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China may not overtake America this century after all

Here is the average salary in China...

China's 2011 average salaries revealed |Economy |chinadaily.com.cn

There goes your %50 domestic consumption. :lol:

Do you even see how you contradict yourself as highlighted?

That is sheer nonsense. There are many segments of the Japanese industry where the Japanese at least rival and even outperformed the American counterpart -- the auto industry for example. Or how about my own semiconductor manufacturing for another example. You want this argument to be taken seriously? Try supporting it with a credible economist.

Average salary is irrelevant. China's massive middle class population is more than enough to absorb most of the domestic production. China is already the 3rd largest overall consumer and the largest or 2nd largest consumer of many products such as automobiles, PC, smartphone, luxury goods, etc.

The average wage is brought down when you include the poor in China. But the Chinese middle class ALONE is bigger than the entire population of most countries. China is full of savings and a strong currency has dramatically increased domestic consumption.

China's Global Ranking:

Nominal GDP (2)
Net Investment Position (1)
Population (1)
Land Area (3)
Labour Force (1)
External Assets (5)
Gross Savings (1)
Total Investment (1)
Manufacturing (1)
Consumer market (3)
Luxury market (1)
Agriculture (1)
Industry (1)
Services (3)
Household Wealth (3)
Millionaires (4)
Billionaires (2)
Fiscal Revenue (3)
Fiscal Expenditure (3)
Trade (1)
Exports (1)
Imports (2)
Annual FDI (2)
Total FDI stock (7)
Annual ODI (5)
Total ODI stock (10)
Foreign Exchange Reserves (1)
Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets (1)
Gold Reserves (5)
Reserve Currency % (?)
SWIFT payments currency (14)
Banking Assets (3)
Insurance market (?)
Hedge Fund industry assets (?)
Mutual Fund industry assets (?)
Stock market cap (5)
Bond market size (5)
Foreign Exchange market (?)
Commodities trading market (?)
Derivatives market (?)
Military spending (2)
Weapons exporter (3)
Number of Scientists (1)
Number of Engineers (1)
R&D spending (2)
Patents granted by WIPO (?)
Fortune 500 global brands (2)
Supercomputers Top 500 (2)
Electricity production (1)
Electricity consumption (1)
Cement production (1)
Cement consumption (1)
Raw Material production (?)
Raw Material consumption (1)
Automobile production (1)
Automobile market (1)
Expressway Length (2)
High-Speed Rail Length (1)
Waterway length (1)
Pipeline length (1)
Rapid transit system length (1)
Airports (?)
Aircraft production (?)
Aircraft market (2)
Ports (?)
Shipbuilding (1)

IPO market (?)
M&A market (?)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (?)
Advertising market (3)
Internet market (1)
E-Commerce market (2)
Online Gaming market (1)
Real Estate market (?)
Construction market (1)
Construction Machinery market (1)
Art market (1)
Luxury Watch market (1)
PC market (1)
Smartphone market (1)
Tablet market (2)
LCD TV market (1)
Home Appliance market (1)
Toy market (3)
Movie market (2)
Lottery market (2)
Grocery market (1)
Pharmaceutical market (5)
Medical Device market (3)
Cosmetic market (3)
Tourism earner (4)
Tourism spender (1)

• Base Metals:
Steel production (1)
Steel consumption (1)
Iron Ore production (1)
Iron Ore consumption (1)
Copper production (?)
Copper consumption (1)
Aluminium production (1)
Aluminium consumption (1)
Zinc production (?)
Zinc consumption (1)
Lead production (?)
Lead consumption (1)
Nickel production (?)
Nickel consumption (1)
Tin production (1)
Tin consumption (1)
Tin reserves (1)

• Precious Metals:
Gold production (1)
Gold consumption (2)
Silver production (3)
Silver consumption (2)
Platinum production (?)
Platinum consumption (1)
Palladium production (?)
Palladium consumption (1)

• Energy:
Energy production (1)
Energy consumption (1)
Shale Gas reserves (1)
Coal production (1)
Coal consumption (1)
Oil production (4)
Oil consumption (2)
Natural Gas production (7)
Natural Gas consumption (4)
Nuclear production (?)
Nuclear consumption (?)
Hydropower production (1)
Hydropower consumption (1)
Wind power production (1)
Wind power consumption (1)
Solar power production (1)
Solar power consumption (1)

• Agriculture:
Cereal production (1)
Cereal consumption (1)
Rice production (1)
Rice consumption (1)
Wheat production (1)
Wheat consumption (1)
Corn production (2)
Corn consumption (2)
Soybean production (4)
Soybean consumption (1)
Cotton production (1)
Cotton consumption (1)
Sugar production (3)
Sugar consumption (2)

Meat production (1)
Meat consumption (1)
Pork production (1)
Pork consumption (1)
Beef production (3)
Beef consumption (1)
Poultry production (1)
Poultry consumption (?)
Fish production (1)
Fish consumption (?)

Fruit production (1)
Fruit consumption (?)
Apple production (1)
Apple consumption (?)
Orange production (4)
Orange consumption (?)
Banana production (3)
Banana consumption (?)
Pear production (1)
Pear consumption (?)
Peach production (1)
Peach consumption (?)
Plum production (1)
Plum consumption (?)
Watermelon production (1)
Watermelon consumption (?)

Vegetable production (1)
Vegetable consumption (?)
Tomato production (1)
Tomato consumption (?)
Carrot production (1)
Carrot consumption (?)
Potato production (1)
Potato consumption (?)
Cabbage production (1)
Cabbage consumption (?)
displacing the US dollar as the sole currency will not happen bar some cataclysm that leaves China untouched and economically prosperous and all other major countries devastated both economically and physically.

There was a reason the US dollar became the sole international currency aside from being economically prosperous...

So, 2008 wall street financial crisis then.
So, 2008 wall street financial crisis then.

not enough economic damage, certainly not enough physical damage. You know what i'm referring too.

Countries didn't make the US dollar the international currency simply because the US was prosperous, it was because there was no other choice.

Or rather the other choice was the Soviet Ruble.
too bad for zhina, better luck next century, brothers. and maybe cleaner milk products also while you improve
too bad for zhina, better luck next century, brothers. and maybe cleaner milk products also while you improve

Too much hatred of any group of people is not healthy for your mental, you know. Using racist name of China as your handle ID is despicable. It wont hurt anyone but yourself.

Also in your signature, wtf is 圖博??? Tibet or Tubo is written 吐蕃, derived from the 7th-9th century kingdom in Today's Tibet. I doubt you are even Chinese from Taiwan or Taiwanese if you don't even know what Tibet means in Chinese.
Too much hatred of any group of people is not healthy for your mental, you know. Using racist name of China as your handle ID is despicable. It wont hurt anyone but yourself.

Also in your signature, wtf is 圖博??? Tibet or Tubo is written 吐蕃, derived from the 7th-9th century kingdom in Today's Tibet. I doubt you are even Chinese from Taiwan or Taiwanese if you don't even know what Tibet means in Chinese.

did I say anything false? do mainland products have high quality? mainlanders, honestly, such small ego. why are you living in US, then, if you love China so much?

and also, what do you mean by fanboy of nationalist party? you mean, you support the kmt??
did I say anything false? do mainland products have high quality? mainlanders, honestly, such small ego. why are you living in US, then, if you love China so much?

and also, what do you mean by fanboy of nationalist party? you mean, you support the kmt??

The irony in your post is too much for me to respond. Also I only commented on your handle ID and your signature. This will be my last response to you.
The irony in your post is too much for me to respond. Also I only commented on your handle ID and your signature. This will be my last response to you.

sigh...this thread was about china and America, not about the Tibetans, or what I believe in.

it is my signature, and I choose to use it, just as you choose yours. if you really don't understand, which does surprise me (a little), ask your better-educated zhina friends what "圖博" means, some at least should understand why I used it as part of my signature. it is my sign of respect for the Tibetan people over yours. that is all.
Saxons ruled Britain from around 4th century A.D to 9 century A.D (I have to get the dates right here). Some of them gave up their paganism and adopted Christianity. These guys integrated into Britain society becoming Anglo saxons. Just like Mongols in Chinese society.

Saxons are physically and mentally tough guys who terrorized Europe with their raids and looting.
A little different, the native Britons were killed or driven out (the Welsh are remnants)

LOL. You must be joking right? The Renaissance, The Industrial Revolution all of its are product of Capital. The Renaissance for example are undeniable proof what money can do to human society.


You think this Sh*t is cheap to make!
You are both right to an extent.....it takes a sea change in attitudes.....along with money.
did I say anything false? do mainland products have high quality? mainlanders, honestly, such small ego. why are you living in US, then, if you love China so much?

and also, what do you mean by fanboy of nationalist party? you mean, you support the kmt??

Of course China produces high quality products. There is a reason why China is the biggest exporter of manufactured goods in the world, but if you are so poor that you never actually had the money to afford the high quality ones...well, my condolences to you.
Some Chinese person I work with told me that china will have a housing collapse in 10 years because of the single child policy. Children are going to inherit 4 houses each (from Grandparents) and are going to sell 3. That would destroy any housing market. Is this valid? It made sense the way he described it.
Another useless Gordon Chang article. At least the person remind me of Gordon Chang.

The collapse of America or China are very popular. The reason is that of all the countries in the world, these two are the ones that will not collapse. Can't say the same about the country that follow the word "incredible"
A little different, the native Britons were killed or driven out (the Welsh are remnants)

You are both right to an extent.....it takes a sea change in attitudes.....along with money.

Welsh in Saxon Language means Strangers :cheers:
Some Chinese person I work with told me that china will have a housing collapse in 10 years because of the single child policy. Children are going to inherit 4 houses each (from Grandparents) and are going to sell 3. That would destroy any housing market. Is this valid? It made sense the way he described it.

Single child policy was abolished a couple of years ago. According to one of my relative, who is a Government employed health officer in China, couples are allowed the Second Child after a gap of 5 years and still get the perks.
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