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China nervous as Burma starts to look West

suu kyi and sonia are western stooges.BD economy runs on textile exports to west.
China must be aware of these .

I neither like Suu Kyi NOR the Maino Madam G. Both are sore losers. In fact, I like Thein Sein much better. A Burma under a quasi-authoritarian government would prosper faster than a democratic one. Democracy is also a failure in many sense depending on the local population. The advantages of semi-authoritarian government are:

-Fast decision-making.
-Rapid mobilization of resources.
-Orderliness and discipline.
- Potentially better manufacturing potential.
- Better compliance of rules and regulations.

At the same time the regime shouldn't be like the Fat Kims of North Korea who are on the other end of the spectrum in tyranny.

If Thein Sein remains in power, I am hoping a better set of reforms for Burmese development. Though the Junta still rules, at least they are moving on from being aggressive to more nation-oriented. That should be a welcome.

That witch Madam Maino in our country is doing worse than the fat Kims of North Korea. Only difference is that she's doing it behind our backs (looting India).
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