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China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976:


Apr 4, 2012
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China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976: scientist - Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China launched a large missile on Monday that reached 6,200 miles above the earth, its highest suborbital launch since 1976, according to a U.S. scientist at Harvard University.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the rocket was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in western China, and China said the rocket carried a science payload which studied the earth's magnetosphere

He said the rocket could possibly be used in the future to carry an anti-satellite payload on a similar trajectory, but there was no evidence to indicate the launch was intended to test such a capability.

The United States remains concerned about China's development of anti-satellite capabilities after it shot a missile at one of its own defunct satellites in orbit in 2007, creating an enormous amount of debris in space.

Monday's rocket launch was similar to launches using the Blue Scout Junior rocket that were conducted by the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s for research on the Earth's magnetosphere, McDowell said in an emailed response to questions.

The launch came less than a week after U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter unveiled what he called a "long overdue" effort to safeguard U.S. national security satellites and develop ways to counter the space capabilities of potential adversaries.

The Pentagon also released an 83-page report on Chinese military developments that highlighted China's increasing space capabilities and said Beijing was pursuing a variety of activities aimed at preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a crisis.

A Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on the Chinese rocket launch.
This will be used to target GPS satellites in Medium Earth Orbit. No GPS means no more Tomahawks. :omghaha:

U.S. sees China launch as test of anti-satellite muscle: source | Reuters
The Tomahawk cruise missiles were lethal BEFORE the advent of GPS. If you do any basic research you would have found that the GPS constellation were declared operational for secured use ten years after the introduction of the Tomahawk cruise missile.

Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In service 1983-present

Global Positioning System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gulf War from 1990 to 1991, was the first conflict where GPS was widely used.

Full Operational Capability (FOC) was declared by Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) in April 1995, signifying full availability of the military's secure Precise Positioning Service (PPS).

But please...Do continue to make yourself the fool...
The Tomahawk cruise missiles were lethal BEFORE the advent of GPS. If you do any basic research you would have found that the GPS constellation were declared operational for secured use ten years after the introduction of the Tomahawk cruise missile.

Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Global Positioning System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But please...Do continue to make yourself the fool...

I agree, however I will add that US forces rely too much on satellite systems and in case of a war between two major powers with ASAT missiles, one of them being the US (regardless of how unlikely this is, still...), US forces and command structure may end up fumbling over itself if it's sats were targeted and successfully destroyed.

What I'm trying to say is that the US armed forces may end up being a huge blind army.
TERCOM doesn't work very well over water gambit. Stop being a troll. :omghaha:
Conscript reject, bodies of water are members of the terrain. They can be mapped via radar returns, or they can replace with other signatures...

TERCOM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When flying over water, contour maps are replaced by magnetic field maps.

There are other techniques but you would just get confused. You do not have the intelligence for it.

But please do continue to make fool out of yourself.

I agree, however I will add that US forces rely too much on satellite systems and in case of a war between two major powers with ASAT missiles, one of them being the US (regardless of how unlikely this is, still...), US forces and command structure may end up fumbling over itself if it's sats were targeted and successfully destroyed.

What I'm trying to say is that the US armed forces may end up being a huge blind army.
I hope everyone shares your attitude. I really really do...

Nothing is sweeter than victory through being underestimated.
Conscript reject, bodies of water are members of the terrain. They can be mapped via radar returns, or they can replace with other signatures...

TERCOM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are other techniques but you would just get confused. You do not have the intelligence for it.

But please do continue to make fool out of yourself.

I hope everyone shares your attitude. I really really do...

Nothing is sweeter than victory through being underestimated.

Not really underestimating anyone, the US would still win in any such war, as they would still have the biggest gun in the fight. I'm just saying that the US would suffer needless casualties.
TERCOM doesn't work very well over water gambit. Stop being a troll. :omghaha:

You don't necessarily use TERCOM all the time and in every situation. There are other ways too. You can actually have a GPS / coordinate based data on a hard drive and the mission control computer can use it in different ways. SAR is also another example for systems like the Tomahawk.

The US has been a champion and a pioneer in precision strikes way before the GPS was widely available. So China being able to take out a few GPS sats... doesn't have any significant impact.

While I can see China advancing but doing a direct comparison with the US military or making new Chinese toys or tech a 'direct threat' to the US military might... is a silly comparison and out of touch with reality
Once GPS is lost, the Tomahawk has INS and TERCOM. Neither are very accurate when your launch platform is a moving ship in the middle of the ocean. :lol:

Once GPS is lost, the Tomahawk has INS and TERCOM. Neither are very accurate when your launch platform is a moving ship in the middle of the ocean. :lol:
The only thing you know about INS and TERCOM is how to spell them, let alone the basic principles how they works.

But please continue to make a fool out of yourself...
Conscript reject, bodies of water are members of the terrain. They can be mapped via radar returns, or they can replace with other signatures...

TERCOM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are other techniques but you would just get confused. You do not have the intelligence for it.

But please do continue to make fool out of yourself.

I hope everyone shares your attitude. I really really do...

Nothing is sweeter than victory through being underestimated.

You mean like the Chinese victory over the US military in the Korean War? :lol:

The only thing you know about INS and TERCOM is how to spell them, let alone the basic principles how they works.

But please continue to make a fool out of yourself...

You don't know the principles, that's why you are making personal attacks. You do this when you have no comeback. It's your escape clause. :lol:
don't underestimate. the US didn't use any of those gadgets to win in ww2.

neither usa nor germany or japan have GPSs during ww2.

In present time, it depends on the extend of the american war gadgets' reliance on GPS and its allies' navigation systems

one which still maintains its navitgation system has the edge, for sure!
neither usa nor germany or japan have GPSs during ww2.

In present time, it depends on the extend of the american war gadgets' reliance on GPS and its allies' navigation systems

one which still maintains its navitgation system has the edge, for sure!

Yes, all the C4ISR. Live data transmittion and feed depend on GPS. If US satelite is knocked out . US joint armed force of tri service doctrine will deem useless.

US is basing its modern warfare on its satelite. Becos only very modern arm forces can take out the Satelite. And they miscalculate and China can up its technology level that fast that it has the abilites to take out satelite.

You can see US response to China ASAT in 2007 with a big wooha.. Satelite and GPS are US modern armed forces lifeline.
don't underestimate. the US didn't use any of those gadgets to win in ww2.

But now they do, and they rely on it heavily. I'm not underestimating anyone, the US is not the same as it once was in the past, without the high tech gadgets, US regular forces are at a major disadvantage.
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