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China May Have Supplied Libya Arms


Nov 18, 2010
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China May Have Supplied Libya Arms

After raiding numerous Gadhafi compounds, documents upon documents have been found that may reveal China has attempted to aid Libya with arms against the rebels. These documents have not been verified yet, and the Chinese government denies any direct involvement of the Chinese government with selling arms to Gadhafi. Supposedly these documents, or word of these documents reached a Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and the story is well known now because of this newspaper, many find there is a good possibility the story might be true. The NTC believes the documents are not fake and they provide strong proof that Gadhafi was buying weapons from China state owned arms manufacturers.

In these documents, there are signatures for orders from Chinese government officials. and it appears to those generals who defected from Gadhafi’s regime early that he began using new weapons they knew he did not have before. China maintains it has not strayed from the U.N. Security Council resolutions that banned arms exchanges with Libya. From the documents taken, however, China also gave Gadhafi pointers on how to get weapons from other countries, recommending taking weapons from Algeria since all you’d have to do is cross the border. Also, China was not in favor of allowing NATO to use a air force to protect the Libyan people.

According to these documents, at least $200 million dollars worth of weapons China was trying to sell to Gadhafi’s regime. Both China and Algeria have not as of yet recognized the NTC as the legitimate ruling body of Libya, but Algeria promises it will shortly
China is godfather of all despotic regimes. Or may be they see a economic opportunity everywhere !

China denies arms sales to Qaddafi, admits meetings took place - CSMonitor.com

As usual China has denied this allegation too !

Wait a minute - so they( china) agree the meeting took place---
but are asking the world to believe they did not know what was discussed? Come on---they can track Wei when he breaks a vase but somehow are in the dark when large arm suppliers in their country meet Ghaddfi’s Libyan reps who happened to get a visa to China smack in the middle of the conflict _and make an appointment with arms suppliers!... ;)
Christ there is a thread running on this already spanning 3 pages long, check before you post a new thread. Mods please merge
IF true, then it was a pretty stupid move by the Chinese government.
No use for China to supply arms to Libya,for Libya has no army.
What was China thinking ? Whatever ! China's weapons didnt help Gadhafi ! Now it looks like they have scored a self goal !

Rift between China, Libya deepens over weapons dealings with Gadhafi - The Globe and Mail

What were US and UK thinking sending people to old Gadd to be tortured in connection with their rendition flights etc?

In any event it is clear that it was a civil war and the west never mind giving the odd weapon to one side provided a free air force to one side. What were they thinkin? Steal oil?
In west media, all bad things probably have relations with China. But actually the biggest devils are the westerns themselves.
In west media, all bad things probably have relations with China. But actually the biggest devils are the westerns themselves.

You are right. They have a good propaganda. I have noticed that we are brainwashed into accepting articles from west as gospel but lots of posters here knock press tv, rt news or anyone that does not follow a pro western line

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