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China Lost World War II

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Followed by you logic:

You can not deny that vietnam is ruled by China till now, if you considered Paracel Islands is yours.

idiot logic. So Taiwan people is under protectorate of USA.

There is disputed in SCS.
unlike Indians where you are forced to learn English otherwise you'll be poor and forgotten, in China we don't need English that much. such is the difference between a 1 trillion economy and 10 trillion economy.
typical Indian analysis.
Bro, India's colony history didn't begin with Britain. Long long before that, since 11th century, India had been Muslims' colony. It continued 700 years, from Delhi Sultan to Turkic Mughal. You know the famous Taj Mahal is an Islamic-style building. Shameless Hindustani, why not to continue the Non-violent resistance? Argue for what? @Nick81
lol, k, you think its fake statistics. but then the physical infrastructure is there. You think that the physical infrastructure, the average life expectancy, the literacy rate, the electricity/steel/computer production, the benchmarked supercomputers, the Nature published papers, the seismic data and orbital data verified nuclear and missile testing - all fake? A **** ton of things with evidence collected not by China but by the US, Russia and EU would have to be fake for China to even be merely twice as good as India instead of literally 10x better.
China has public ownership of the means of production, living standards are going up and public infrastructure is some of the best in the world. Regardless of what you say lol.

@Hu Songshan
Bro, India's colony history didn't begin with Britain. Long long before that, since 11th century, India had been Muslims' colony. It continued 700 years, from Delhi Sultan to Turkic Mughal. You know the famous Taj Mahal is an Islamic-style building. Shameless Hindustani, why not to continue the Non-violent resistance? Argue for what? @Nick81

How does it feel to be the last Asian country to (somewhat) get rid of colonialism. The incredulity of all your anti-colonial nonsense must escape you. China was under colonial occupation till as late as 1997. And even when they left, they ensured that Hong Kong and Macau would never become fully integrated into the Mainland. What could you do about that? Great anti-colonial power my a**! You could put up no resistance whatsoever, not even non violent resistance! Argue for what? Silly Han man...
How does it feel to be the last Asian country to (somewhat) get rid of colonialism. The incredulity of all your anti-colonial nonsense must escape you. China was under colonial occupation till as late as 1997. And even when they left, they ensured that Hong Kong and Macau would never become fully integrated into the Mainland. What could you do about that? Great anti-colonial power my a**! You could put up no resistance whatsoever, not even non violent resistance! Argue for what? Silly Han man...

We know indian official langue is English.
We know US army is still based in japan, south korea and many Asian countries.
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How does it feel to be the last Asian country to (somewhat) get rid of colonialism. The incredulity of all your anti-colonial nonsense must escape you. China was under colonial occupation till as late as 1997. And even when they left, they ensured that Hong Kong and Macau would never become fully integrated into the Mainland. What could you do about that? Great anti-colonial power my a**! You could put up no resistance whatsoever, not even non violent resistance! Argue for what? Silly Han man...

No, China has not been fully out of colonialism, you know, Dawang, Sikkim, is still under Hindustanis' colonial occupation. Our sister in blood Manipurese, Asamese are still under aggressive Hindustanis' colonial occupation. Facts hurt me.

I suggest you all contain your respective nationalism and return back to the topic. Thank You.
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