will not damage China's interests.
The Chinese people just want a store to buy goods(oil). As to who the owner of the store, the Chinese people do not care.
It means that we are the people who really want peace in the Middle East!
Yes, Chinese people during WW2 a great help to the Jews, but that is the humanitarian, it does not mean that we support Israel to hurt other countries.