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China Military Buildup Shifts Balance of Power in Asia in Beijing’s Favor

Ballistic missile does not change course.... get that fact.
to change course mid-air, you can have cruise missile.... ballistic missile will drop on the predetermined place, and interception of them with AWAC will give enough time to any carrier to move away slightly, unless missile carries Nukes.

Maneuverable reentry vehicle ballistic missiles can do that. The DF-41 is an example, it also has a range of 15,000 km.
They have guidance systems, the missiles can themselves change course and since aircraft carriers are slower, they are much easier to target.

And once we upgrade the DF-21D with HGV warheads (which we have currently tested multiple times), we can nearly double their range (to strike across the planet), not to mention vastly increase their speed and accuracy, and most importantly maneuverability.

There is no defence system in the world that can currently intercept HGV warheads due to their speed, however the bigger point is the maneuverability of the HGV vehicle.

If you maneuver once in mid-flight, all the defence systems have to re-calculate the trajectory of the missile, every time. And send another interceptor to meet it, every time.

Not to mention at HGV speeds, the missile could reach its destination in a handful of minutes. How long does it take to detect it, if the launch location is unknown, launched from a submarine for example?

And we will be firing these in massive swarms, not just one missile but a rain of missiles. It will always be more cost effective than building a new carrier, by miles.
Dude, read my earlier posts to get some idea about diffrence in BM and cruise missile....

Tell it to the US defence department, who are constantly complaining about the threat of the DF-21D carrier killer ballistic missile to their carrier fleets.

Here is a report from the US Naval institute in 2009:

Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers | U.S. Naval Institute

S. Naval Institute
March 31, 2009

With tensions already rising due to the Chinese navy becoming more aggressive in asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the U.S. Navy seems to have yet another reason to be deeply concerned.

After years of conjecture, details have begun to emerge of a "kill weapon" developed by the Chinese to target and destroy U.S. aircraft carriers.

First posted on a Chinese blog viewed as credible by military analysts and then translated by the naval affairs blog Information Dissemination, a recent report provides a description of an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that can strike carriers and other U.S. vessels at a range of 2000km.

The range of the modified Dong Feng 21 missile is significant in that it covers the areas that are likely hot zones for future confrontations between U.S. and Chinese surface forces.

The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. supercarrier in one strike.

Because the missile employs a complex guidance system, low radar signature and a maneuverability that makes its flight path unpredictable, the odds that it can evade tracking systems to reach its target are increased. It is estimated that the missile can travel at mach 10 and reach its maximum range of 2000km in less than 12 minutes.

Supporting the missile is a network of satellites, radar and unmanned aerial vehicles that can locate U.S. ships and then guide the weapon, enabling it to hit moving targets.

The system marks the first time a ballistic missile has been successfully developed to attack vessels at sea. Ships currently have no defense against a ballistic missile attack.
DUDE, really?
MIRV is not for missile my dear friend... It is for warhead. Once the missile has entered into atmosphere the warhead breaks into 10-12 parts and drops itself onto the larger area. The MIRV concept is applied in case of NUkes, not for conventional warhead.... And you do not expect China to Nuke US of A's aircraft carrier.. do you?
Where do you put a warhead, oh right on top of a fucking missile.
They also cry for a lot of things just for the sake of crying. You do not expect them to be just sitting with fingers crossed. If you are developing carrier killer, they would have developed anti carrier killer 20 years ago. Believe it or not, they are more than 2 decades ahead of China.

You can believe what you want. Maybe you know more than the US navy itself. :lol:

The bottom line is that we seized the Scarborough shoal from the Philippines in 2012, and despite having a "mutual defence treaty" with America, the USA decided to abandon their ally.

I guess they don't like the idea of trading their expensive Carriers with thousands of personnel on board (not to mention the aircraft) for a mass produced swarm of cheap DF-21D carrier killer ballistic missiles.

Like the US analyst in the original article said, we can produce thousands of DF-21D for the cost of an American carrier, and their own US experts admit that it can destroy a carrier in a single strike.

All it takes is one, and we will be launching enormous swarms of missiles. We have the largest manufacturing base on Earth, we can manufacture these systems at a faster rate than any other country on Earth, for a fraction of the cost.
:lol: bluffing China? Last time i recall you guys did back down on the oil rig crisis. Get used to it, we are expanding our islands in SCS. Lets see what our midget Communist brother is gonna do about it.
no, it is you who withdrew the oil rig a month before the dead line. just keep your delusion.
you expand by increasing your islets. well, we do with ours, too.
Ballistic missile does not change course.... get that fact.
to change course mid-air, you can have cruise missile.... ballistic missile will drop on the predetermined place, and interception of them with AWAC will give enough time to any carrier to move away slightly, unless missile carries Nukes.

You love talking BS, don't you?

See the report from the US Naval institute again:

Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers | U.S. Naval Institute

S. Naval Institute
March 31, 2009

With tensions already rising due to the Chinese navy becoming more aggressive in asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the U.S. Navy seems to have yet another reason to be deeply concerned.

After years of conjecture, details have begun to emerge of a "kill weapon" developed by the Chinese to target and destroy U.S. aircraft carriers.

First posted on a Chinese blog viewed as credible by military analysts and then translated by the naval affairs blog Information Dissemination, a recent report provides a description of an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that can strike carriers and other U.S. vessels at a range of 2000km.

The range of the modified Dong Feng 21 missile is significant in that it covers the areas that are likely hot zones for future confrontations between U.S. and Chinese surface forces.

The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. supercarrier in one strike.

Because the missile employs a complex guidance system, low radar signature and a maneuverability that makes its flight path unpredictable, the odds that it can evade tracking systems to reach its target are increased. It is estimated that the missile can travel at mach 10 and reach its maximum range of 2000km in less than 12 minutes.

Supporting the missile is a network of satellites, radar and unmanned aerial vehicles that can locate U.S. ships and then guide the weapon, enabling it to hit moving targets.

The system marks the first time a ballistic missile has been successfully developed to attack vessels at sea. Ships currently have no defense against a ballistic missile attack.
I highly welcome you to mess your military prowess with the United States. Stop bullying weaker and smaller opponents. Fight against someone of your size.
when did we bully the other ? I see only you have been bullying since your message in the thread.
when did we bully the other ? I see only you have been bullying since your message in the thread.
you issue fishing ban over the south china sea, basically demanding our fishermen to be jobless.

you deployed oil rig into our eez along with missile guided warships, fighter jets, transport ships carrying anti aircraft missiles, tankers, steel fishing vessels that rammed our vessels, etc...

you steal, rob, beat our fisherman when/if they violate your perceived waters.

you refuse to negotiate a code of conduct. even during the cold war, the superpowers America and Soviet Union agreed to a such of conduct to avoid a war by accident.

what do you think of who you are?
you issue fishing ban over the south china sea, basically demanding our fishermen to be jobless.

you deployed oil rig into our eez along with missile guided warships, fighter jets, transport ships carrying anti aircraft missiles, tankers, steel fishing vessels that rammed our vessels, etc...

you steal, rob, beat our fisherman when/if they violate your perceived waters.

you refuse to negotiate a code of conduct. even during the cold war, the superpowers America and Soviet Union agreed to a such of conduct to avoid a war by accident.

what do you think of who you are?
LOL, YOU concoct the story, intends to overlook the fact that the SCS has been chinese waters since ancient times.
if it is not a part of china , even if the other give us ,we don't want to accept it ,either. if it is china waters, on the basis of histroy records.we will surely work hard for it ,the other don't think of seizing it.there is chinese proverb:it is not your property, even you would love to get it, you cannot possess it ,either.and vice versa
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LOL, YOU concoct the story, intends to overlook the fact that SCS has been chinese waters since ancient times.
if it is not a part of china , even if the other give us ,we don't want to accept it ,either. if it is china waters, on the basis of histroy records.we will surely work hard for it ,the others don't think of seizing it.there is chinese proverb:it is not your property, even you would love to get it, you cannot possess it ,either.and vice versa
don´t bullshit!

for thousands of years, china had never controlled the south china sea, until recently, you took paracels and part of spratlys from vietnam and philippines by force. china did not have a concept of sea sovereignty in ancient times.

show me documents or maps that included the sea as yours! show me proofs that you had army troops, officials stationed on the islands! show me something that you "administered" the sea!

can you?

and at all, do you know what sovereignty is? Sailing through the waters is too little to claim that is yours.
don´t bullshit!

for thousands of years, china had never controlled the south china sea until recently you took paracels and part of spratlys from vietnam and philippines by force. china did not have a concept of sea sovereignty in ancient times. show me documents or maps that included the sea as yours!

Sailing through the waters is too little to claim that is yours.

Bullshit's man is exactly you ,you say no is just no ? who do you think you are? The ancient chinese history is beyond suspicion
.Don't concoct the story again!
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you issue fishing ban over the south china sea, basically demanding our fishermen to be jobless.

you deployed oil rig into our eez along with missile guided warships, fighter jets, transport ships carrying anti aircraft missiles, tankers, steel fishing vessels that rammed our vessels, etc...

you steal, rob, beat our fisherman when/if they violate your perceived waters.

you refuse to negotiate a code of conduct. even during the cold war, the superpowers America and Soviet Union agreed to a such of conduct to avoid a war by accident.

what do you think of who you are?
bro, no need to be angry. theoretically speaking, if vietnam's economy and military is reversed with china i am 100% confident our military would do the same thing--except we would be a lot more aggressive in scs than these chinese
Dont count US warmongering reports.
It is just an announcement from US for next arms build up.
Thats all.US have 11 CBG .And whole world know its offensive power backed by advanced Nuke submarines.
China would become powerful than US in future.But they need at least 2 decades for realize their modernization.
Well said.

In a conventional war, it is likely that we both crash our economy.

Since China is not Imperial Japan; Imperial Japan's production capability was only 10% of the US, while China's production capability is 150% of the US.

yeah and military if PLAN goes down , they will make sure that USA wont remain strong enough to claim to be Super power anymore ..
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