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China military power almost equal to USA in East Asia

For a 3rd world country as claimed by your premier, and being 20 years behind the US on militray tech as your generals have stated- your brainwashing writes checks that your body can't cash

It was more than good enough to cash and kick the Yankees out of North Korea :lol:

And let us say you are wrong.

Then you better doubt your PLA because the most 'combat experience' the PLA have to date came from beating up monks and running over students.

What experience does the US have? Does getting smacked by the PLA and running away constitute experience? :lol:
How about raping women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam? Does that constitute experience?
It was more than good enough to cash and kick the Yankees out of North Korea :lol:

Is that what the Chinese brainwashing revisionist history books tell you? The fact that their are now two parts of Korea should be the first clue.
Suppose that american descision makers share this assesment. What would then the china pivot mean if it is not sustainable? One explanation would be bad planning which I doubt, and another would be that the americans are for the time being asserting themselves in hopes of delaying chinese expansion which still in the end would be futile and a waste of resource if the premise is correct. So what remains?
Before my time passes one man will rule this world
Before my time passes one man will rule this world

One person ruling the world? That would be a nightmare.

Wrong. PRC defeated both USA and Soviet Union as well as weaklings like India and Vietnam. Recently we defeated Philippines and Japan even while USA looked for an opportunity to intervene (and are in the middle of spanking India again). Nobody has a decorated victory record like PRC.

There is a reason why China is such a big country.... and getting bigger and bigger as we secure our maritime periphery! We have thrown down the gauntlet to USA.... the winner will be the paramount superpower of the Eastern hemisphere! :)

China's rift with Japan is open challenge to U.S. - The Japan Times

Review & Outlook: China's Territorial Ambition - WSJ.com

lol HongWu, you cannot take back what you have said! :D

We know your true feelings on how China ranks vs the US. Your handler might get mad at you though... :D
You just proved my point. The fact that there are two Koreas proves my point. :lol:
Indians....clueless about history :lol:

China is one of the most developed and yet most ancient civilizations.

Hope it never goes to war with anyone.

There is no need for China to send military to tiny islands and create mayhem.

If there is no war, all these islands will open to Chinese companies anyway,

Chinese companies are doing exploration and extraction of oil and minerals all over the world.

Which is a clear proof that you don't have to physically occupy an area, in order to get benefit out of it.

How does it matter if the comparison is only about East Asia - what happens when we compare China and US in the North Atlantic or the Pacific or for tha t matter any other Seas?

He is just saying fear China like US when it comes to east Asia. This is basically trying to tell India that hey we are super power here so watch out.
so basically what the thread trying to say is the entire chinese defence..pla+plan+plaaf is equal to that of just a wing of u.s navy in the region..
At the same time, the report said that for the foreseeable future, China would not follow the former Soviet Union in becoming a global rival to the United States. Rather, it said, China would remain a regional power with a narrow strategic focus on territorial disputes with its immediate neighbors.

I'd say this foundation is heavily paid by Chinese interest group if it ignore the obvious.

China has way more interest than the US in Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and of course Pacific Ocean, or say Africa, South America Austrilia and even in Europe, out of its huge economic might. I only foresee China in the next decade will build up its military global presence as fast as possible as No Nation will let its own interest fall into Other's hands.

China is not an idiot nation.
whats new about it.while USA is other side of Pacific,China is an East Asian Country.no doubt they would have better power projection there than USA..it would surprise me if they wouldn't have(actually i'm surprised for the phrase "China is nearing")..Still China is lacking the power projection in East Asia than USA??but USA doesn't even have very much effective strength there..
whats new about it.while USA is other side of Pacific,China is an East Asian Country.no doubt they would have better power projection there than USA..it would surprise me if they wouldn't have(actually i'm surprised for the phrase "China is nearing")..Still China is lacking the power projection in East Asia than USA??but USA doesn't even have very much effective strength there..

the US has many bases and of course the carriers(and things like giant strategic air lifters which china is still working on). China has venture out on the sea only recently, it projects power just fine on its borders but not so much on the seas where there's a whole crowd, including japan, us, sk, roc, russia etc.
This report says in East Asia, which means, right next to China. US are always going to be at a disadvantage, so far away from US, you can have bases in the region, but the majority of your forces is still in the US.

So Near or equal or even surpass US within THIS decade is not as big a deal as it sounds, as all it says is China can deny access to US in the Seas and countries near China. China will have massive advantage just base on the fact we are already here.

The hard part is in a neutral spot. And eventually right into the heart of US, if that is even possible, with what the US can't even do that to China now, and I doubt China can advance so far beyond US in my life time for this to happen.

People always assumed that we always be at a disadvantage with our enemies from the distance when in fact we can go far even. We adapt to it. Remember what happened to the Barbary Pirates when we had no bases and our nation was young.

Remember the Doolittle Raid when Japan thought they own all of the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. No bases.
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