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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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I completely agree with your view so far as I read here.

Actually Philippines is already China's "ally" - on key geo-political grounds, Philippines follows China closely; so does Vietnam, in spite of South China Sea disputes among them.

Indeed I don't understand why CMC and CPC ( those dimwits) wanna make Vietnam a national "enermy". There're a significant ethnic CHinese population in Vietnam. Many Vietnamese are mixed with Chinese blood. Plus, Vietnam is a Confucius state and had a close cultural bond with China throughout the history. Perhaps more importantly, Vietnam's size and her geo location are extremely important to to China's SE Asian and even South Asia stategy - a pro-China Vietnam would be crucial in the region. CMC and CPC should forgive that short unpleasant border conflict with Vietnam and win them over with trades.
Because when it comes to Viet Nam in particular, and the other two major countries that make up 'Indochina' -- Laos and Cambodia, China is a quasi-racist state, meaning China do not deem the three countries to be China's equals. Blood and cultural ties do not elevate them to that equal status. Great Britain and Europeans do not consider Americans to be their intellectual and cultural equals. Northern Viets have the greatest blood and cultural ties to China. Southern Viets have more Laos, Cambodia, and even Indian in them. Northern Viets have the institutional memories of China's historical condescension and contempt for the three 'Indochina' countries.
I am sure that there would be many PLA generals believe that China should support, both financially and military equipments-wise, Indian Maoists and other armed freedom fighters on the ground of Human Rights (look no further at how impoverish and hopeless life most Indians live under their oppressive New Delhi regime) , to put that artificial "India" ( only being able to put together by their colonial white masters) out of its pathetic misery. Then China would likely gain some appraisal as well from most parts of the world for doing the right thing.

The question is when those PLA voices could become the mainstream. Therefore, India’s trademark backstabbing on Wen during his recent visit is a good wake-up call for those harmonious CPC idiots.
I am sure that there would be many PLA generals believe that China should support, both financially and military equipments-wise, Indian Maoists and other armed freedom fighters on the ground of Human Rights (look no further at how impoverish and hopeless life most Indians live under their oppressive New Delhi regime) , to put that artificial "India" ( only being able to put together by their colonial white masters) out of its pathetic misery. Then China would likely gain some appraisal as well from most parts of the world for doing the right thing.

The question is when those PLA voices could become the mainstream. Therefore, India’s trademark backstabbing on Wen during his recent visit is a good wake-up call for those harmonious CPC idiots.
And would this be 'consistent' with you boys' oft repeated self-righteous claims that China do not meddle in other countries' internal affairs? Looks like China's rise in Asia may not so 'peaceful' after all, eh?
I am sure that there would be many PLA generals believe that China should support, both financially and military equipments-wise, Indian Maoists and other armed freedom fighters on the ground of Human Rights (look no further at how impoverish and hopeless life most Indians live under their oppressive New Delhi regime) , to put that artificial "India" ( only being able to put together by their colonial white masters) out of its pathetic misery. Then China would likely gain some appraisal as well from most parts of the world for doing the right thing.

The question is when those PLA voices could become the mainstream. Therefore, India’s trademark backstabbing on Wen during his recent visit is a good wake-up call for those harmonious CPC idiots.

India is already collapsing under the weight of numerous insurgencies.

If China were to simply block off the "Chicken neck" corridor during war time, that could cause the entire North-east India to secede from the union.
Because when it comes to Viet Nam in particular, and the other two major countries that make up 'Indochina' -- Laos and Cambodia, China is a quasi-racist state, meaning China do not deem the three countries to be China's equals. Blood and cultural ties do not elevate them to that equal status. Great Britain and Europeans do not consider Americans to be their intellectual and cultural equals. Northern Viets have the greatest blood and cultural ties to China. Southern Viets have more Laos, Cambodia, and even Indian in them. Northern Viets have the institutional memories of China's historical condescension and contempt for the three 'Indochina' countries.

C'mon, be realistic here. A small country like Vietnam can never become "equal" ( in geopolitical sense) with much larger counterparts, being China or else.

Friends yes; but "equal", unfortunately, no, just not realistic, ok? That however doesn't have to have a racist undertone, or mean that China should dictate, or even bully, Vietnam's internal affairs though.

I don't know too much about Vietnams'current internal politics, but I pressume that Northern Vietnamese are dominant domesticly in both economics and politics, correct?

Vietnam today seems to me a bit like late-Mao era of China, too paranoid. Reformers in Vietnam should get close together with China instead. This is a logical and smart conclusion which many Vietnamese and Chinese elites could agree, I reckon. I am confident, therefore, that Vietnam becomes China's friend and a strategic ally in the forseeable future. It's win-win.
I am sure that there would be many PLA generals believe that China should support, both financially and military equipments-wise, Indian Maoists and other armed freedom fighters on the ground of Human Rights (look no further at how impoverish and hopeless life most Indians live under their oppressive New Delhi regime) , to put that artificial "India" ( only being able to put together by their colonial white masters) out of its pathetic misery. Then China would likely gain some appraisal as well from most parts of the world for doing the right thing.

The question is when those PLA voices could become the mainstream. Therefore, India’s trademark backstabbing on Wen during his recent visit is a good wake-up call for those harmonious CPC idiots.

It would also be great when chinese help freedom fighters in Kashmir, my innocent kashmiri brothers being slaughtered in their own homeland, they are refugees in their own homeland. They need support from countries like china.
Because when it comes to Viet Nam in particular, and the other two major countries that make up 'Indochina' -- Laos and Cambodia, China is a quasi-racist state, meaning China do not deem the three countries to be China's equals. Blood and cultural ties do not elevate them to that equal status. Great Britain and Europeans do not consider Americans to be their intellectual and cultural equals. Northern Viets have the greatest blood and cultural ties to China. Southern Viets have more Laos, Cambodia, and even Indian in them. Northern Viets have the institutional memories of China's historical condescension and contempt for the three 'Indochina' countries.

listen, blood and cultural ties don't always make alliances, neither do they make hostility. two Koreans are Koreans but why they are at war with each other? Chinese don't share blood and cultural ties with Pakistanis, still why they are so friendly towards each other? there are many factors that work behind the making of every relationship, good or bad.

China should treat everyone as equals and China equally treats them who deserve that. Cuba is far away from China and China can't even expect any help from that country, still China treats Cuba with respect and dignity. Vietnam went overboard by irritating China with the help of the Russians and that resulted in the military conflict. but there was no quasi racism on the part of the Chinese leadership that led to the war. and yes, China should fear any threat that any country poses to China.
And would this be 'consistent' with you boys' oft repeated self-righteous claims that China do not meddle in other countries' internal affairs? Looks like China's rise in Asia may not so 'peaceful' after all, eh?

Its just an opinion "GLOBL COP".... Also except india nobdy hates china!
And india is disliked by almost all its neighbouring countries coz of its proxies....

Also uncle sam should look into his own f/...d up policies.
hey was wondering if there is any neighbor to china who at some point did not have some kind of land dispute....
Its just an opinion "GLOBL COP".... Also except india nobdy hates china!
And india is disliked by almost all its neighbouring countries coz of its proxies....

Also uncle sam should look into his own f/...d up policies.

And this is because Bharat has had wars with all her neighbour.
I mean look at the history, there is no empire, no country like bharat, It is the only entity in the history of mankind which fight with all her neighbour.
Pakistan 47,65,71,84,99
China 62
Maldives 1989
Sri Lanka 83-2009
Bangladesh Several skirmishes
Nepal(bharat tried but defeated by Maoists)

Bottomline is bharat cannot live peacefully with anyone
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And this is because Bharat has had wars with all her neighbour.
I mean look at the history, there is no empire, no country like bharat, It is the only entity in the history of mankind which fight with all her neighbour.
Pakistan 47,65,71,84,99
China 62
Maldives 1989
Sri Lanka 83-2009
Bangladesh Several skirmishes

Bottomline is bharat cannot live peacefully with anyone

ohhh yeeaahhh .... we are the bad boys.... live with it now... ha
C'mon, be realistic here. A small country like Vietnam can never become "equal" ( in geopolitical sense) with much larger counterparts, being China or else.

Friends yes; but "equal", unfortunately, no, just not realistic, ok? That however doesn't have to have a racist undertone, or mean that China should dictate, or even bully, Vietnam's internal affairs though.

I don't know too much about Vietnams'current internal politics, but I pressume that Northern Vietnamese are dominant domesticly in both economics and politics, correct?

Vietnam today seems to me a bit like late-Mao era of China, too paranoid. Reformers in Vietnam should get close together with China instead. This is a logical and smart conclusion which many Vietnamese and Chinese elites could agree, I reckon. I forsee, therefore, that Vietnam becomes China's friend in the forseeable future.
This is where you boys' study and understanding of history, vis-a-vis inter-states relations, is lacking. The US-UK-Euro analogy I presented is applicable only up to a point. Great Britain and the European countries can only resort of colonialism to assert themselves on the global stage. The young US continued to expand and grow on its own continent and over time grew a geopolitical prominence that eclipsed Great Britain and Europe.

Viet Nam can never be like post-Revolutionary US with plenty of room and resources to exploit, grow and possibly eclipsed larger countries. Viet Nam, if wishing to assert some measure of independence on the world stage in general and in Asia in particular, must take after post WW II Japan, where the people and the country's leadership abandoned imperialism and concentrate on economic prowess. Japan has nowhere the natural resources as the three 'Indochina' countries and Japan eclipsed China in many ways, from economic prowess to geopolitical stature, in Asia in particular and the world in general. The UK is a member of UN Security Council, a group whose membership is based largely upon nuclear arms. Japan, alongside South Korea, would be members of an economic 'security council' on a global scale, if there is such an official organ, and past economic rescues done by either countries reinforce that perception. Unable to emulate the young US after a bloody severance from Great Britain, Viet Nam will not look to China but to the West for a geopolitical severance from a condescending and contemptuous China.
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